SEPTEMBER 29, 2024

Sunday, Sept. 29

10:00 AM Worship (Sanctuary & Chapel)

10:15 AM Sunday School Pre-K - 8th grade

11:00 AM Social Hour (Social Hall)

11:15 AM Alpha Chimers (Bell Room)

11:15 AM Trinity Choir Junior & Senior High (Choir Room)

3:00 PM First Communion Class (Sanctuary)

4:00 PM Junior High Fellowship (Youth Lounge)

5:30 PM JHF & SHF Parent Gathering (Social Hall)

5:30 PM Youth Bells (Bell Room)

7:00 PM Senior High Fellowship (Youth Lounge)


Monday, Sept. 30

6:30 PM Vesper Bells (Bell Room)


Tuesday, Oct. 1

7:00 AM Men's Bible Study (Zoom)


Wednesday, Oct. 2

7:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study (Zoom)

4:00 PM PADS Food Donation Drop-off (Sanctuary Narthex)


Thursday, Oct. 3

9:00 AM Bel Canto Ringers (Bell Room)

4:20 PM Faith Choir (Sanctuary)

4:30 PM Cherub Choir (Chapel)

6:00 PM Chapel Music Team (Chapel)

6:30 PM Motet Choir (Sanctuary)

7:30 PM Chancel Choir (Sanctuary)


Saturday, Oct. 5

8:00 AM Help Build Hope (Wildwood Presbyterian Church)

8:30 AM God’s Gardeners (Winchester Road Garden)


Sunday, Oct. 6

World Communion Sunday

10:00 AM Combined Worship (Sanctuary)

10:15 AM Sunday School Pre-K - 8th grade

11:00 AM Social Hour (Social Hall)

11:15 AM Alpha Chimers (Bell Room)

11:15 AM Trinity Choir Junior & Senior High (Choir Room)

11:45 AM Confirmation (Youth Education Room)

4:00 PM Junior High Fellowship (Youth Lounge)

5:30 PM Youth Bells (Bell Room)

7:00 PM Senior High Fellowship (Youth Lounge)



Help Build Hope (Oct. 5)

World Communion Sunday (Oct. 6)

Deacon Board Winter Clothing Drive (Oct. 6 & 15)

Inquirers Classes (Oct. 9 & 16)

Women’s Fall Retreat (Oct. 19)

Mobile Food Pantry (Oct. 19)

Coffee & Conversation: Wisdom at the Crossroads (Oct. 20)

Feed My Starving Children (Oct. 26)

Rev. Nicole’s Installation Worship Party (Oct. 27)

College Care Package Event (Nov. 3)

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Worship with us at 10 AM in the chapel or sanctuary

Rev. Amy Heinrich is preaching in the sanctuary and Rev. Nicole Chapman-Farley is preaching in the chapel. The services will also be available on our YouTube channel.

Children and youth will be dismissed to their Sunday School classrooms at 10:15 AM.

Caregiving is also provided for kids ages birth through age 2 in the nursery and for ages 3-4 in the PreK-K caregiving room (105/106) for those kids who don't feel quite ready to participate in a Sunday School setting

Flower Dedications

The flowers in the sanctuary on Sunday are placed to the glory of God by Jennifer Yonan in celebration of the marriage of Emma Yonan to Wright Eggena, Saturday, Sept. 28 in Santa Rosa Beach, FL; and by Roy and Linda Lucke in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary.

First Communion Class this Sunday

On Sunday, Sept. 29, from 3:00 PM-4:00 PM in the sanctuary we will offer a chance for kids who have not taken communion yet (or who could use some instruction to learn more about the practical and theological meanings of communion) to learn more, in preparation for taking their first communion on World Communion Sunday.

JHF/SHF Parent Gathering

Parents of Junior High and Senior High kids are invited to the Social Hall this Sunday at 5:30 PM to ask questions about upcoming events and connect with other parents. 

Deacon Board Fundraiser for PADS: The Deacon Board’s PADS fund drive runs through Sunday. Your generous gifts of cash or gift cards (Jewel, Mariano’s, Target or Walmart) will allow PADS leaders to purchase groceries and other needed supplies. Checks made out to First Pres Libertyville with PADS in the memo line – or cash in a pew envelope marked PADS – can be placed in the offering plate. To give electronically through Realm, please scan the QR code or click here.

Sanctuary Bulletin
Chapel Bulletin
Online Giving
Online Fellowship Pad 

Deacon Board Winter Clothing Drive

Gently used or new winter clothing can be dropped off in the narthex of the sanctuary and chapel Oct. 6-15. The clothing items will be distributed at our Mobile Food Pantry on Saturday, Oct. 19.

Inquirers Class for prospective new members

This class is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our church, explore how we are united by God's love, and discover how you can become a part of our community. Join us on Oct. 9 & 16 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Fellowship Hall.

For more information, please call the church at 847-362-2174 or email us at

Ready to sign up for the class? Click the blue button below!

Inquirers Class 

Help Build Hope with Wildwood Presbyterian Church

We need your help on Saturday Oct. 5 from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM at Wildwood Presbyterian Church to construct wall frames for a house that will be assembled in Kentucky this fall. Come help for as much time as you’re available. The work will be hammering nails, so bring your favorite hammer or you can use tools that are provided. Everyone age 15 and older is welcome. Help us do some good and have some fun! Please contact Mike Castner through the church office with any questions!

Here's the link to sign up directly with Wildwood:

Help Build Hope Flyer

Do you have kids ages newborn through 12th grade? Click below to read Rev. Nicole's weekly Family Ministries at First Pres newsletter! If you're not receiving it by email, let us know at and we will add you to the list!

Family Ministries Weekly Newsletter

Women's Fall Retreat on Saturday, Oct. 19 with Rev. Nicole Chapman-Farley

Join us on Saturday, Oct. 19 from 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM at Ragdale in Lake Forest as we work with Rev. Nicole Chapman-Farley to explore how the Enneagram can help us understand ourselves better, recognize when we are not in our best space, know the much deeper level of what got us there, and point us toward ways of moving out of the ruts of familiar but less-helpful reactions to the world around us.

Knowing the Enneagram fosters grace for ourselves AND for others. Come find out the many gifts that come with *your* Enneagram number.

Learn more and register

Service of Installation for Rev. Nicole Chapman-Farley

We’re delighted to announce that the Presbytery of Chicago unanimously approved Rev. Nicole’s call to Associate Pastor here at First Pres!

Please put Sunday, Oct. 27 on your calendar! There will be Service of Installation at 3:00 PM in the Sanctuary, followed by a party in Fellowship Hall!

Feed My Starving Children All Church Event: Join in our all church Feed My Starving Children food packing event on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 5:00-6:30 PM. Friends ARE welcome! Sign up at

Join our Sunday Morning AV Team!


Are you interested in microphones and mixing boards? Help deliver the message throughout the Sanctuary and Chapel!


Are you interested in camera controllers, video production, and YouTube?


Are you interested in keeping everyone in the Chapel on the same page?

We provide all training; no experience necessary! Use the QR code to access the interest form or email the office at

PADS Food Collection

Drop off on Wednesdays between 4-6 PM in the Sanctuary Narthex. Please only bring items from the list below:

Breakfast: Bagels, cream cheese, instant oatmeal, store-bought muffins, granola or breakfast bars, meal replacement drinks

Lunch: Crackers, chips, ramen noodle cups or packages, protein bars, tuna or chicken salad packs, beef jerky, microwave popcorn, Jell-O cups, apple sauce pouches

Dinner: Non-perishable microwave dinners, canned baked beans, mac and cheese in boxes or cups, canned chili, microwave rice packs, sardines

Drinks: Apple or fruit juice packs, water bottles, hot chocolate packs, small containers of milk

Other: Can openers, plastic cutlery and plates, baby food

SAVE THE DATE: College Care Packages on Nov. 3

Families of our college kids are invited to bring a mailing container and a package of pre-wrapped treats to share with others for an afternoon of fall care package-building Sunday, Nov. 3 from 5:45 PM-6:45 PM in Social Hall. First Pres will take care of the mailing if you give us the address! We’ll have note cards, markers, stickers, packing tape, and mailing labels ready for you!


Flower Calendar

If you'd like to honor a loved one or celebrate a special occasion by dedicating a floral arrangement to be used in our worship spaces on Sunday mornings, please fill out the form below or call the church office at 847-362-2174.

Flower Dedication Form

Libertyville Senior Update

Did you know that Rich Monahan and Mike Castner are our church representatives on the Libertyville Senior Council? Click here to read the October newsletter from our friends at the Libertyville Senior Center.

How to contact a pastor or staff member

Call 847-362-2174 or email Regular office hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM.

Pastoral Emergencies

If you are a church member and need to reach a pastor in an emergency, please call 847-367-6460. Leave a message and a pastor will return your call as soon as they are able.

Sermon Podcasts

Podcasts of previous Sunday sermons are available on the listening platform of your choice, including Spotify, Apple, and YouTube Music. The links are also available on our website at New podcasts are generally uploaded midweek.

Beware of Scams!

To avoid falling victim to scams, please verify the sender's email address before responding to any messages that appear to be from our pastors or staff. Our pastors only send email from and will never make personal requests for money, gift cards, or any kind of assistance through email. If you have any doubts, please call the church office at 847-362-2174 to verify before taking any action.

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