"Out here on a Sunday..."
5:30-7:00pm Middle School // 7:00-8:30pm High School
Sunday Nights have been really special recently, and not just from fun activities and free time that everyone gets to enjoy while catching up with one another. Excited for you to get a feel for what Sunday Nights are like in the links below! There's brand new activity pics, info and lessons. If you are a perspective student participant, or can invite someone who is, we'd love to offer this opportunity for encouragement and refuge to as many as we can reach.
Our discussions and content have been very fruitful and we really encourage you as parents, mentors or potentially involved students to check the guides out so you can journey along with us.
** We could still use help providing snacks!! **
Get a feel for the kind of encouraging and fun tunes we play and reference in connection with Sunday Youth. Another important opportunity for connecting with much needed truth and joy in our times.
We have SO MUCH going on beyond Sunday as well, please see this link for all our dates for the next few months, including further info & registration links.