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Advent Week 3 - "Joy"

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To view video "Advent Week Three - Joy," click on video above

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Editor's Note: This 3rd week of Advent the theme is "Joy." Enjoy this look into what joy means from a biblical perspective.

Advent and Biblical Joy


This season of Advent is known as one of “Joyful expectation.” In the Church we name the third Sunday of Advent as Gaudete Sunday or “Joyful Sunday” as our waiting for the Saviour is almost at an end. Then, we wish each other a “Merry Christmas” as we share meals, exchange gifts and treasure loved ones at this time of year. Yet, the irony is that for many, the joy of Advent and Christmas is hard to come by. Yes, Christmas can be a time of joy for some, but it can be a time of sadness for others for a variety of reasons. It is not the same for everyone. Where then can joy be found?

When we look into the Bible and our faith Tradition, we discover a number of important points about the experience of joy.

The first is that joy is the fruit or consequence of knowing God is near. At Christmas we celebrate “the Word made flesh who lives among us” (Jn. 1:14). God has visited his people and promised us that we are never alone. In our midst, he offers the people he loves the fullness of joy for which we were made. When we accept the friendship of God, we experience joy: “O God you are to my heart a richer joy than all” (Ps. 4:7); “Shout for joy, rejoice, exult with all your heart…the Lord is in your midst” (Zephaniah 3:17); “Rejoice so highly favoured. The Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28). READ MORE

Out of the Archives...

Editor's Note: Several of you have requested that I re-post what I shared and the videos I placed last year when I talked about Advent Joy. So...here you go. - JCO

Advent Week 3: "JOY"


The third week of Advent is about the joy that is ours because God has entered the world. Angels heralded the birth of the Messiah and kings came from the east to worship and marvel at what God has done.


We marvel that God would step into our world, broken and marred by our sin - and that His ultimate purposes cannot be stopped or deterred. Awareness of this can bring us great comfort and great joy, even as we still live in a world with sorrow and pain, particularly grievous during this time of the COVID pandemic, multiple acts of terrorism that continue to break out nationally and internationally, and the shattering of disunity in our political system. (And now with war raging in Eastern Europe!)


On this third week of Advent I wanted to share with you two videos. The first is a wonderful rendition of The Prayer by David Archuleta and Nathan Pacheco. This Advent season, the lyrics perfectly articulate my cry to the God who was so concerned about the plight of humankind, that He came to save us from our sins. We need Him to come and save us in the midst of the sickness, hatred, strife and turmoil that is currently manifest in our world.


"I pray You'll be our guide, and watch us as we go, and help us to be wise in times when we don't know." 


Lord Jesus, manifest your presence in us and through us... that the world might know your love, grace, mercy, peace...and great joy!


The second video is simply the beautiful biblical proclamation of our Savior coming into our humanity as portrayed by youth from around the globe. Enjoy the Advent Joy of knowing that God can be approached with our fears and cares ( The Prayer video), and that there is a purpose for His coming to us ( A Savior is Born video).

Director of Media and Communication

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Click on video above: "The Prayer" - David Archuleta & Nathan Pacheco

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Click on video above: "A Savior is Born"

Hospitality Ministry needs this holiday season...

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Needed for Christmas Eve:

Hospitality asks St. Ignatius parishioners for food donations and setup assistance. Food is delivered on December 24 between 11am-3pm. Parishioners may donate savory dishes (beef, chicken, pork dish, cheese platter, salads) or sweet tastings (sweets, pies, cookies, cakes). Traditional ethnic foods from your heritage are welcome. If you can assist Hospitality, then complete the form on Ezine or email Tony Floyd at [email protected].



Needed for New Year’s Eve:

Hospitality asks St. Ignatius parishioners for food donations and setup assistance. Food donations are delivered on December 31 between 11 am and 3 pm. Parishioners may donate savory dishes (beef, or chicken, cheese platters, salads). Please avoid pork or shellfish. Sweet tastings include pies, cookies, cakes, etc.). Traditional foods offered on New Year’s are welcome. If you can assist Hospitality, then complete the form on Ezine or email Tony Floyd at [email protected].

Sign up for Christmas Eve
Signup for New Year's Eve

Spotlight on Ministry - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

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Click on video above: "RCIA"

RCIA Testimonials

I came to RCIA in October 2020. Like many, I sought out formation because my significant other was Catholic and, though he never pressured me in regards to faith, it was clear he hoped to raise his future children in the Catholic faith. I grew up in the Protestant church and my faith has been part of my daily life and sense of self for many years. I entered into RCIA with anxiety and trepidation. I was anxious that my love for my partner would cloud my theological vision and cause me to make religious choices that did not honor God.


Quite the opposite, my time in RCIA edified by faith. During a busy and lonely season of life—it was the early pandemic after all—I had a Sunday sanctuary of new but trusted friends with whom I had reliable space to share the deepest parts of life. I had the space that I needed to ask repeated, onerous questions about topics like purgatory or the role of Mary. I reflected on my own faith deeply and came to understand it in its global and historical context. READ MORE

Upcoming Dates

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December 14 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Advent Reconciliation Service

More Information

December 18 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Concert: Songs that you Love

More Information

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December 18 @ 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

Embracing God’s Gifts Scripture Study

More Information

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December 24

Christmas Eve Mass Schedule

More Information

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December 25

There is one Mass on Christmas Day at 10 AM.

This Mass will NOT be livestreamed. There will be no 5:00 PM Mass on Christmas Day

December 31 @ 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm

30th Annual New Year's Eve Interfaith Prayer Celebration

More Information

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Download Full Sized Flyer

Offerings & Prayers & Snapshots


This week's collection: 

Gabriel's Network


Pray for those who are sick

and on our Prayer List.

Click here for Prayer List


Last weekends 

attendance and collection 

Learn More

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How to contribute to 

St. Ignatius Catholic Community.

Here's How to Contribute

From the Office

Modified Office Hours During Christmas

December 23 Closed

December 24 Closed

December 25 Closed

December 26 Closed

Giving Envelopes

For those who have previously opted to donate via church giving envelopes, the 2023 envelopes are now available for pickup in the church narthex. If you wish for your envelopes to be mailed to you, please send an e-mail indicating so to [email protected] or call the church office at 410-727-3848. Please provide your current address information in your e-mail or phone call. Please make your request ASAP so we can ensure that they are received by January 1, 2023.

New Extraordinary Minister at St. Ignatius

Amanda McCulloch is commissioned to distribute the Eucharist at liturgies and assist occasionally with distribution to those who cannot attend in person. Amanda is a science teacher at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and a recently registered parishioner. We thank Amanda her for her generosity. Please offer her your prayers and support.


Parish: 'the thought' is a publication of St. Ignatius Catholic Community—Baltimore. Each edition contains articles and news feeds that are included for awareness of current topics in our world today. The positions expressed by outside authors and news feeds are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or positions of St. Ignatius Catholic Community or its staff.

 - This e-zine was designed and compiled by John C. Odean
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