Daily Mass Schedule (during the School-Year):
Monday:   6:30am and 8:00am 
Tuesday:   6:30am and 9:00am 
Wednesday:   8:00am and 9:00am (9:00am Mass is at St. Patrick's) 
Thursday:   6:30am and 8:00am 
Friday:   6:30am and 8:00am 
Saturday: 8:00am  

Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday:  5:00pm
Sunday:  8:00am, 10:00am, NOON & 6:00pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday:  8:30am or by appointment with a parish priest

From the Desk of Fr. Mike Nacius, Pastor
HAPPY EASTER! We celebrate the 6 th Sunday of the joyous Easter season. We continue to be led in our prayer by Jesus, the Risen Lord, to proclaim the Good News of Resurrection to all the world.  
       We listen to the gospel of John today, and Jesus' words of promise; "I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid." When we gather next Sunday, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus. Two weeks from today, we conclude the joyous Easter season with the Church's celebration of Pentecost. Today, Jesus speaks to the coming of the Holy Spirit, to guide, direct, and inspire the Church. May we continue to be open to and trust in the Holy Spirit in our lives - lived in friendship with the Risen Lord.
       As mentioned in previous bulletins, this is the fourth of the four articles regarding the upcoming construction and repairs to the East Stair entrance to the church which is by the baptismal font. Initial information was shared about this project over the last six months.
       I have shared with parishioners information about the Fr. Barry Preservation Fund used to maintain and restore our church. I have shared information about the East Stair entrance project, as well as hoped for improvements to the pipe organ, sound system, and technology used in the Community Room. And today I share with you information about the projected cost for these projects at the Church of St. Mary.
       As a member of the Church of St. Mary you are invited to support Phase Four and More for St. M ar y's with a financial contribution enclosed in a letter being mailed to parishioners this month. There will be an envelope in the offertory envelope packets you receive for contributions over the next six months. Please support this parish effort as you are able. The cost of this east stair project is $749,000. We will be using the remaining funds from the To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign and funds in the Fr. Barry Preservation Fund totaling $519,000.
       The remaining costs would come forth from parish reserves to cover the expenses. As parishioners learn of these projects and offer financial support, we will be able to limit the amount of funds taken from our reserves so they can be maintained for use when emergencies or unforeseen or unplanned projects present themselves to the parish.
       The Finance Council has been reviewing the projects and share my belief that the people of St. Mary's will step forward and offer support to contribute to the success of these projects. Please keep this project in your prayers and prayerfully consider how you can help support Phase Four and More for St. M ary' s .
       In addition to the articles in the bulletin and the letter mailed to parishioners, both Fr. Mark and myself will be speaking at the Masses this weekend to inform parishioners of the specifics of the Phase Four and More for St. Mary's project. We look forward to parishioners coming together for this successful project as people of faith and generosity.
       As we celebrate Memorial Day weekend we remember in prayer and gratitude the veterans, the peace keepers who serve and have served our nation. You are invited to join us at Mass on Memorial Day at 8:00am.
       God bless you and your loved ones celebrating and living Easter hope.


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