Weekly News & Updates
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed …

In just a week it will be Christmas. It’s hard to know just what to say. We’ve recorded some great worship resources. There are plans for an Outdoor Gathering on Christmas Eve for Carols and the Christmas story. Between now and December 25 you can join us:

  • 4th Sunday of Advent is Sunday 12/20. In the Gospel, Mary is called to bear Jesus into the world. Our YouTube service is available as usual
  • Our last Advent Wreath Candle Lighting is Sunday Evening at 5:00 pm with the Dorsey family leading us in lighting the Love Candle. This is a Zoom event.
  • A Service for the Longest Night will be offered later that Evening at 7:00 pm. This is a time of reflection for those who aren’t quite ready for the bright lights of Christmas. This YouTube service includes quiet songs, readings and the chance to Light a Candle with others in the parish.
  • Weather permitting, we will offer an Outdoor Family Christmas Eve Service at 4:00 pm out on the Labyrinth between the church and the parking lot. We’ll sing some Carols and tell the story of the Birth of Jesus. Bring a chair if you can and maybe a blanket. We’ll take up a food offering, so bring a non-perishable food item we can share with our neighbors.
  • Lastly at 7:00 pm we will Premiere our Virtual Christmas Eve Service with Choir! This YouTube event will allow all who sign in to greet each other in the comments section. Though separate, we will watch and pray together.

Remember that all the YouTube events are public and can be shared or re-watched whenever you like. You can copy the links for services you enjoyed and share them with family and friends everywhere. If you have not yet Subscribed, please consider hitting the button on our YouTube page. This will allow us to reach even more people with our message.

We always make memories, every Christmas. Our decorations and our meals tell stories of who we are and where we put our hope. God knows and cares for us. This Christmas may we discover the love of Jesus in new and unexpected ways.
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask you to stay,
Close by me forever and love me I pray.
Bless all the dear children with thy tender care,
And fit us for heaven to live with thee there.
Mark +
Purify our conscience, Almighty God, by your daily visitation, that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in us a mansion prepared for himself; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Year End Giving
December is traditionally one of our strongest months for giving. These past nine months have been particularly lean as we miss the additional money we receive weekly from the Offering Plate.
Please try to finish out your 2020 pledge, if you are able. If you are an occasional giver, please consider making a year-end gift. Our website www.ccpki.org has a giving tab which offers the opportunities for Text to Give and our secure Credit Card Giving. Checks can be mailed to the church Christ Church Parish, 830 Romancoke Road, Stevensville, MD 21666.
Thank you to all who have given so faithfully in this tumultuous year. Our lights burn brightly as we feed our neighbors and share the Good News of Jesus’ love.
Join us at ccpki.org for Worship this Sunday
The Westminster Ringer concert was a great success. There were 48 people watching the premiere on Dec 12th.

Others have since found the video through our website and YouTube. To date the video has been viewed by 123 people.

Thank you to all those that supported this important ministry.

If you would like to watch the concert click here. 
Christian Formation

The fourth Sunday of Advent is about love. Love is one of the most important things we can offer to all living things. Winnie and I snuggled down in front of our Christmas tree to talk a little bit more about loving God, our neighbors , our pets and ourselves on this week’s "Wednesdays with Winnie."

Please join the Dorsey Family and Father Mark on Zoom at 5:00 on Sunday evening for the lighting of the Love candle. Zoom meeting information can be found below.

Angels play an important role in the Christmas story. In "Lessons with Lisa" we hear the story of the angel Gabriel’s visit with Mary and her willingness to answer God’s call. This year, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us, like Mary answer God’s call.

Miss Lisa and Winnie
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 8303 0357
Passcode: 587103

Dial by your location
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
Meeting ID: 892 8303 0357
Passcode: 587103

Download a service bulletin HERE
Meals Needed for Shelter

Looking for volunteers to provide dinner to our guests at the shelter on Jan 1 and 2. Currently we are serving 6 guests with no allergies. Need to prepare main dish-a meat and veggie casserole or pasta type casserole with side of bread/rolls, A green salad would be nice also. Meals need to be delivered to KIUMC at 5:30. If you can help out with either evening in January please let me know ASAP . Please contact me at shelter@ccpki.org and I will give you more details. Leslie Schneider
Please pray for: Angela & Trent, Baby girl Claibaugh, Peggy Brengle, Lynda Brody, Buck Buckingham, Aubree Burton, Camp Wright, Chris, Connie Clark, Scott & Lynn Clark, Jane Coppage, Wendy Costello (RIP), Corie Davis, Bryan Dalheim (RIP), Bob & Laura Dean, Deny, Paul Dorr, Jim Ewing, Susan Fralic, Dave Grapes, David Grimes (RIP), Rick H (RIP) & Family, Anne Habberton, Rita Hadlock, Melanie Hallowell (RIP), Liza Hamill, Ronald Hartman, Carol Holland, Jim Hoverman, Clint Hoxter, Charles Jewell, Anne Jones, Josette, Rowan & Lyla, Albie Kimbel, Jeff Kolbeins, Mike Kratzer & Family, Olivia Marguerite, Sharon McCain, Toinette McDowell, Doug McMillan & Family, Bob Meile, Greg Middleton (RIP), Faith Miller, Renee O’Rourke, Camilla Parrott, Al Peppel, John Perkins, Wayne Phelps, Gail Renborg, Rick & Christina, John Riley, Jeff Rouse, Adele & David Sadiq, Judy Schubrook (RIP), Kirsten Shelek (RIP), Donna & Rob Sherwood, Anna Sisson, Larry Sparks, Jeffrey Thomas, Ian Vansant & Family, Monty Wells (RIP), Kathy & Roger Whitehead, Larry Wilkens, Candace Williams, Bob Willis, Lee Wilson (RIP), Jack Wright, Geoff Young (RIP)
This Sunday's Worship Service

Join Us for Living Well Through Advent 2020

The Parish Devotional Book for Advent is from Living Compass. This year they are focusing on “Practicing Hope”. The Books are available at church or online. Go to Living Compass https://www.livingcompass.org and click on the link for a .pdf to download.
Pause Ponder and Pray will also use the booklet for our Tuesday Night Zoom Meetings (Zoom Meeting ID: 822 6393 0246) at 7:00 pm. Send us an email if you would like a weekly reminder.

  • December 22 Grounding our Hope in God 
Save the Dates:
December 20th at 7:30 pm--Online Service for the Longest Night
December 24th at 4:00 pm--Outdoor Family Christmas Eve Service
December 24th at 7:00 pm--Online Christmas Eve Service
Sunday Nights in Advent
Family Zoom Advent Wreath Lighting Service at 5:00 pm
Ways to Support Christ Church

  • Electronic Giving: Click Here
  • Text to Give by texting CCPKI to 73256
  • Bank: Have your bank send a check or make an ACH transfer
  • By Check: CCPKI 830 Romancoke Rd. Stevensville MD 21666

Vestry members at CCPKI serve for three-year terms and are elected at the annual meeting held each year at the end of January. This coming January we will elect three new members to replace Colleen Minahan, Jeff Pike, and Dottie Wilson who will have completed their three-year terms. 

Anyone who is 16 years of age or older, and has been active in Christ Church Parish for a period of six months or longer, is eligible to serve as a member of the Vestry. 

If you would like to suggest someone to be on the Vestry, please contact one of the three outgoing members (Colleen, Jeff or Dottie) or email vestry@ccpki.org.  
Christ Church Parish Kent Island| 410-643-5921 | office@ccpki.org | ccpki.org