Receive the greatest gift - God's Very Presence!
Celebrations of Mass have resumed!
Confession is available - shed those moral falls prompted by COVID isolation - Receive Christ in purity!
Please observe posted guidelines for everyone's safety.
In the First Reading , Moses travels up Mt. Sinai with the stone tablets to receive the Ten Commandments. Prompted by "seeing" the Lord pass by, he praises God and then asks for His mercy on the stubborn people God asked Moses to lead.
The Psalm rejoices in its praise of God, a beautiful song of joy in which one's heart overflows with gladness.

PEACE with others - that is the message of St. Paul in the Second Reading . Live properly to bring peace and joy in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and one another.

Here in one of the most quoted Gospel passages, God's love for us is expressed in the sacrifice He was willing to make for our sake.
Would you allow - and enable -
your children to suffer horrifically and die for the sake of others - including some who would forever spurn them?
His Love is real, intense, and pure.
Not to condemn, but to save.
He came to teach and show us the way to authentically live and love.
Newsy Notes

We have sacramental dates!

First Communion Families
First Communion Celebration Date: September 20, 2020!

Confirmation Families
8th grade Confirmation - October 4, 2020

7th grade: Continue watching Decision Point videos online!
C onverse with your youth through the assigned chapters.
It is a gift for opening dialogue with them!

“Keep your heart in peace and let nothing trouble you,
not even your faults.
You must humble yourself and amend them peacefully,
without being discouraged or cast down,
for God's dwelling is in peace.” 

– Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
Greetings Parents!

     Moods are up in our home, with schoolwork being a thing of the past (for a few months) and a pattern established that enables time with friends. Some moaning and groaning begin the day as they peruse today's "chores and projects." I'd think there'd be some guilt at the complaining, but it seems they cannot begin without being certain we're fully aware that this is a CHORE, not just a past time for them. Listing items in order and offering broad timeframes to complete them or ensure shade, these yield a grudging thanks. A new complaint was that Dad and my names were not on the chart - so I added them, our working for salary time and all the little things we do in between. This was met with a sigh while the little wheels turned seeking another reason for complaining. On the positive - they do get them done!

          While getting frustrated with my children for not just saying "OK" to the inevitable - and standard - expectations, I squirm interiorly thinking of how I "know" God's expectations, yet still I grumble. Jesus made clear that this life would be one of sacrifice and suffering - if we are following Him as we should. Not that every moment is torture, but when we're faced with more work than we want or illness we tried to avoid -well, He said it would be this way. This isn't a surprise. It's the necessary cost of living now to share in the joy and rest (from pain and exhaustion) we seek in heaven.
          Even more, why do I grumble? It annoys me when they do - they know Dad and I work far more hours than they do, they know they have the chores to do, they know that the harder the projects for the day the more likely they are to get a favorite treat - be it edible or an unusual excursion. How annoyed God must get! Here I am grumbling that they grumble! I know they will, it's always been known that raising children is work along with all of the incredible rewards, and I know that no matter how bad it gets,He is with me and the reward is endless - we just need to wait longer than a day for that inconceivable, eternal joy!

           And just as I don't want other children to see our children grumble, God probably prefers that we we not spread our unhappiness with His way for our lives. I know He has my best interest in mind, He knows everything, He is perfect love and perfect justice, He knows the past AND the future. If He has laid out a path for us, He walks every step with us - which is more than I do with my children for many chores! If my children fussed about every inconvenience and chore as much as I do (in my head) for each situation that is not according to my plan, there would be serious disappointment in my tone with them.

          And still, God loves us as the perfect parent who recognizes the child's faults and imperfections and works with us in correcting them. He does not get annoyed the way we do - our annoyance rising from frustration at not getting our way. Instead He loves so perfectly that sorrow or "annoyance" comes because He wants the good for each of us but we avoid it, choosing something else we'd rather do. And then, when we "get it," confess our stubborn wilfulness away, and head down the right path again, God doesn't condemn, but all of the previous wrong turns are irrelevant! And there is great joy in heaven!
             Hug your children tight - and help them know the expectations of their Christian and Catholic life. Help them be prepared against the masses that will tell them it is too hard and they shouldn't have to suffer. Those are the words of the evil one - the great liar. Jesus never lied - and He said there would be pain. But He also said the rewards will be great in heaven!

-- Linda Bader, Coordinator of Religious Education

P.S. Did you know... The choir of angels celebrates their reward now- even as they strive to help us attain ours? They are with the Presence of God! Their full reward comes when we are fully with them in heaven as well!