Week of February 11

Sunday, February 11

10:00 AM Combined Worship in Sanctuary

10:20 AM Sunday School Pre-K - 7th grade

11:00 AM Annual Congregational Meeting

11:00 AM Jr/Sr High Choir (Choir Room)

11:15 AM Alpha/Omega Chimers (Classroom 04)

5:30 PM JHF & SHF Super Bowl Party (offsite)


Monday, February 12

6:30 PM Vesper Bells (Classroom 04)


Tuesday, February 13

7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study (Zoom)


Wednesday, February 14

7:30 AM Breakfast & Bible Study (Zoom)

4:00 PM PADS Donation Drop-Off (Sanctuary Narthex entrance)

7 PM Ash Wednesday Service (Chapel)


Thursday, February 15

9:00 AM Bel Canto Ringers (Classroom 04)

9:00 AM Women’s Disciple Bible Study (Conference Room)

4:15 PM Cherub Choir (Chapel)

4:15 PM Faith Choir (Sanctuary)

4:30 PM Joyful Noise Choir (Choir Room)

6:00 PM Chapel Music Team (Chapel)

6:30 PM Motet Choir (Sanctuary)

7:30 PM Chancel Choir (Sanctuary)


Saturday, February 17

8 AM Mobile Food Pantry (Douglas St. Parking Lot)


Sunday, February 18

10:00 AM Combined Worship in Sanctuary

10:20 AM Sunday School Pre-K - 7th grade

11:00 AM Social Hour

11:00 AM Jr/Sr High Choir (Choir Room)

11:15 AM Alpha/Omega Chimers (Classroom 04)

1:00 PM Sacred Ground Small Groups (Dougherty Room & Library)

1:00 PM Troop 71 Sunday Court of Honor (Chapel)

5:30 PM Youth Bells (Classroom 04)


Monday, February 19

11:15 AM Fourth & Fifth Grade Fellowship (TBD)

2:00 PM Lent Book Study (Dougherty Room)

6:00 PM Lent Book Study (Zoom)



Coming in March

Women's Lenten Soul Feast (March 8)

PI Day Sale (March 10)

Mobile Food Pantry (March 16)

Youth Sunday (March 17)

Lunch & Learn: Senior Safety (March 19)

Palm Sunday (March 24)

Maundy Thursday (March 28)

Good Friday (March 29)

Easter Sunday (March 31)

Visit our website

Worship with us on Sunday

Join us in the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. on Sunday for worship! Rev. Dr. Brian R. Paulson is preaching. The service will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.

Flower Dedication

The flowers today are placed to the glory of God by Donovan and Jan Ellen Shawgo in celebration of their 50th anniversary. They were married in the Chapel on February 8, 1974.


Did you know that the weekly sermons are available as podcasts? Click here to access the podcast page on our website or look for them on the listening platform of your choice, including Spotify, Apple, and YouTube Music.

Worship Bulletin
 Dedicate Flowers
Fellowship Pad/Prayer Requests

Annual Meeting

Join us immediately following worship this Sunday for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation. Items on the agenda include a presentation of the church budget, review of the Annual Report, the election of an Associate Pastor Nominating Committee, and a vote on amending our bylaws. If your children are in Sunday School, they may remain there through the Annual Meeting. Please pick them up in rooms 204/205 when the meeting is over.

Let’s tackle hunger in Lake County

Each year, as football’s best teams square off for the NFL championship, the Board of Deacons holds its annual Souper Bowl fundraiser aimed at tackling hunger in our community. Funds raised support the Holy Family Soup Kitchen and other hunger-focused ministries.


This year, in addition to banging pots in the Sancruary Narthex on Super Bowl Sunday (Feb. 11), we’re asking for your help by making a donation via Realm. Click the button below or use the QR code to go directly to the online giving form. Tech not your thing? You can also write a check payable to the church (add “Souper Bowl” in the memo section). 

Souper Bowl

In Gratitude for our New Parament

On Sunday, the Liturgical Arts Committee will place a new parament on the pulpit in the sanctuary for use during Ordinary Time of the liturgical year.


The parament was a collaborative effort between Jack Nicholson, Louise Tischendorf, and Liturgical Arts Committee members Lois Blazsanyik and Paula Palmer. Each contributed greatly in the creation of this beautiful green parament.


Ordinary Time is represented by the color green in the Presbyterian Church USA and in many other Christian denominations. Green is the color of new vegetation and is meant to symbolize life and growth and the hope of each day. It also represents the anticipation of the resurrection of Christ. Green is used between Easter and Advent and between Christmas and Easter.

The inspiration for the parament originated from the 2022-23 Stewardship Committee’s selection of the Bible verse, “I am the vine; you are the branches” to support their campaign. Click here to read the full story!

Meal-a-Month Bags Available

Please grab a grocery bag from a Deacon or in the Narthex after worship on Sunday. Fill it with the items listed, or other non-perishable food items you wish to donate. Your donations benefit the Libertyville Township and St. Joseph Food Pantries. Please return your filled bag by the end of worship the on Feb. 18. Click here for the shopping list.

2024 Giving Estimate
Online Giving

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)'s annual "One Great Hour of Sharing" begins next week at the start of the Lenten season.

It is worth remembering a story of Jesus. As he travelled teaching crowds of seekers, he said to his disciples, “I don’t want to send them away hungry for fear they won’t have enough strength to travel. … How much bread do you have?” They said, “seven loaves and a few fish.” Jesus had the people sit down and everyone ate until they were full. The disciples even collected baskets of leftovers.

This Lenten season, our children and any members who wish to participate will be given “fish boxes” to support this important ministry which provides relief from natural disasters, offers food for the hungry, and support for the poor and oppressed. We’ll multiply those fishes and discover God giving “Bread for the Journey” as we travel through the season of Lent together! 

Ash Wednesday Service

Join us on February 14 at 7 p.m. for our Ash Wednesday service. All are welcome!

Lent in Plain Sight begins Monday, Feb. 19

God is often at work through the ordinary: ordinary people, ordinary objects, and ordinary grace. Through the ordinary, God communicates epiphanies, salvation, revelation, and reconciliation. It is through the mundane that we hear God’s quiet voice.


The book, Lent in Plain Sight, will help us to focus on spiritual lessons and recognize how the seemingly ordinary can reveal the extraordinary presence of God in our lives. We have two meeting times: Mondays from 2:00 PM-3:00 PM (Dougherty Room) or 6:00 PM-7:00 PM (Zoom).

Email [email protected] to sign up.

PADS Food Collection on Wednesdays

Drop off on Wednesdays between 4-6 pm in the Sanctuary Narthex. Please only bring items from the list below:

Breakfast: Bagels, cream cheese, instant oatmeal, store-bought muffins, granola or breakfast bars, meal replacement drinks

Lunch: Crackers, chips, ramen noodle cups or packages, protein bars, tuna or chicken salad packs, beef jerky, microwave popcorn, Jell-O cups, apple sauce pouches

Dinner: Non-perishable microwave dinners, canned baked beans, mac and cheese in boxes or cups, canned chili, microwave rice packs, sardines

Drinks: Apple or fruit juice packs, water bottles, hot chocolate packs

Other: Can openers, plastic cutlery and plates, baby food, small containers of milk 

Volunteer Appreciation Brunch

Thank you to everyone who came out last Sunday to celebrate our amazing volunteers!

Black History Month

In recognition of Black History Month, a banner reminding the community of our church's commitment to Uprooting Racism and Growing Beloved Community is displayed outside the Sanctuary.

If you would like to share the message in your own yard, please grab a yard sign from underneath the CARE bulletin board located to the right of the Social Hall entrance. If you would like more information about our efforts to show God‘s love in this way, check out Beloved Community News on our CARE page.

Flower Dedications

Honor a loved one or celebrate a special occasion by dedicating a floral arrangement to be used in our worship spaces on Sunday mornings. The cost is $40 per arrangement. To make a dedication, visit www.firstpreslibertyville.org, email [email protected] or call the church office at 847-362-2174.

Don't get scammed!

Please be careful to check the address on any emails that appear to be from Pastor Brian. All of his emails will come from [email protected] and he will never make a personal request for money, gift cards, or any kind of assistance through an email. If you have any doubt, please call the church office at 847-362-2174 and inquire before responding.

How to contact a pastor or staff member

Call 847-362-2174 or email [email protected]. Regular office hours are Monday-Friday 9 AM - 4 PM.

Pastoral Emergencies

If you are a church member and need to reach a pastor in an emergency, please call 847-367-6460. Leave a message and a pastor will return your call as soon as they are able.

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First Pres Community Group