Salem Matters News of What Matters This Week
in Salem Presbytery
August 3, 2022 | Volume VIII, Number 31
Mebane First Presbyterian - Mebane
Francisco Presbyterian - Westfield
Concord Presbyterian - Statesville
Guest Speakers of Note Visiting Salem Presbytery
Boone and Blowing Rock will welcome two noted speakers over the next two months. First of all, Amanda Held Opelt, sister of Rachael Held Evans, will be speaking at Boone United Methodist Church on Thursday, August 4th at 6:30 pm to discuss her new book, A Hole in the World. This is a work written in the wake of her own grief surrounding her sister's passing and examines the grief practices and customs across the years and civilizations.

And then, Rumple Memorial in Blowing Rock will welcome its 2022 Visiting Scholar in the person of Rev. Dr. Greg Ellison of Emory University and Fearless Dialogues. Dr. Ellison will present two workshops, open to everyone and anyone, on Sunday afternoon September 25th at 4:30 pm and Monday morning September 26th at 9:30 am. Both will be preceded by 15 minutes of fellowship. He and his former student Dustin Mailman, will share from the life and work of Dr. Howard Thurman, facilitating small group discussion that encourages our own path and leadership.

More publicity will be forthcoming soon.
More than 50 individuals, representing 11 of our 19 Black congregations met on Saturday, July 23,  for the Black Church Summit hosted by the Dellabrook  Church, in Winston Salem. Olen Bruner and Catrelia Hunter led the meeting, with assistance from  Presbytery leaders and Staff members, David Vaughan, Stated Clerk, Jodi Lingan, Designated Presbytery for Transformational  Ministry, and  Amanda Anderson, Co-Chair of Committee on Ministry, who came to share vital information and provide support for the congregations. James Harley, Engagement Pastor for Parish D led worship.
The purpose of this meeting was to  bring the congregations together in a more connective manner to discuss areas of concern,   reorganize the Salem Black Caucus, and discuss the state of the black congregations in our presbytery.

Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward, National President of National Black Presbyterian Caucus, (NBPC) and pastor of Edisto Presbyterian Church, came to share information about NBPC, to  conduct the election and install new officers. NBPC representatives from Coastal Carolina and Peaks Presbytery were also present for the meeting.

Presenters were:   Kay Ziglar, pastor Logan Church, and  Elder Gerry Knox,  Mt.Tabor   and Dr. Heyward made  special presentations on planning, fundraising, and evangelism in the Black Church.  

FOLLOW-UP NOTE: Jodi Lingan was mentioned for her work in getting this event off the ground, but please note that OLEN BRUNER and CATRELIA HUNTER should be highlighted for all they did to make this event happen!
Clerks of Session and pastoral leadership are reminded to ask Sessions to elect elder commissioners for the Saturday, September 10, 2022 meeting of Presbytery.
New Opportunity Offered by Wake Forest School of Divinity

Interested in cultivating or bringing new life to mutual relationships between your congregation and your community? 
The Clergy in Community Program is a great way for early-career clergy in North Carolina to explore opportunities for engagement between faith communities and civic and community leaders through various topics including healthcare, education, and legislation.
Learn more about the cohort starting this fall and apply HERE.
Board of Pensions Offers THRIVE Retirement Planning Seminar

The THRIVE seminar takes a holistic approach to retirement planning. Participants are educated and engaged in personal financial planning as part of a larger exploration of identity, health, and vocation in retirement. THRIVE is available in two formats, as an e-learning series and an in-person seminar.

THRIVE has replaced the Growing into Tomorrow ... Today seminar.

Rooted in A Theology of Benefits, the Board’s retirement planning seminar addresses retirement preparation holistically. THRIVE — short for Thinking Retirement: Identity, Vocation, and Economics — covers subject matters such as financial planning and retirement healthcare options as part of a larger exploration of identity, health, and vocation in retirement.

THRIVE is taught by Board University educators and other experts throughout the country. It includes interactive and hands-on learning opportunities.

Who it’s for
The THRIVE seminar is designed for Benefits Plan members who are 10 or fewer years away from retirement, and their spouses or surviving spouses. This includes part-time employees who are enrolled in any benefit from the Benefits Plan.

What you’ll learn
In this seminar, you will
  • identify key questions for discernment in planning for retirement;
  • assess finances, including options for saving before retirement, and develop appropriate expectations for retirement living;
  • discuss spiritual, physical, and mental health issues related to aging;
  • create next steps in these areas essential to well-being —
  • identity
  • vocation
  • economics
  • discover tools and resources for do-it-yourself retirement preparation; and
  • acquire knowledge to confidently transition to, and ultimately thrive in, retirement.

The THRIVE seminar will be offered at the Montreat Conference Center, August 25-26, 2022. Registration opens on June 30th.

Click HERE for more information and to register.
Parkway Presbyterian/Parkway School Posts New Job Opening: Children and Family Ministry Coordinator

The Parkway School and Parkway Presbyterian Church are looking for someone energetic, charismatic, and creative to work with children ages 12 months through 5th grade. Because this is a newly created position, innovation, imagination and a willingness to risk and try new things are vital qualities.

The position is a 40-hour per week job - 20 hours devoted to the school and 20 hours devoted to the church. The salary is $15 per hour.

For a full position description, click HERE.
Salem Presbytery Youth Council to Reconvene

The Salem Presbytery Youth Council will reconvene beginning this Fall. The PYC actively works to connect youth from around Salem Presbytery in a variety of ways, moving beyond our local contexts to see what God is up to in the world and how we can all be a part of that work. As the PYC comes back to this work, we will focus on new ideas and empowering the network of churches in Salem. Students in grades 9-12 may apply using the form link below. Applicants should expect to meet once a month and expect to develop and sharpen creative leadership and networking skills. The PYC also includes a handful of adult applicants as well. Adults act as advisors and provide guidance and assistance in implementing student ideas. All applications are due by August 14th. We ask that no more than 3 students apply from a given congregation. For further questions, contact Rev. Taylor Barner by email: 
PDA Offers Work Team Opportunities

 It is clear that COVID will influence the way we live and do ministry for years to come. Yet in an adapting world, natural disasters continue to affect communities, who still rely on the generosity of volunteers to support the long-term recovery from floods, fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Individuals and families who have been marginalized in the past continue to be marginalized during disaster recovery. 

Along with many other faith-based and non-profit groups, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) provides opportunities to step into the gap, walk with those impacted, and work towards healing. 

PDA currently has 7 host sites receiving volunteer teams witnessing to the healing love of Christ by supporting rebuilding efforts in areas that have been affected by natural disasters, including tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and fires.

To read more and identify host sites, click HERE.
Salem Presbytery Updates Boundary Training Guidelines

Over the past several months the COM's Task Force on Policy, Compensation, Mediation, and Officer Development has been evaluating our current system of boundary training, known as Healthy Boundaries. The previous policy stated that all members of the presbytery must participate in the "core" Healthy Boundaries training every three years, plus participate in at least of the elective courses as well every three years.

Our research has shown that there are a significant number of members who are out of compliance with this policy. We realize that the onset of the pandemic has not helped in our mandate that all members be up-to-date with this training.

At the recent meeting of Salem Presbytery on February 15th, it was shared that moving forward, we will take advantage of an online option, using the CongregationU platform, and its module of "Clergy Ethics." A link to this site is below.


The module takes about 2 hours to complete, and the cost is $22.00. If needed, you can begin the course, save your work, and return at a later time. The link below will take you to the page for the Clergy Ethics Course. You will need to create an account to sign up and pay for the course. Once the course is completed, you will receive a certificate, that should be forwarded to Christine at the presbytery office.


To sign up for the training, click HERE.
To enroll in Call to Health, click HERE.
Upcoming Ordination Anniversaries!

Please Pass along congratulations to the following who are celebrating anniversaries of their ordinations:

  • David Ealy, Jr. - ordained August 5, 2001
  • Lou East - ordained August 6, 1995
  • Tom LaBonte - ordained August 7, 2011
  • Kathryn Campbell - ordained August 9, 2009
  • Dana Fruits - ordained August 12, 2007 (15th in 2022!)
  • Charles Howell - ordained August 13, 1967 (55th in 2022!)
  • Peter Hazelrigg - ordained August 14, 2004
  • Kellie Browne - ordained August 15, 2010
  • Carter Gillespie - ordained August 16, 1981
  • Bryan McFarland - ordained August 16, 1987 (35th in 2022!)
  • Kristen Levens - ordained August 19, 2018
  • Jeremy Cannada - ordained August 20, 2011
  • Vicki McCain - ordained August 25, 2019
  • Susan Moorefield - ordained August 28, 1992 (30th in 2022!)
  • Libby Inman - ordained August 30, 1992 (30th in 2022!)
The Persistent Pandemic

How we wish we didn't need this!

COVID-19 Liability FAQ - Insurance Board

Guide to Gathering Virtually - Fund for Theological Education (It's not just for the pandemic anymore.)

Some other Insurance Board pandemic resources can be found HERE.

The Wisconsin Council of Churches has been a trusted source of advice throughout the pandemic. Their latest resources can be found HERE.
Links of Interest
Parish Matters
Parish B Engagement Pastor Frank Dew shares the following news from Parish B:
There's a lot happening in Parish B this summer. See below for pictures from Presbyterian Church of the Cross, Jamestown Presbyterian, St. James Presbyterian, and First Presbyterian, High Point.
Community Day - PCOC
Community Day - PCOC
Community Day - PCOC
Community Day - PCOC
Community Day - PCOC
Community Day - PCOC
Community Day - PCOC
Community Day - PCOC
Community Day - PCOC
Community Day - PCOC
Community Day - PCOC
Jamestown Presbyterian Youth Mission Trip to D.C.
Jamestown Presbyterian Youth Mission Trip to D.C.
Jamestown Presbyterian Youth Mission Trip to D.C.
Jamestown Presbyterian Youth Mission Trip to D.C.
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
St. James Presbyterian Housing Project
First Presbyterian High Point Mission Trip to WV
First Presbyterian High Point Mission Trip to WV
First Presbyterian High Point Mission Trip to WV
First Presbyterian High Point Mission Trip to WV
First Presbyterian High Point Mission Trip to WV
First Presbyterian High Point Mission Trip to WV
First Presbyterian High Point Mission Trip to WV
First Presbyterian High Point Mission Trip to WV
First Presbyterian High Point Mission Trip to WV
Stewardship Matters
Each week in this space, we will highlight a video, website, or other content that is relevant to how we look at stewardship in the presbytery as well as in our local churches. Our focus this week is on our Committee on Preparation for Ministry.
Click on the graphic or HERE to visit and/or subscribe to Salem Presbytery's YouTube Channel.
Prayer Matters
August Prayers for:
Permanent Judicial Commission
Personnel Committee
Please Hold the Following in Your Prayers
  • All those who have been effected by gun violence across our country.
  • All those who are suffering the effects of extreme heat and devastating fires.
  • Our brothers and sisters in Kentucky in the aftermath of the devastating floods.

We will list these prayer requests for two weeks unless we are notified that they are to be continued. You may submit prayer requests through the link below.

PCUSA Matters
PCUSA Job Opportunities
Click below a list of positions available through the PCUSA - updated July, 2022

Board of Pensions Call to Health
Click the link below to join the Board of Pensions Call to Health.

PCUSA News and Announcements
Click below for the latest news and announcements from the PCUSA.