September 24, 2019
This week I am sharing with you the Pastoral Plan for St. Ignatius approved by Bishop Madden. You will find it inserted into the bulletin, in the ezine, and on the parish website.

The Pastoral Council and many others in the parish have labored and prayed over this manifesto to articulate what Jesuits call “our way of proceeding.”

I ask you to study and prayer over our guiding principles, our vision, and our sacred purpose. In these statements you will find what we believe, who we are, and who we are striving to become.

From these statements flow what we are doing, and how we are doing it.

When you get to strategies and goals, you will find some things you already know about and some new things that are in the works.

I, the pastoral council, the finance council, and all our ministry leaders welcome your questions, comments, and criticisms to help us all move forward together as a community of disciples.

Much affection,
Young Adult Contact
Nick Stein to take over Young Adult Leadership
Nick serves as a leader for  Bon Secours Young Adults , an outreach of the Sisters of Bon Secours for people in their 20’s and 30’s. Bon Secours Young Adults has been a proud ministry partner of St. Ignatius for the past 5 years helping to serve the young adults of the parish and the city. Nick and his family (amazing wife Samantha and 3 cute kids) regularly attend the 5 PM Sunday Mass (and the 10:30 AM when PREP is in session). He has a long connection to the Jesuits and to Ignatian Spirituality. He is happy to answer questions and serve as a resource for young adults in the parish regarding upcoming programs, events and retreats at the parish and in the greater Baltimore area. Please don’t hesitate to email him at any time. [email protected]
Save the Date
This year Father Cassiotti is celebrating his 50th year with the Jesuits. The hospitality committee is hosting a Jubilee Italian dinner for him on Saturday, November 2nd at 5:30 PM. Seating will be limited.
More information about reserving seating is forthcoming, but we thought you'd like to get it on your calendars!
Worship with Offerings, Liturgy and Prayers for Others
This weekend's Poor Box support goes to
Vulnerable Families in Crisis.
Attached is the listing for the music selections at next Sunday's 10:30 Mass.
Spiritual and Faith opportunities to deepen
your relationship with Christ.

An Ignatian Lecture
A Great Work to Support!
Upcoming Events

Thursday, October 3 - 6:30 PM
Interfaith?Ecummenical Commitee
Click here for complete information.

Tuesday, October 8 - 6:30 PM
St. Ignatius Reading & Discussion Group
Click here for complete information.

Thursday, October 10 - 6:30 PM
Justice & Peace Committee
Click here for complete information.

Saturday, October 12 - 9 AM
Sautday Retreat in Ignatian Spirituality
Click here for complete information.

Monday, October 14 -7:30 PM
Ignatian Lecture - Creating a More Just World
See box below for complete information.

Tuesday, October 15 - 6:45 PM
Women of the New Testament
Click here for complete information.
Sunday, October 27 - 9:45 AM
Respect For Life
Click here for complete information.

Tuesday, October 29 - 7 PM
Embracing God's Gifts
Click here for complete information.
Social Comment...
The following PSA was made by the group Sandy Hook Promise whose tag line is " Protecting children from gun violence with programs that work." You can visit their site at .

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, (also called Newtown shootings of 2012), occurred in Newtown,  Connecticut , on December 14, 2012, and left 28 people dead and 2 injured. It was one of the deadliest  school shootings  in U.S. history.

Just a word - This PSA contains graphic content related to school shootings and may be upsetting to some viewers. If you feel this subject matter may be difficult for you, you may choose not to watch.
If you would like to know more about the organization Sandy Hook Promise see how the community of Newton, Conneticut respponded to the tragedy in their midst by viewing this next video.
In the Media
Renowned Journalist Cokie Roberts, Lifelong Catholic, Dies at Age 75


WASHINGTON (CNS) — Cokie Roberts, a broadcast journalist and political commentator who spoke publicly about her Catholic faith and her admiration for the Sacred Heart sisters who taught her, died Sept. 17 due to complications from breast cancer. She was 75.

Roberts, who died at her home in Bethesda, Maryland, was an Emmy award-winning reporter, author and frequent keynote speaker at Catholic college graduations. She was described as “a true pioneer for women in journalism,” by James Goldston, president of ABC News, her longtime employer. He said her “kindness, generosity, sharp intellect and thoughtful take on the big issues of the day made ABC a better place and all of us better journalists.”

She was inducted into the Broadcasting and Cable Hall of Fame and was listed one of the 50 greatest women in the history of broadcasting by the American Women in Radio and Television. She also was named a “Living Legend” by the Library of Congress in 2008. READ MORE
Pope Francis during the General audience, St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, Sept. 11. (Photo by PHOTOSHOT/MAXPPP) 

Communion in the American Church 'is already fractured' Pope Francis says he is not 'afraid of schisms '
— Massimo Faggioli thinks the prospect of a crack is very real

By  Celine Hoyeau

For historian Massimo Faggioli, professor of religious studies at the University of Villanovaand a regular columnist for La Croix International, the Catholic Church in the United States is already in a "para-schismatic" situation.

La Croix: Is the risk of schism real, in your opinion, in the United States?
Massimo Faggioli: No, if we consider it in the canonical sense of the Middle Ages, that of the creation of a parallel Church, which would be led by an American anti-pope, I don't think so.

But history has known schisms of different types and the risk seems to me that, in reality, the Catholic Church in the United States is deeply divided and the internal communion is already fractured. The United States, in a way, is already in a para-schismatic situation.

Every American Catholic knows that within the same diocese he will find very different parishes, with very different practices and homilies. It has always been this way, but it has become more so with Francis because he has provoked strong reactions. READ MORE