PARISH NEWS & UPDATES - May 23, 2020
On the Statement of the US President on Reopening Houses of Worship
My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace be with you!

Yesterday, President Donald Trump made a statement calling all Governors across the country to reopen places of worship by this weekend.

Though this is great news the Diocese has not received formal determination from The Santa Clara County Health Department on the date to reopen and the number for the size of gatherings for public Mass in the County based from this new mandate of the President. It was shared to me from our Diocese that Governor Newsom is expected to release a State guidance about the matter on Monday, but it will still be up to the County to determine mitigation measures on how and when to apply this mandate in this jurisdiction. The Diocese will be collaborating and cooperating with the County Health Department on this matter.

Our Diocese has been working, even before the statement of the President, in creating a framework on guidance and policies in anticipation when we do reopen our churches and schools in the Diocese of San Jose at a time when the County Health Department lifts current restrictions. It is the hope of Bishop Cantú to make this guidance and policies available to parishes the soonest possible.

I understand that we all have the desire to reopen again our parish so that we can celebrate Mass again together and slowly reopen again our ministries. I ask for your continuous prayers, patience, understanding and support. Reopening will not be as easy as we may think, many important factors must be considered in protecting one another at the same time as we enjoy our moment with the Lord together as a Church.

Until current restrictions are lifted, we shall continue our ZOOM Masses (9:30 am Daily Mass M-F; Sunday Mass 11:00 am English and 1:00 pm Spanish). Fr. Pedro and I will continue to be available for your spiritual needs thru and .

God bless you all and be safe.
In the hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Angelo David, Pastor
Lord, grant that on this Solemnity of the Ascension we might ascend to a joyful life in this world, to true Christian courage, to patience that triumphs over evil and despondency, and endurance of all trials and sorrows. 

When our earthly journey is ended, lead us rejoicing into an even more beautiful and wondrous world - the Kingdom of Heaven.

Based on a prayer by Orthodox Patriarch Tikhon
Join Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services (CFCS) and Bishop Cantú
for Memorial Day Mass

Monday, May 25 at 11 am

View Live Stream at:

God of power and mercy,
you destroy war and
put down earthly pride.
Banish violence from our midst
and wipe away our tears,
that we may all deserve to be
called your sons and daughters.
Keep in your mercy those
men and women
who have died in the cause of
freedom and bring them safely
into your kingdom of justice and peace.
We ask this though Jesus Christ our Lord.


The Catholic Community Foundation of Santa Clara County invites you to participate in a novena leading up to Pentecost Sunday.
Starting on Friday, May 22nd., each morning there will be a brief reflection, and then we will all pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit together. The call begins at 8:00 AM every morning, and we anticipate that the call will last between 5-10 minutes. On May 30th, the final day of the novena, you are welcome to pray the rosary with us after the normal prayer. 
Day: Every Day, May 22nd – May 30th 
Time: 8:00 - 8:15 am
Join Using:  Zoom on Your Computer: or Call-in Number: (408) 638-0968
Meeting ID: 847 4283 6724
If you know of a parishioner suffering with illness or someone who has recently gone to the Lord, and you would like the community to pray for them, please email .  Their names will be added in the bulletin so that the community can pray for them. 

If you have an uplifting story you would like to tell, or a special prayer you are saying during this time. Please let us know. Email .
Toll Free Hotline: (415) 324-1011
The State of California will provide one-time disaster relief assistance to adult undocumented immigrant adults over the age of 18 who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

An undocumented adult who qualifies will receive $500 of direct cash assistance (maximum of $1000 per household). A household is defined as individuals who live, purchase, and prepare meals together.

Assistance will be provided on a first come, first serve basis. Disaster relief application services and assistance are not guaranteed.

El Estado de California proporcionará asistencia de ayuda por desastre por única vez a adultos inmigrantes indocumentados mayores de 18 años que hayan sido afectados por la pandemia COVID-19.

Un adulto indocumentado que califique recibirá $500 de asistencia directa en efectivo (máximo de $1000 por hogar). Un hogar se define como individuos que viven, compran y preparan comidas juntos.

La asistencia se brindará por orden de llegada. No se garantizan los servicios y la asistencia para la solicitud de ayuda por desastre.

At this time we are unable to physically collect CRS Rice Bowls, please submit your CRS Rice Bowl gift by phone or mail. Remember to note that your donations are from the Diocese of San Jose.

877-435-7277 (8 a.m.-11 p.m. Eastern Time). Be sure to tell the operator that the gift is for CRS Rice Bowl.

Please write “CRS Rice Bowl - Diocese of San Jose” in the memo line of your check and mail it to:

Catholic Relief Services - CRS Rice Bowl
P.O. Box 17090 
Baltimore, Maryland 21297-0303 
June 15-July 20  
The goal of this event is to raise awareness for Vocations while practicing social distancing! Join us (virtually) for our Second Annual Fun Run for Vocations! Run, walk, skip, hop, jump, dance…. .your pace, your space!  
Your ongoing monetary gifts are greatly needed and appreciated. Your Sunday Offertory gift  sustains this parish .

We look forward to your support during these times when we have no regular Sunday offertory. The online donation system that we use is safe, secure and convenient. You can use credit cards, debit cards or direct transfer from your bank account.
If you are unable to make your weekly offertory gift online, please remember to mail or drop off your the envelopes at the parish office 366, Saint Julie Drive, San Jose, CA 95119.
We're currently at 99% of our goal of $92,298.00. Thank you to all who have answered the request to participate and have pledged.
Please remember that 100% of your gift above our goal comes back to our parish!

We still need $1,076.00 to reach our goal.
No registration required before hand. Registration will be done on-site.
Immigration Legal Service s : 1-408-944-0691
Shelter Placement: 408-278-6420
Santa Clara County Crisis Counseling : 1-855-278-4204 Or Text RENEW to 741741
Second Harvest Silicon Valley : Call 1-800-984-3663
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