April 2021
"Teachers plan the seeds of knowledge that will grow forever"


  • All New Yorkers age 16 and older are now eligible for the vaccine. While the vaccination process is underway, New Yorkers should continue to wear a mask, social distance, avoid large gatherings and follow all other health guidelines.

  • COVID vaccines are widely available at pharmacies, local health departments, clinics, Federally Qualified Health Centers and other locations across the state. Use the Vaccine Finder  to find appointments near you or contact your local pharmacy or provider. To schedule an appointment directly at a New York State-run site, go to New York State's vaccine scheduler and follow the instructions. Appointments are not transferrable.

COVID & Child Care

We know that the health and safety of your child is your top priority and seeking child care during the COVID-19 pandemic can be challenging. Here are some health and safety tips to consider when evaluating child care programs:
Does the program conduct daily health screenings for staff and children? 
Programs should perform daily health screenings upon arrival, which should include questions, taking temperatures, and looking for visual signs of illness. Symptoms can include a cough, sore throat, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing, gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, or extreme fussiness. Programs should create and document a daily log of child and staff screenings.  
COVID y cuidado infantil

Sabemos que la salud y seguridad de su hijo es su principal prioridad y buscar cuidado infantil durante la pandemia de COVID-19 puede ser un desafío. A continuación, se incluyen algunos consejos de salud y seguridad que debe considerar al evaluar los programas de cuidado infantil:
¿El programa realiza exámenes de salud diarios para el personal y los niños?
Los cuidadores deben realizar exámenes de salud diarios a su llegada, que deben incluir preguntas, tomar la temperatura y buscar signos visuales de enfermedad. Los síntomas pueden incluir tos, dolor de garganta, respiración rápida o dificultad para respirar, síntomas gastrointestinales, fatiga o inquietud extrema. Los programas deben crear y documentar un registro diario de las evaluaciones de los niños y del personal.
Child Care Referrals & Resources
As the weather warms up and more time is spent outdoors, we must keep in mind all the strategies necessary to keep children safe while in the sun. Your child's child care program should continuously evaluate their sun safety policies and procedures to help keep children protected from exposure to the sun.
The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage your skin in as little as 15 minutes. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) UV Index predicts UV radiation levels on a 0 to 11+ scale; higher levels indicate a higher risk of overexposure to UV rays.
For more information and ways to stay protected, click the button below.
Stay Safe in the Sun
Infants / Bebés
Positive Parenting

Following are some things you, as a parent, can do to help your baby during this time:
  • Talk to your baby. She will find your voice calming.
  • Answer when your baby makes sounds by repeating the sounds and adding words. This will help him learn to use language.
  • Read to your baby. This will help her develop and understand language and sounds.
  • Sing to your baby and play music. This will help your baby develop a love for music and will help his brain development.
  • Praise your baby and give her lots of loving attention.
  • Spend time cuddling and holding your baby. This will help him feel cared for and secure.
  • Play with your baby when she’s alert and relaxed. Watch your baby closely for signs of being tired or fussy so that she can take a break from playing.
  • Distract your baby with toys and move him to safe areas when he starts moving and touching things that he shouldn’t touch.
  • Take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Parenting can be hard work! It is easier to enjoy your new baby and be a positive, loving parent when you are feeling good yourself.
Consejos de crianza positiva de los hijos

Estas son algunas cosas que usted, como padre, puede hacer para ayudar a su bebé en esta etapa:
  • Háblele a su bebé. Su voz lo calmará.
  • Respóndale cuando haga sonidos repitiendo los sonidos y agregando palabras. Esto ayudará al bebé a aprender a usar el lenguaje.
  • Léale. Esto lo estimulará a crear sonidos y a entender el lenguaje.
  • Cántele y póngale música. Esto ayudará a que comience a apreciar la música y también ayudará a su desarrollo cerebral.
  • Elogie lo que hace su bebé y dele mucho amor.
  • Pase tiempo abrazándolo y cargándolo. Esto ayudará a que se sienta seguro y querido.
  • Juegue con su bebé cuando esté alerta y relajado. Déjelo descansar si muestra señales de cansancio o molestia.
  • Entretenga a su bebé con juguetes y llévelo a áreas seguras cuando comience a moverse y a tocar objetos que no debe tocar.
  • Cuide de su salud física, mental y emocional. La crianza y educación pueden ser tareas demandantes. Si usted se siente bien consigo mismo, le será más fácil disfrutar de su bebé, y ser un padre positivo y amoroso.
Toddlers / Niños pequeños 
Positive Parenting Tips

Following are some of the things you, as a parent, can do to help your toddler during this time:
  • Set up a special time to read books with your toddler.
  • Encourage your child to take part in pretend play.
  • Play parade or follow the leader with your toddler.
  • Help your child to explore things around her by taking her on a walk or wagon ride.
  • Encourage your child to tell you his name and age.
  • Teach your child simple songs like Itsy Bitsy Spider, or other cultural childhood rhymes.
  • Give your child attention and praise when she follows instructions and shows positive behavior and limit attention for defiant behavior like tantrums. Teach your child acceptable ways to show that she’s upset.
Consejos de crianza positiva de los hijos

Estas son algunas cosas que usted, como padre, puede hacer para ayudar a su hijo pequeño en esta etapa:
  • Reserve una hora especial para leer libros con su hijo.
  • Anímelo a participar en juegos de simulación.
  • Jueguen a seguir al líder.
  • Llévelo a pasear, ya sea caminando o jalándolo en un vagoncito, para que explore el ambiente que lo rodea.
  • Aliéntelo a que diga su nombre y su edad.
  • Enséñele canciones sencillas como “La araña pequeñita” u otras canciones tradicionales para niños.
  • Préstele atención a su hijo y festéjelo cuando siga instrucciones y tenga un comportamiento positivo, pero limite su atención cuando se ponga desafiante o haga rabietas. Enséñele formas aceptables de manifestar su enojo.
Preschoolers / Niños en edad prescolar
Positive Parenting Tips

Following are some of the things you, as a parent, can do to help your toddler during this time:
  • Continue to read to your child. Nurture her love for books by taking her to the library or bookstore.
  • Let your child help with simple chores.
  • Encourage your child to play with other children. This helps him to learn the value of sharing and friendship.
  • Be clear and consistent when disciplining your child. Explain and show the behavior that you expect from her. Whenever you tell her no, follow up with what he should be doing instead.
  • Help your child develop good language skills by speaking to him in complete sentences and using “grown up” words. Help him to use the correct words and phrases.
  • Help your child through the steps to solve problems when she is upset.
  • Give your child a limited number of simple choices (for example, deciding what to wear, when to play, and what to eat for snack).

Consejos de crianza positiva de los hijos

Estas son algunas cosas que usted, como padre, puede hacer para ayudar a su hijo pequeño en esta etapa:
  • Continúe leyéndole a su hijo. Llévelo a las bibliotecas y librerías para inculcarle el amor por los libros.
  • Permítale que ayude con tareas sencillas.
  • Anímelo a que juegue con otros niños. Esto lo ayudará a entender el valor de compartir y de la amistad.
  • Sea claro y no cambie las reglas a la hora de disciplinar a su hijo. Explíquele y muéstrele el comportamiento que espera de él. Cuando le diga que no, dígale lo que debería hacer.
  • Ayude a su hijo a desarrollar destrezas del lenguaje hablándole con oraciones completas y palabras de adultos. Ayúdelo a usar las palabras y frases correctas.
  • Ayude a su hijo a resolver problemas cuando esté frustrado.
  • Dele un número limitado de opciones sencillas (por ejemplo, que decida la ropa que se pondrá, cuándo puede jugar y qué va a comer de refrigerio).

School Age Children / Niñez intermedia
Positive Parenting Tips

Following are some of the things you, as a parent, can do to help your toddler during this time:
  • Spend time with your child. Talk with her about her friends, her accomplishments, and what challenges she will face.
  • Be involved with your child’s school. Go to school events; meet your child’s teachers.
  • Encourage your child to join school and community groups, such as a sports team, or to be a volunteer for a charity.
  • Help your child develop his own sense of right and wrong. Talk with him about risky things friends might pressure him to do, like smoking or dangerous physical dares.
  • Help your child develop a sense of responsibility—involve your child in household tasks like cleaning and cooking. Talk with your child about saving and spending money wisely.
  • Meet the families of your child’s friends.
  • Talk with your child about respecting others. Encourage her to help people in need. Talk with her about what to do when others are not kind or are disrespectful.
  • Help your child set his own goals. Encourage him to think about skills and abilities he would like to have and about how to develop them.
  • Make clear rules and stick to them. Talk with your child about what you expect from her (behavior) when no adults are present. If you provide reasons for rules, it will help her to know what to do in most situations.
  • Use discipline to guide and protect your child, instead of punishment to make him feel badly about himself.
  • When using praise, help your child think about her own accomplishments. Saying “you must be proud of yourself” rather than simply “I’m proud of you” can encourage your child to make good choices when nobody is around to praise her.
  • Talk with your child about the normal physical and emotional changes of puberty.
  • Encourage your child to read every day. Talk with him about his homework.
  • Be affectionate and honest with your child, and do things together as a family.

Consejos de crianza positiva de los hijos

Estas son algunas cosas que usted, como padre, puede hacer para ayudar a su hijo pequeño en esta etapa:
  • Dedíquele tiempo a su hijo. Hable con él de sus amigos, sus logros y los retos que deberá enfrentar.
  • Involúcrese en la escuela de su hijo. Asista a los eventos escolares; reúnase con sus maestros.
  • Motive a su hijo, tanto en la escuela como en la comunidad, a participar en actividades de grupo como algún deporte, o a que realice trabajo voluntario.
  • Ayúdelo a desarrollar su propio sentido de lo correcto y lo incorrecto. Hable con él acerca de las cosas peligrosas que sus amigos lo pueden presionar para que haga, como fumar o actividades físicas riesgosas.
  • Ayúdelo a desarrollar el sentido de la responsabilidad, asígnele tareas en la casa, como limpiar o cocinar. Hablen sobre el ahorro y enséñele a no malgastar el dinero.
  • Conozca a las familias de los amigos de su hijo.
  • Hable con su hijo sobre el respeto hacia los demás. Anímelo a ayudar a las personas necesitadas. Hable con él sobre qué hacer si alguien se comporta de manera descortés u ofensiva.
  • Ayude a su hijo a establecer sus propios objetivos. Anímelo a hablar de las habilidades y destrezas que le gustaría tener y de cómo adquirirlas.
  • Establezca reglas claras y respételas. Hable con su hijo de lo que espera de él (de su comportamiento) cuando no esté bajo la supervisión de adultos. Si usted explica la razón de las reglas, su hijo podrá saber qué hacer en la mayoría de los casos.
  • Utilice la disciplina para guiarlo y protegerlo, en lugar de usar castigos que lo hagan sentirse mal consigo mismo.
  • Cuando lo elogie, hágalo pensar en sus logros. Decirle “debes estar orgulloso de ti” en lugar de “estoy orgulloso de ti” puede animarlo a que tome buenas decisiones cuando no tenga a nadie que lo elogie.
  • Hable con su hijo sobre los cambios físicos y emocionales normales de la pubertad.
  • Anímelo a leer todos los días. Hable con él sobre sus tareas.
  • Sea afectuoso y honesto con su hijo, y hagan cosas en familia.

Want a delicious recipe? Click the link below.
If you've received a shut-off notice from Con Edison, WestCOP can provide assistance to eligible residents. The terms of assistance will vary. Applicants must complete an application and provide documentation. The Con Edison bill must be in the applicant's name. For more information on this program, visit WestCOP.
The Westchester Library System (WLS) collaborates with more than 30 libraries in Westchester County to provide access to resources and services to more than 900,000 residents. WLS provides easy-to-use and affordable technology information that allows libraries to continuously improve service to their communities. For more information and to find your local library, visit Westchester Library System.
For other council events, click the link below:
If you are passionate about child care and making a positive impact, looking for a great career opportunity, or simply want to volunteer, we would love to work with you. Learn more about open positions, and how to apply, below!
The Child Care Council of Westchester has been chosen as the Charitable Partner for Shake Shack in Hartsdale. We receive 5% of the sales from the delicious Pie Oh My Concrete Dessert. We hope that you'll stop by soon to enjoy this treat, and help raise funds for the Council. We want to thank Shake Shack Hartsdale for being such great neighbors! You can find them at 379 North Central Park Avenue, Hartsdale, NY 10530
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. AmazonSmile is available at smile.amazon.com on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOs and Android phones. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
When you shop AmazonSmile and select The Child Care Council of Westchester, we receive a smile too! A portion of your purchase will be donated to the Council!
When you support quality early care and education, your donation lasts a lifetime. If you wish to donate monetarily or any other way, you can find out how to do so by clicking the link below.
313 Central Park Avenue
Scarsdale, NY 10583