** New** All Masses are now canceled through May 29th.

First Communion Families
Banners are due May 4th on the table in back of church
The First Communion Mass has been postponed

Confirmation Families
8th grade: Patron saint names are needed - Send to Linda!
Encourage your youth to be researching his or her saint.

7th grade: Continue watching Decision Point videos online
and conversing with your youth through the assigned chapters.
It is a gift for opening dialogue with them!
How deep would our hearts sink, learning that we misjudged someone and caused them incredible harm?
And the fear when we learn that this Person was God?
In the First Reading , Peter's words bring this reality home to the Jewish people, including probably some
who had cried out for Jesus' crucifixion.
And then imagine the relief and resulting hope, hearing that you were not condemned for your mistake but actually are invited to reconcile!
Through St. Peter's words (and God's grace), 3,000 were saved!
Psalm 23 is well-known, a source of comfort and strength in times of distress. It speaks of God's active care and concern for each and every one of us. No true need will be left unfulfilled - and the psalmist rejoices for the hope and security that comes with utter trust in Him.
In the Second Reading , St. Peter encourages us when others, including the many, stand against us. When we feel we have done everything right, but others, sometimes the many,
become outraged and unreasonable, it is easy to doubt ourselves.
Look then especially to God and those who follow Him authentically.
Make every action with love for God and for all other people,
even your "enemies," and God will be with you. Final judgment will reveal those who did good, those who acted in willful ignorance, and those acting through selfishness or maliciousness.
In the Gospel , Jesus says that his sheep hear His voice.
If a sheep doesn't hear or recognize His voice, will it be stolen away?
To be led securely through danger or guarded with full confidence
in our Protector, these depend on
our ability and willingness to know and follow our shepherd's voice.
Can I choose the good and right if I am far from Christ -
or will I mistake for His Voice
my own wisdom, the wisdom of the world,
or nefarious intentions of others ?
Spend time each day ASKING Him to help you hear only Him.
Newsy Notes

Exciting News!
Pray for the restoration of community at Mass through a...

Re-Consecration of our Nation
to Mary by our Bishops!

Please Participate! Every soul's intention moves heaven that much more!
Friday, May 1, 2020, 3:00 pm
Our country's Bishops will re-consecrate the United States to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Under her title of “Mary, Mother of the Church”

According to Archbishop José Gómez of Los Angeles, President of the USCCB:

 This event “will give the Church
the occasion to pray
for Our Lady’s continued protection
of the vulnerable, healing of the unwell,
and wisdom for those who work to cure this terrible virus.”

Participate in Mass on Sundays and weekdays too!
Join with our Lord through the Spiritual Communion Prayer during the online Mass's reception of Communion.

My Jesus, I believe that You are
present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things and
I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
Adoration before the Tabernacle
St. Thomas More Church is open from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
or View Perpetual Adoration from home at Marytown Chapel in Chicago.

“Now, if the Councils, the Fathers, and even experience
show us that the best means of remedying the irregularities
of Christians is by making them call to mind
the obligations of their Baptism, and
persuading them to renew the vows they made then,

is it not only right that we
should do it in a perfect manner,
by this devotion and
consecration of ourselves to Our Lord through His holy Mother?

I say "in a perfect manner,"
because in thus consecrating ourselves to Him,
we make use of
the most perfect of all means, namely, the Blessed Virgin”

― Louis De Montfort, True Devotion to Mary
Greetings Parents!
    "Can't I see just one friend Mom?" Normally saying, "No" is not a big deal - in a few days or another week, the answer is likely to be , "Yes." Now, however, I know the sincere longing behind the question. My mom laments during each phone call that she has not had a hug for months, "Can't we just do back bumps as a temporary hug?" People were made for community and communion - and how evident this is becoming to those who are separated without a definitive end in sight.
     This is a good time to remind our children and ourselves to speak with our guardian angels daily. We miss those we can't see, but those we are seeing everyday... oi vey! We might be wishing for a little less time together - not permanently, just a break. Hearing the inspirations of our guardian angel can only help - and knowing someone else is there - someone from God - can be a bit comforting and more productive than talking to ourselves. You can even talk to the guardian angels of the others in your family too! I tend to find myself asking them to get others to behave differently - which I don't believe is God's purpose for them in our lives... More productive, I think, is when I can shed what "I" want and ask the guardian angels to help us come to a more harmonious relationship.
             Hug your children tight - have them make a card or picture and mail it to a friend - or even ... gasp, write a letter. Electronic messages are good - but it just isn't the same as receiving a paper in the mailbox that shows more than a couple clicks-worth-of-thought were spent on me.

-- Linda Bader, Coordinator of Religious Education

P.S. Did you know... Archangels are enlightened by the choirs above them, and most commonly referenced in the Bible for their role as messengers of God. Archangel Michael is referred to as a Prince of the Seraph, the leader of the angels after Lucifer rebelled. St. Michael the Archangel has been called upon by the Church throughout the centuries to lead the angels in protecting the Church from the malicious acts of the devil, the fallen angel, whose name is now Satan.