Palm Sunday and Holy Week are
especially important services for Catholics.
Religious publishers are offering their resources Free during this unusual time. Click the button to be led through the Palm Sunday readings portion of the Mass.
It is family-oriented, uses short videos, and includes sections in which you participate, not just watch.
In the reading for the Procession with Palms it is made clear that Jesus knows what is going to happen, the intense suffering and death.
He actively cooperates with God's Plan that will lead to His crucifixion and death - for us!
For now, the people praise Him, recalling the healings and other miracles He performed and believing that He would establish a new Kingdom for the Jews, that they would no longer be persecuted.

In the First Reading , Isaiah speaks the Words of God as
Jesus will live them this Holy Week. In these days
when our faith and values are mocked and derided, when the voices of those who want to help are silenced, and when godlessness is praised, remember that Jesus bore these insults and sufferings,
He did not yield to the majority, and so humanity was redeemed.

In Psalms , we can probably echo the complaint of the psalmist, feeling abandoned by God when trials weigh heavier than we feel our shoulders can bear. Remember, however, to read to the end -
when the psalmist ends by praising God.
St. Paul recalls how the second Person of God relinquished wielding His Power when He took on humanity and its suffering.
Recall that this suffering exists because humanity did not heed God's loving wisdom. Jesus' fulfillment of God's Will elevated Him beyond the Garden of Eden to heaven and a more intimate union with God.
Through the Gospel we hear of Christ's final days and witness humanity's response to His pure love.
Take time this Sunday to dwell in this Gospel, imagining
how those close to Jesus felt as they lived through these days.
Ask the saints who were present
to expand your understanding and deepen your faith and gratitude.
Watch the Mass this Sunday
(many online offerings and 2 options at the buttons below)
Pray the following during reception of Communion
until we can receive the Real Presence of our Lord again.

My Jesus, I believe that You are
present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things and
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
Adoration before the Tabernacle
The Church building is open from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Can't make it to Adoration?
View Perpetual Adoration at MarytownChapel in Chicago.

Pray the Stations of the Cross this week - or daily at any time - click the button. Pray for an end to the virus and for aid to all those sick, jobless, or otherwise hurt by the happenings throughout the world.

HOLY WEEK - Plan for how to make this week special in a holy way
The First Communion Retreat scheduled for April 25th
is cancelled.
Be watching for updates on First Communion Preparation!
Newsy Notes
Everything remains canceled.
Watch for updates on sacramental preparation.

T his is the holiest week of the year - what do we do?
We offer up everything that is upsetting, disruptive, and frightening to the Lord and ask for His Loving and Healing hand to touch everyone -
body, mind, heart, and soul.
Click below for activities to participate in
Holy Week preparation for the coming of Easter.
Opportunities for Confession before Easter:

St. Bernadette Parish
Sunday 8:00 am - Noon in the sacristy

Guardian Angels Parish
Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 pm

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish:
Confessions held DAILY (except Sundays):
Monday: 9:00-10:00am - Tuesday: 6:30-7:30pm - Wednesday : 9:00-10:00am Thursday: 6:30-7:30pm - Friday: 9:00 -10:00am - Saturday: 3:30-4:30pm
Medita tion
"O souls! Seek a refuge, like pure doves,
in the shadow of the crucifix.
There, mourn the Passion of your divine Spouse,
and drawing from your hearts
flames of love and rivers of tears,
make of them a precious balm with which
to anoint the wounds of your Saviour.”
- St. Paul of the Cross .
Greetings Parents!
        Holy Week is almost here and I'm hoping we will all be in a state of grace! (We shall be visiting IHM for confession before then!) We are doing well though, each person overall rising to the occasion of accepting the current inevitable home-bound, still have school/work, and we can't not be together situation. Another month... how do we do this?
        Being blessed with great parents, we thought we were fully ready for parenting - just do what our parents did. That worked a few years until we hit situations my parents never encountered. We muddled through, but here we are again in a situation without my parents role-modeling as a guide. Talk shows offer plenty of advice, but their worldviews start at a different place than ours, so how do we proceed? It is an unusual time -the world usually goes on when a family or even community faces trials, and that "going on world" provides aid and a sense of stability to those struggling. World wars have affected most of the world, but not to forcing everyone inside and away from community and worship.

         It has been uplifting to see organizations working together, sometimes at their own loss, to support one another and the people involved. With the month's stay-at-home extension and the reduced income from sales, companies are running out of money to pay their employees. One company cut top level salaries of people who still are able to work to so that those whose jobs in their company require on-site personal contact can still receive a portion of their salary AND maintain insurance benefits. The top priority is not profit, but assisting employees through the crisis - which requires that they stay solvent too.

           People are reaching out to those who could be in need. Neighborhood children play frisbee because they can stay far apart and then wash their hands. My mom has been called by my cousins who never called her before - just to say, "Hi" because she's alone. More people are home and doing yard work - having conversations across their yards to see how everyone is doing. On the news we hear the good stories of people helping people - it is wonderful!

         It causes one to wonder if God permitted this as a way to stem the division, intolerance for those with differing opinions, and the venomous and vile words being spewed and published daily. We share this land and this world - and what could make this more obvious than a virus shutting down our daily lives all at the same time. The sufferings of others are our sufferings too, and could be in our neighborhood and home any day. When has the entire world been so united in one goal? When have our prayers been this unified for one purpose? Consider carefully all the ways that God might be trying to reach you with a message. These are unprecedented times and anything unprecedented can be a sign from Him or a time when we can be open in a new way to His very real involvement in the world and our lives. At this moment, I think He is pleased with our "love of neighbor." Hopefully we can please Him with our love and attention to Him as well.
             Hug your children tight and remind them of God's love, power, and incredible care for each of us daily. Help them look for God's hand in the little and big events of their life, the lives of those around them, and the world. May God bless you and your families abundantly!

-- Linda Bader, Coordinator of Religious Education

P.S. Did you know... Angels have different roles and the highest of the nine choirs of angels is the Seraphim, who joyfully choose to be constantly before God singing His praises. Who or what is so amazing in your life that you would want to praise or talk about him/her/it constantly (if you could find someone with the same enthusiasm or willing to listen)?
Here are a few ideas for those looking for something new or different, and a link to the daily Mass readings.