If your child will be absent for Sunday PSR class please: email: [email protected] or
on Sunday morning, call: 513-753-2548
The First Reading shares that, in the midst of incredible tragedy - losing all of his children and all of his wealth, then being stricken by a painful disease - Job cries out his sorrow. Having held firm with his trust in God, his friends laid out all the reasons he should be devastated, and at last he voices his mourning.

In the Responsorial Psalm the psalmist voices his trust in God, who heals the brokenhearted, be it from physical or spiritual loss. If our life is physically difficult or there are struggles with relationships, personal life, or our connection to God - anything that has us down or feeling that a situation is hopeless - we are the brokenhearted!
And God IS here for US!
Ask for help in whatever way you can and He WILL send help.

In the Second Reading St. Paul speaks clearly and strongly - but accurately - about our responsibility to pass on the Good News of God. We are not all called to abandon everything in life and reside in a desert, but we are to share the love, joy, and Truth in "our station" in life. For this were we created and on it we will be judged:
Did I love others enough to give them what they needed most
when they most needed it, even when they didn't want it?

So much is revealed in this Gospel!
As you read Jesus' actions,
ponder what they might mean in His day and
how you might imitate His example in your life!
1. Jesus leaves the place of worship to visit the home of one He knows. 2. When a sick person is made know, He heals the sick person.
3. Upon being made whole, the sick person immediately begins
to serve, not preaching to the world,
but simply meeting the needs that are within her "station in life."
4. Those who come for healing, well after meeting the time when people rest at home, receive healing - both physical and spiritual.
5. Even as Jesus performed miracles to heal, He silenced demons to prevent them from speaking aloud that He is God.
The fallen angels who set themselves against God,
they knew Him, while those coming to Him for help did not.
6. To have quality time in prayer,
Jesus slipped out before others awoke to a secluded space.
7. Jesus was pursued because His generosity and goodness attracted people to Him.
8. Discerning (probably during #6) that He had fulfilled God's Will for Him in that place, Jesus followed God's prompting to serve elsewhere.
9. Jesus does not state that they shall move to another location for people to bring their sick, but for the purpose of preaching.
10. Jesus does enter other synagogues to preach - but He continues the merciful act of healing the sick who are brought to Him.
Newsy Notes
First Communion
1. Return your Registration information and
2. Feedback from Presentation
both found at: https://conta.cc/39PPMfs

Current 8th grade Confirmation
Decision Point Lessons - Keep them going!
Retreat - Holy Thursday - April 1st!
12:30 - 8:30pm - watch for more details!

Current 7th grade Confirmation
You should have received a Confirmation Preparation email.
This amazing journey - for your youth and your entire family - begins!

Fridays in Lent
5:00 - 8:00 pm Boy Scout Fish Fry
New! Drive-Through Only & Option to Pre-Order
7:30 pm Stations of the Cross -
"Way of the Cross" and Benediction

17th - Ash Wednesday - Lent begins!
19th - Stations of the Cross and Boy Scout Fish Fry
24th - Parish-wide Lenten retreat: SEARCH begins
Click here to learn more: https://sttmformation.org/the-search

28th - Palm Sunday

3rd - Easter Vigil - RCIA candidates become Catholic!
4th - Easter Sunday
11th -Divine Mercy Sunday

“A woman’s heart should be so close to God
that a man should have to chase Him to find her.”

– C. S. Lewis
Greetings Parents!

After hearing the receptionist mention the cost of a recent medical service, my son asked, "Do you get reimbursed for that?" I simply answered that insurance covers our medical costs. He once hid an injury so we wouldn't have to pay for care. Those are moments a parent's heart melts with love and gratitude - for his generosity and for knowing that empathy is alive in their heart. Then the parent part of - "You need to tell me if you don't feel well!" kicks in to gear.
It was really touching to see him moved by the realization that there is a sacrifice, by us, for him. In younger years, we all tend to assume that it's what a parent does, has to do. I shouldn't have to feel special gratitude because they shouldn't be doing differently. Eventually we overcome that selfish mode and also realize that not every parent does what they should. We suddenly notice our parents see their friends less as they get us to our activities more. And hopefully that initiates more "Thank-you's" and even completing chores before their due!

Turning to faith, it makes me question my gratitude for God. How many of His actions in my life now do I recognize? How many of His actions in the past have I recognized (usually more looking back)? And how many of His actions in our human history do I appreciate? Do I take these for granted? Do I ponder the fact that He didn't need to do this, that He chose to do this, and that He has sorrowed over both my failures to make good choice and the failures of those who never repented? And does pondering these realities affect my gratitude - or love - for Him?

Have I matured to my son's stage where I realize that He sacrifices for us, whether we are grateful or not, and this makes us want to hurt Him less. We want to reduce His suffering. Did you know that our sins are what cause Jesus' suffering on the cross? Every sin that was committed or would be committed fell on His shoulders, across His back, into every open wound. But every sin I regret and overceom - those are consolations that reach to Him in that time and offer consolations, make lear that His suffering is not without reward for someone.

Lent begins soon. Just today I heard a conversation on pondering, contemplating, the wounds of Christ. Perhaps this year we could give up time to make a quiet space (I have at times escaped to a locked car) and think of Christ's wounds, maybe just one, or maybe a few. It seems like a depressing activity - but the gratitude and joy that can well up as we realize the depths of God's Love - these are a gift that can never be taken away!

Hug your children tight and remind them everyday of how much God does for them because He loves them!

-- Linda Bader, Coordinator of Religious Education

P.S. Did you know... C. S. Lewis, who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia to reflect our Christian Salvation History, was a prolific writer of fiction and philosophy, among other talents. His fiction was sometimes veiled philosophy and theology speculations - he made us think! While he did not convert to Catholicism, he accepted increasing numbers of the Church's dogmas and doctrines as he aged. His writings are quoted by many Catholics, including recent popes St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict. It is well worth pondering his insights into humanity's relationship with God!