Establishing consequences for your college-bound kid can feel like trying to nail Jell-O to a wall, but it’s crucial for helping them navigate the wild world of adulting while keeping some sanity for yourself. Here’s your go-to guide to setting clear and effective consequences (with a side of humor):
1. Set Clear Expectations First
Discuss Expectations Openly: Sit them down for ‘The Talk’—no, not that one. We’re talking about grades, budgets, and the reality of laundry not doing itself. Make sure they know what’s expected, so there are no “I didn’t know!” excuses later.
Put It in Writing: Think of it as a contract… but without the legal jargon. A simple written agreement outlines what they need to do and what’ll happen if they decide to skip Econ 101 in favor of a 2 PM nap. Keep it clear, keep it simple, and maybe add a signature for fun.
2. Involve Them in the Process
Have a Collaborative Discussion: This isn’t just a one-way lecture. Get their input on the expectations and consequences. They’re more likely to stick to the rules if they helped create them (and it’s harder for them to argue later!).
Ask for Their Input: Let them suggest what they think is fair. You might be surprised—sometimes they’re tougher on themselves than you would be. Plus, it’s a great way to get them to start thinking about the consequences of their own actions. Welcome to adulthood, kiddo!