Parents Rights and Resources

RIFI Praying and Standing With YOU!

It’s almost unbelievable that today, your rights as a parent in your child’s education are on a shaky ground. It’s not a myth anymore that public schools can keep information about a child’s gender-confusion or sexual activity from their parents, and encourage them in making life altering decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives.

For that reason, Rhode Island Family Institute has been working with a group of Christian Schools to help them expand their effectiveness in the greater Rhode Island area. Because of the times we are living in, we are “better together!” That is especially true when the government tries to exert its authority over that of parents. 

I have been meeting with a group Christian schools for almost two years now. We have been learning from and encouraging each other rather than competing for students. The goal is to give parents options to educate their children, and the need for that is greater than ever. There is a list of Christian schools on our website, and on the link below.

A parent’s choice of school may differ according to tuition, location, certification, or sports etc. Some on the list offer a mixture of home-schooling and classes, (i.e. hybrid schools). Some are new start-ups and some have been around for 30+ years. ‘Different strokes for different folks’ as the saying goes. Please call any of the schools for more information to help you with your decisions.

Christian Schools

Christian World View Seminar

Last month RIFI partnered with Mass. Family Institute to bring in David Closson and Joseph Backholm from Family Research Council and offered a Christian World View Seminar.

They presented the Biblical-Christian response to the ‘hot topic’ cultural issues that are affecting us today such as: Gender Confusion, Critical Race Theory, LGBTQ in the schools and so much more. 

We were excited to see over 100 pastors and Christian leaders attend and they left with a wealth of resources. The goal was to equip pastors and Christian leaders with the information and the tools needed to minister God’s love and grace with confidence to the broken people in our churches and congregations today.

RIFI is planning to repeat this workshop in Rhode Island in early 2025.

Be Proactive!

Protect Your Family from Pornography!

Resources are available to help you with the challenge of social media and internet exposure.

We want to help you protect your children and family members.

Plan ahead for 2025 and invite the RIFI team to come and present a powerful seminar entitled: "Be Pro-Active - Protect Your Family from Pornography!"

Presenters are Dr. Michelle Cretella, Bob Chiaradio, and Pastor Dave Aucoin. 

This presentation will help you understand pornography’s effect physically and spiritually on the family and how you can protect and become a ‘Porn-Free Family!’

"What Has Changed Since Recreational Marijuana Was Legalized?"

RIFI has a new outreach! We would love to come to your church and present a forty-five minute mini-workshop that will bring knowledge and awareness to you with information such as, getting a handle on marijuana policy, how families are being affected, pot shops on the arise, gummies and candy, and a view of the devastating effects on other states that have legalized it.

Marijuana Info

RIFI is a 501c3 non profit organization.

Please consider contributing today to help us continue our crucial work defending family values here in Rhode Island.

Your generous donation supports our vital mission to strengthen faith, family and freedom.

Mobile: 401-285-0304