St. Paul's Episcopal Church

301 S. Liberty St.

Centreville, MD 21617

410-758-1553 - Office Phone

410-758-2238 - Fax Number

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Please note a change in the parish officed hours.

The parish office is no longer open on Mondays. If you have a pastoral emergency please call the parish office at 410-758-1553 and leave a message.

The Parish Office Hours:


Tuesday - Friday:         8:30am until 4:30pm

*Closed for lunch 12:00pm - 12:45pm

Saturday & Sunday:    Closed


The parish office will be closed Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th. In case of a pastoral emergency please call the office at 410-758-1553 and leave a message.

This Sunday's Prayer for the Transition

Dear Lord, our best and greatest Shepherd, please lead us, your people, through these days as we wait and search. May we not wait until we have a Rector to earnestly seek your face. Shape us by your Spirit, into the people you would like us to be to one another and in Queen Anne’s County. We pray this all in the name of Jesus, our Lord, who lives among us and in us. Amen.

St. Paul’s Clergy Schedule

November 27-Wed. Service Cancelled

December 1 Rev. Nathaniel Pierce (Advent)

December 4-Wed. Rev. Mark Delcuze

December 8 Rev. Mark Delcuze

December 11-Wed. Rev. Mark Delcuze

December 15 Rev. Mark Delcuze

December 18-Wed. Rev. Mark Delcuze

December 22 Rev. Mark Delcuze

December 24 Rev. Mark Delcuze

(Music to celebrate the birth of our Lord begins at 4:30pm and the service begins at 5:00pm. Please note there is only one service)

December 25 Service Cancelled

December 29 Rev. Mark Delcuze

January 1 Service Cancelled

Giving Sunday will be on December 1, 2024. Please bring your pledge cards to church. We will collect them during the service. You can also bring them to the parish office or mail them in.


Our Finance Committee is working hard on the budget for 2025. It is a great benefit to see the pledge totals for 2025.


Our current pledges are 63% of our 2024 total pledged. Please prayerfully consider making a pledge to the operating fund.


Thank you for your generosity and support.


Haven Ministries Dinner

St. Paul's is scheduled for providing a dinner for the upcoming dates of December 7 and 8, and Jan 2, 3, 27 and 28. Please check the signup sheets on the bulletin board or in Donaldson Hall for dates still needing to be covered. When providing a dinner, it can be meat and vegetables, or a main dish casserole and salad, and bread. Dessert is optional. Drop off is at 6:30 pm at Kent Island Methodist Church. I will let you know how many guests they are serving closer to the date. Please contact me with any questions at or 443-797-4569. Thank you! Barb Ackermann

Sunday Service

10:00am Holy Communion


Mid-week Service

There will be no service on November 27th.

Visit our website

Please click the link below for the Haven Ministries Newsletter. They are now accepting donations through Amazon. Click Here



You can watch the Sunday's service live at 10:00am or you can watch it at a later time or date. When you go to our Youtube page you will find 4 weeks of services. When the page opens up make sure to click the LIVE tab(3rd from the right) for the most recent services.

Click Here for St. Paul's Youtube Page
Please click the box below for more infomation on Miles for Migrants.
Click Here
Logo Diocese of easton
Click Here for ENews

Men's Breakfast

December 7th at 8:15am

The Creamery in Centreville


The men’s breakfast group meets the first Saturday of the month at the Creamery at 8:15am. Everyone is invited. We look forward to seeing you soon. 

Susan Whittaker's

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Please join us on Tuesday, December 17th at 2:00pm in the Richardson Room. Everyone is invited.

Click the link below to see what is happening at the Retreat House.

Click Here

Hibernia Legacy Society
Planned Giving 

Please click the link below for the Planned Giving Brochure.
Please click the link below for Planned Giving Enrollment form.

Please click the link below for Celebration of Life Planning form.