All Masses remain canceled through May 3rd.

PSR : Please pick up your child's religion book in the back of church
and help him or her to complete it.

First Communion Families
Banners should be completed and placed on the table in the back of church ! Those should be turned in as soon as possible!

The Church is open from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!
Our First Reading in the Easter Season comes not from the
Old Testament, but from the Acts of the Apostles.
A book worth reading,
the Acts of the Apostles tells the story of the Church's beginnings.
Jesus appeared to the Apostles,
who were later inspired to preach by the Holy Spirit,
converting three thousand that day -
the early Church was not small after this!

The Psalms recall the Salvation story - God chose Israel, and many times He acted to save them, giving them cause for rejoicing.
They don't sugar-coat the reality of the suffering and shame endured, but their faithfulness is rewarded in everlasting measure!
St. Paul echoes the Psalms in the Second Reading -
recalling both the trials and the glory.
He revels in God's Glory and Goodness - extended to us!
Today's Gospel for us is heard a week after the Passion and the Easter morning stories about Jesus' Resurrection.
For the Apostles, this happens the same day
as the women reported Jesus' disappearance.
The Apostles struggled to believe the story of the women who claimed Jesus was Risen and the empty tomb seen by Peter and John.
Jesus appears to them all in a locked room.
His arrival dispels their unbelief -
except for Thomas who was not present.
He did not believe the other Apostles - and the women -
how many would have been enough?
But before we judge, how many times have we been asked to give our full commitment to Christ - and yet
we held back because we didn't quite fully believe?
Watch the Mass this Sunday
(many online offerings and 2 options at the buttons below)
Pray the following during reception of Communion
until we can receive the Real Presence of our Lord again.

My Jesus, I believe that You are
present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things and
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
Adoration before the Tabernacle
The Church building is open from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Can't make it to Adoration?
View Perpetual Adoration at MarytownChapel in Chicago.
First Communion Pictures are being rescheduled to the morning of the First Communion Celebration on May 17th. Watch for more updates as we are made aware of gathering restriction changes.
Newsy Notes
Everything remains canceled - except
for personal prayer at home and visits to Church - keeping your distance from others!
Watch for updates on sacramental preparation.

Divine Mercy Sunday
The graces of this gift - direct from Jesus Himself
in the 1930's, can still be received in these unusual times.
Click the link below to find out how...
" I know well that the greater and more beautiful the work is,
the more terrible will be the storms that rage against it."
-St. Faustina
Greetings Parents!
      Lent has finished and the Easter season has begun. For those on vacation this week - it might be a bit more joyful to not have schoolwork to teach or oversee. But it doesn't quite feel the same.We do get to celebrate for longer though - for 50 days! Alleluia! While it might "make sense", it can be still be a shock to our system to be living the loss of community - if not for adults who still need to work, then for our children. We might get to see one and talk with one another, but, as my mom has been lamenting, "I miss being able to hug."
      Still, as always happen, there are some wonderful happenings as well. Children are becoming bored with technology - feeling the loss of human interaction. Those who thought living in a basement playing video games all day was a nice goal are finding out for themselves now how empty life is when directed solely inward and escaping others. Neighbors who have waved and perhaps even simply said, "Hi" in the past are engaging in conversations - from across yards. Relatives and friends are finding ways to visit those living alone - sitting outside a distance apart or some inside and the others outside, a screen door and distance between them. The point is that people are looking out for each other, recognizing needs and trying to fill them for others, even while living with inconvenience themselves. One creative daughter is calling a few cousins each week (over 40 to choose from) and asking them to call her mom, whose working grandchildren moved out to keep her safe. Her mom is thrilled, not knowing these people are prompted, but incredibly moved by the thoughtfulness and breaking her monotony.

      God is of course in the mix - our mom has seen more wildlife than ever before, although little has changed in her neighborhood. More deer than ever pass by twice daily, squirrels, chipmunks, and rabbits travel across her yard, and sometimes on her deck. The birds are in the greatest number too, with a number of colorful cardinals swooping by, all day long. And the weather, mostly sunny and that nice warm spell - got people motivated to work outdoors. Our first assignment from God - to care for a garden - and here we are looking forward to the task...

          In the midst of these difficulties, He provides - and prompts others to provide - consolations. He is always offering good to us - this Sunday is a prime example - Divine Mercy Sunday. St. Faustina as the saint to whom Jesus appeared - and her quote is one to ponder at this time. We are in the midst of a strange, but terrible storm - what good does God have planned that the devil and his compatriots wish to stop? Those who had worked to come into the church during the Easter Vigil are delayed - he always interferes in that, at least with the individuals. What other good is coming, for God's Plan is inevitable, only our individual actions and destinations are for us to choose - although the destination of each person can be influenced for the good by every person. The Divine Mercy message is that God loves so much - He will forgive everything if we will admit we need admit our weakness and wrongs and seek His aid. And we can pray for others to receive greater Divine intervention that they might be forgiven and saved for all eternity.
             Hug your children tight and remind them of the hope we all have because of the assurances given that if we truly try to know and love God, He will bring us the rest of the way. If we fully yield our sense of knowing everything and seek to know what He wants us to know, He can fill our hearts to overflowing, lifting us back into joy whenever we fall. There is an amazing Easter awaiting each of us who prepare for it. Joy and happiness can be ours - both then and now, if we keep our eyes on Him. May God bless you and your families abundantly!

-- Linda Bader, Coordinator of Religious Education

  • P.S. Did you know... Thrones and Dominions are two more choirs of angels. The Thrones contemplate God's justice and power while the Dominions oversee the lower choirs - not as overlords, but filled with God's love and care for those who need things done that they cannot do for themselves. Remember - the angels are with God because they willingly and joyfully live out His love for all Creation.