Parent Teacher Talk
October 6, 2019
27th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Luke 17: 5 - 10
In the first reading , the author implores God to intervene to end his misery. God "finally" responds by having the author record His Words, admonishing the rash , but offering hope to the faithful.

The Psalm implores the people to praise God, taking time to notice both His blessings and the God who is always present and
active in our lives. Do not be apathetic, ignoring or denying
that all good that comes to us comes from Him.

St. Paul also implores his readers to embrace the faith wholeheartedly, not in fear over what others might say about their fervor,
but with all the passion deserved by God
who gives all out of love for our greatest good.

The Gospel
The message of the first three Scripture passages come together
in the Gospel when Jesus states that one with
the faith of a mustard seed could move a mountain.
Consider Mother Teresa who started as one nun in a foreign environment wanting to help the suffering and forgotten
- she won the Nobel Peace prize!

Yet she gave always the glory to God, as Jesus said to do,
seeing herself simply as a servant who willingly
followed the will of her Master, a loving God.
Her faith in God overcame apathy, fear, and a natural revulsion for
the filth she embraced when she embraced those trapped in that filth. With our own mustard seed of faith,
what small acts is God calling us to do?
October PDH = Parish Dining Hall
6th............. First Reconciliation and Retreat, 11:15 am - 2:00 pm, PDH with Light refreshments
................... Pregnancy Blessing after the 10:00 am Mass in the Marian chapel
................... Life Chain 2019 - Join us along Ohio Pike from 2:00 - 3:00 to remind our neighbors ......................that all people have value beyond our comprehension, including children in the
......................womb, people with disabilities, and the elderly
19th........... Catechist Day of Reflection held at St. Veronica Parish (Receive Vocare credit!)
24th............ First Reconciliation Gathering - Special Guest: Fr. Bill! Reconciliation re-enactment
3rd............ All Soul's Reception after the Noon Mass, PDH
.................. Daylight Savings - An extra hour of sleep!
20th........... First Reconciliation Celebration!! WEDNESDAY, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm in Church
24th........... RCIA Rite of Acceptance
28th........... Happy Thanksgiving! Remember to Whom we owe thanks on this day
1 st............ No PSR, RCIA, or CLOW - Thanksgiving break
7th........... 8th Confirmation Retreat - Jesuit Spiritual Center in Milford
8th........... Baptism Preparation for parents expecting a child (through pregnancy or ................. adoption) or already have their blessing home and wish to have them baptized
22nd - ...... Christmas Break! Celebrate our Lord's birth Dec 25th and honor Him by
Jan 3rd..... Celebrating the Solemnity of Mary on Jan 1
Newsy Notes

2nd Graders: First Reconciliation - with at least one parent
Preparation for sacrament begins Oct. 6!
Gather in the Parish Dining Hall at 11:15 am
Light refreshments provided.

2:00 - 3:00 pm in front of church
Only 1 Hour - Here at Church
Bring only yourselves (and a chair if you wish)
And stand witness to the reality that
human souls are created by God,
were enlivened through God's own breath
and that because HE values each one regardless of their
health, ability, age, or residence,
We should as well!
When a country makes laws that a child must be left to die on a table because one person doesn't want the child to live,
is it a country "under God?"
Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

Held during the 10:00 am Mass for ages 6 - 5th grade
Participants can assist with the readings - watch for the flyer through school, PSR, and CLOW for details and to sign up.

Pregnancy Blessing
The next pregnancy blessing for couples and families expecting a child will be October 6th after the 10:00 am Mass
in the Marian chapel.
Did you know...
Adoptive parents awaiting their child can receive a blessing?
We all need extra graces when we prepare for
the gift and responsibility of parenthood!


Registration for Basketball now open for all parish boys and girls can play on parish sports teams
Hard deadline to register is Friday October 11 th

"Do not think that love,
in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary.
What we need is to love without getting tired.
Be faithful in small things
because it is in them that your strength lies.”

--St. (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta
Greetings Parents,

Finally! Cooler days are here! As I drove back from my sons' school while trying to pray the rosary to a CD, the sorrowful mysteries played and I thought of the power of redemptive suffering. I pondered the ways we can make sacrifices, like at Lent and then beyond. Little comforts we enjoy can be avoided or delayed - drinking coffee after my return instead of before (unless I need it to stay awake on the road that morning!). Some saints (and people still living) sleep on the floor when they want to offer greater sacrifice but have a very busy life. Pondering the ways I can offer up something on behalf of people I know who are in especially trying times, I was feeling pretty good about my morning reflections, being prayerful and all.

Then I realized that while pondering I had turned the heat on in the car and all vents toward me, but was wishing I could have cool air on my face and warm on my feet. If only.... In the midst of pondering how to "offer up" for others, I automatically set the temp controls to be more comfortable. "Physician, heal thyself" came to mind - I am great at pondering but how often do I apply my so-called amazing insights to my life?

How good I am at explaining to my children all the ways they can improve themselves, even in small ways to never grow stagnant, but do I really take my own advice? Yes, super-busy as are most Moms and Dads these days, but the little things... a one-minute conversation with God if I haven't been having any. Stopping each time I meet someone or am upset with someone to remember that at their side is an incredible holy angel who loves them immensely. Whatever I say or do needs to be done in an honorable way! Little prayers and little acts with big consequences.

St. Therese of Lisieux was called St. Therese of the Little Way because she made her focus at all times to simply try to do the best right thing in small ways. Poor in health, she knew she couldn't do grand things - or so she thought. Someone recognized the value of her insights and had her record her ponderings. These are now read throughout the world and she has the rare privilege of being named a Doctor of the Church. Oh yes, all of this was accomplished before her death at the age of 24.

So help your children "offer up" the little things - especially when they have a concern for someone or a difficult issue in their life. And remind your children of their guardian angel who will guide them in knowing what to offer up and how to work through a difficult issue. May God's blessing pour upon your family in abundance!

- Linda Bader, CRE, St. Thomas More
Articles for Parents
A new saint? Yes! They happen all the time! Actually, everyone who has died and reaches heaven, most likely, but not necessarily always, through Purgatory, they are all saints!

So I do believe some of my loved ones are there now and some are at least on the way. But God gives us to know that some people are for sure in heaven through signs and wonders. When people are known to have died while living well their faith, the Church can investigate, then those who believe in the person's holiness can ask for their intercession. When a miracle occurs through their intercession, we believe God is providing the "signs and wonder" to confirm our belief that the person was so holy that they arrived quickly in heaven. Read about a recent event for a man well known to St. John Paul II.
Sickness and death - why did God place these in the world? Actually, God did not. They are evils that are a natural consequence of the fallen angels and first people turning away from the good. Evil is an absence of good. God did not create evil. He created good. Not choosing good results in evil, and thus we have sickness and death. It is "only" for a time, although that can be small comfort in the midst of suffering. It should help, though, to know - as many before us (and many living without God now) did not - Jesus conquered evil, death, and suffering. A time is coming when there will be no more of those for those who choose God.

The button below links to a brief reflection on this Sunday's Gospel in which we see Jesus again heal a suffering person. It's also a reflection from a former pope!
A principle is only an ideal until it hurts to live it.

I don't remember when I first heard this, but am pretty sure it was grade or high school. It stuck, obviously. A young man at the link below did an unpopular and unexpected thing, he forgave. He could justifiably be furious and beyond for a pain and grief so deep inflicted by another. Instead, he forgave. Read the incredible example we all need to see more often - and live even more!