October 1, 2021
News from St. Patricia Parish
"Give the Lord Glory and Honor"
Dear Parishioners,

In gratitude to Almighty God, I wish to acknowledge my predecessors, especially Father Thomas   Brody, the founding pastor who celebrated the first mass on July 12, 1959 at Dorn School on 92nd Street. Imagine all that Fr. Brody had to do just to say daily and Sunday mass? Those early days must have been very exciting but also very challenging at times.

Father Norbert Chapell, the second pastor in 1975, who supervised much of the construction of the facilities that we now enjoy, including the rectory, were built in 1977, and the building of a new parish center and gym with a large stage was constructed in 1986. Fr. Chapell, ordained in a previous era, took on the challenge to fully introduce Vatican II, which stressed the involvement of the laity, and the many opportunities that opened for service and liturgical ministries.

When Father Chapell retired in 1989, Father Gerald Mulcahy began his long terms as pastor — almost 17 years. Father Mulcahy, an avid woodworker and an exceptional craftsman, carved our beautiful main and side altars and other liturgical furnishings. In the rectory, the bookshelves and cabinets in the office and living portions of the building were all well crafted by him for us to enjoy today. He also had the wisdom to add a “narthex” or “gathering space” for the church in 2007, shortly before he retired. Father Mulcahy was a steady presence during those many years, assuming the ever-expanding responsibilities of a modern pastor in a world that was becoming more and more complex.
Father Marc Pasciak, the fourth pastor who served here for 14 years, was a man of the people who took time to teach weekly in the school and was an ever-present leader with the seniors, the Holy Name Society, and every other organization. Fr. Marc’s homilies were well regarded, and because of their profound content, the parishioners requested that they be printed in the bulletin the following week in order that they could be further pondered. Over the last few years, Fr. Marc maintained his thoughtful, friendly leadership style despite the greater strain that was placed on him due to planning necessary for the “Renew My Church” Initiative and the decisions that needed to be made related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

I would also be remiss if I failed to mention the many dedicated associate pastors. The most recent were Father Joseph Mol, Father Darrio Boscutti, Father Stanley Stuglik, Father Frank Burek, and retired Father Peter Paurazas...
Upcoming Events
Remember the Past, Celebrate the Present, Grow the Future...
The St. Patricia Parish Community is invited to the Installation Mass of Fr. Mike Meany. Saturday, October 2, 2021 at 4:00 pm in the Church. Bishop Wypych will celebrate the Mass. A reception dinner will directly follow in the Parish Center.

Please R.S.V.P. to attend below or
Parish Office - 708-598-5222
If you are interested in volunteering to help at the reception dinner following Mass, please contact Julie at jvsuarez@stpatriciaparish.com or 708-598-8200 ext 31. Thank you!
Weekly Calendar Highlights
October 3 - October 10

Sunday, October 3 - Respect Life Sunday  
  • 9:30 a.m. - CLOW Mass

Monday, October 4 - St. Francis of Assisi
  • 3:30 p.m. - Blessing of Pets - In front of Rectory
  • 6:30 p.m. - Adult RCIA - BR North Side Door of Rectory

Wednesday, October 6 
  • 7:00 p.m. - Holy Name Society Meeting - School Hall

Saturday, October 9
  • 3:00-3:45 p.m. - Confessions

Rectory Hours - in person and by phone:
Mon-Fri- 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sat from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Religious Ed. Office is now open by appointment.
Our phone is (708) 599-1221. Registrations may be dropped off with payment at the Rectory office.

St. Patricia School Office is open 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.
St. Patricia Religious Education News
It’s wonderful to see our program growing and thriving with over 200 students enrolled! A warm welcome to our returning RE families and to our 40+ new families. This past Tuesday, it was time for our very enthusiastic students to meet their teachers as we began our first week of class. Before class, Fr. Chris lead us in prayer for our Archangel Prayer Service which was held in the church. It was wonderful learning more about God’s Archangels, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael!

Thank you for your continued support! May God bless you and your family!

In Christ,
Christine Ramos, RE Director
Registration for RE is still available. If you have not registered yet, register soon! Classes have already begun. Classes are on Tuesdays, from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. We offer RE Classes for grades K through 8, as well as Teen RCIA, and Adult RCIA. Please contact the RE office for more information at reled@stpatriciaparish.com or call us at 708-599-1221.
RCIA for Adults

Would you like to become a Catholic? Are you an adult in need of the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, and/or Confirmation? If so, we invite you to REGISTER for classes. It is not too late to register! Please call the Religious Education Office at 708-599-1221 for more information.

RCIA Classes will begin on Monday, October 4th at 6:30 p.m. in the Brody Room of the Rectory (north-side entrance of the Rectory). We look forward to beginning this spiritual journey with you!
Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

We are so excited to announce that CLOW, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, will resume on Sunday, October 3rd at the 9:30 am Mass!  During the Mass, the priest will invite the children, ages 4 and up, to go with a catechist to the church gathering space to learn about the readings of the day through fun activities and lively discussion. For their participation in this sacred time together, each child will receive a small gift to take home to remind them of God’s Word alive in their hearts!
Teen Mission Trip 2022

It’s back………….. TEEN MISSION TRIP….SUMMER 2022!

All teens, graduating 8th grade through senior year High School are invited to a week of life-changing experiences serving residents while learning valuable skills of basic home repair, make new friendships, and deepening their faith.

2022 Teen Mission Trip
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
June 26th-July 2nd
St. Patricia School Good News
2021-22 Junior Honor Society and Student Council Induction
The Induction Ceremony for the Junior Honors Society and Student Council was held on Monday, September 20, 2021, in church. Students were sworn into their respective organizations and received certificates. Junior Honor officers also received pins. Thank you Mrs. Bartley and Mrs. Bennet for sponsoring JHS and to Mr. Dillon, and Mr. Fischer for sponsoring Student Council. Congratulations to all students inducted!
We welcoming these children who 
were baptized into our Family of Faith 
September 26, 2021
Ronan Patrick Hehir, child of Brendan and Christina
Stella Grace Lanham, child of Brandon and Denise
Colton Albert Wall, child of Patrick and Lauren
Volunteers Needed
We are in need of Eucharistic Ministers for Weekend Masses!
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ms. Missy Keegan at mkeegan@stpatriciaparish.com or call the Parish Office at (708) 598-5222.
Stay Connected...
As we continue to rely more on email communication and online interactions during time, we encourage you to share this email with your contacts!
Please visit our Facebook Page for photos, announcements, and updates of Parish happenings. Our website has added Spiritual Resources to help you worship at home. Also, be sure you are signed up to continue to receive our weekly newsletter. Stay connected with St. Patricia Parish!

Enroll in Online Giving Today!
Thank you to all those who are mailing and dropping off their parish envelopes and donations, as always your support is greatly appreciated. As we begin our Parish Reopening, please note that collection baskets will not be passed at church. You may submit your envelope in the designated drop off in the Gathering Space before Mass begins or at the Rectory.

Online giving is still strongly being encouraged. We have a great tool via Give Central available where you can make an offertory contribution to our St. Patricia family and keep the vital ministries and services we provide going. Please click the link to learn more. God bless you for your generosity!
Support St. Patricia on Amazon Smile
Please keep St. Patricia in mind if you shop on Amazon. When you order from Amazon.com, you may designate that a contribution of 0.5% of your total Amazon.com order will be donated to St. Patricia Church. Simply visit www.smile.amazon.com, login, and search for St. Patricia Church as your charitable organization, or follow this link: smile.amazon.com/ch/36-2428437

Be sure to log in through smile.amazon.com each time you place an order so it credits to our account. Please consider doing this every time you place an order with Amazon.com. It’s free to you and it’s a wonderful way to benefit our parish and school!