Friday, March 11, 2022
Aloha our beloved Parish 'Ohana,
We had our a parish staff retreat on the rectory back lanai this past Tuesday. First, it was just a joy to be with everyone in person! After two years of physical distancing, meeting on ZOOM, and having our heads and hands in our own areas of ministry, if all we had done was share a meal together, I would have called our retreat A WIN! However, the best part for me was in the opening exercise. We each were invited to share, “What brought us to the ministry/work we are doing and what keeps us coming back?” I was humbled by what people said. I wish you had been a fly on the wall. One staff member summarized for the rest of us saying, “Because I am so blessed I get to be surrounded by such good people!” Another said, “I have never been this happy doing something in my life.”

I, personally, feel like I am getting my ministry mojo back. It has been a long two years, but I am feeling excited about ministry again. Being able to take our masks off last week at Beach Mass, was, literally, a breath of fresh air. We’ve started coming up to the altar at St. James’ to receive the sacrament. And at St. Columba’s we are on the cusp of sharing some concrete plans to put in a kitchen! If you need to see the life I see, just come on St. James’ Campus. It is humming. I especially love the afternoons, when the keiki from one of the two schools on our property are playing on the back lawn and the keiki from other schools are arriving to catch the vans down to paddle at Kawaihae. Basketballs are being tossed. Kids are on the swing sets. People are walking out from the Thrift Store Ministry with a needed item or a treasure found. The delicious smell of the Community Meal being cooked in the church is in the air. -- Yes, I, too, am so blessed that I get to be surrounded by such good people.

While away seeing my folks in January, I took two days in retreat and read the book of essays entitled, “We Shall Be Changed: Questions for a Post-Pandemic Church.” In the last one, Bishop Rob Wright talks about leadership. In writing about how Jesus used parables to communicate he states, “The parables Jesus tells don’t offer answers; they often have unsatisfying endings. But that itself is an invitation; the listeners become engaged in the work of imagining their own answers, guided by the imagery of the beautiful question.” The beautiful question we are all being asked, is “What do we imagine God calling us to be and do?” That is both an individual question and for our parish as we move forward.

Priest, monk, and friend of our parish, Brother David Vryhof, is helping us think about this in our Wednesday Lenten series. You can click the video box here to listen to this week’s topic. Then, from 6 – 7 PM this Wednesday via ZOOM, we’ll take some time to discuss with our sisters and brothers from St. Elizabeth's Church, O'ahu and their rector, David Gerlach, joining us.
In this video Brother David states such discernment is not about your figuring out the “one path that God had predetermined was the right path. And that if we weren’t careful, we would miss it.” Br. David goes on, “I don’t think it’s like that. I don’t think God is sitting at some control panel in the sky and deploying people to different places of need. I think rather God gives us tools and gives us a personality, gives us a temperament, gives us gifts and strong interests that are part of who we are, and who God has made us to be. And God says to us, let’s work together and take these gifts and build them into something that is a benefit and service to others.”

As we pray for our world that is desperate need of peace and healing, may our parish continue to be a witness of such good people imagining and building something that is a benefit and service to others.

With every blessing,
Help Ukrainian Refugees
URGENT: Donate to ERD to help Ukrainian Refugees

Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) is mobilizing with Anglican agencies and other partners in order to provide humanitarian assistance to people fleeing the violence in Ukraine.

Your immediate support will help Episcopal Relief & Development and other Anglican partners help in this international crisis.

Your gift will help provide cash, blankets, hygiene supplies and other needed assistance to refugees from Ukraine, as well as others affected by disasters, emergencies and humanitarian crises around the world.
Weekend Worship

5 PM at Kawaihae Canoe Club. In-person and online. Please bring a beach chair or towel. Masks must be worn. 

*7:30 AM at St. James'. Inside the church. Masks must be worn and physical distancing observed.

*9:30 AM at St. James'. Inside the church and online
*9:30 AM at St. Columba’s. Outside on the grass, under the tent, and online.
* All Sunday Services are also broadcast, over FM 97.5 at St. James' and over FM 91.9 at St. Columba's, for those remaining in their cars. Communion will be brought to you.
This coming weekend's Bulletins & Offering:
Three ways to join in worshiping virtually
(streamed live, links above.)
HERE is a link to The Book of Common Prayer online.
Once on this site, click on Morning Prayer, Rite 2.
Communion to the Homebound
The clergy are happy to bring communion to those who are homebound or who do not feel comfortable coming to an in person service. Simply contact one of the clergy directly or through the parish office.
Growing in Faith

Men's Bible Study
On ZOOM Password: faith

We study the upcoming Scriptures that will be read in worship. CLICK HERE to review before we meet.

Links to useful commentaries:
Women's Bible Study

The next Women’s Bible Study will be held IN PERSON AT the Church Office, as well as via ZOOM from 10 AM to 11:30 AM on Friday, March 4, 2022.

The Women’s Bible Study has unanimously decided to return to The Chosen, a groundbreaking streaming TV series about the life of Jesus. (The Series, The Chosen, can be accessed on the App Store on your phone or tablet, or on YouTube, or by googling The Chosen on your computer. Season One is also on DVD and may be purchased on Amazon. 

For the Bible Study, we will be using the official companion study to season 1 of The Chosen, the groundbreaking television series about the life of Jesus, What Does It Mean to Be Chosen? (Books available in the church office or on Amazon) which parallels each episode, connecting readers to the Bible in a brand-new way.

It includes: 
  • A deeper look at Isaiah 43 and its fulfillment in Jesus and the lives of His followers (including us!)
  • Script excerpts, quotes, and illustrations from the show
  • Guiding questions for groups or individuals
Being chosen by Jesus has beautiful and far-reaching implications. We are loved because He is love. We are saved because He is merciful. We belong to the family of God because Jesus invites us, making the Bible and all its promises as true for us today as it was for God’s chosen people.

Please call Rev.Marnie @ 808-333-2247 with any questions or help you may need.
Please join us!!!

On ZOOM Password: faith

Bishop's Bible Study
Every Wednesday, Bishop Fitzpatrick, offers an online study/reflection. On Mondays, he offers a weekly message to the diocese. CLICK HERE to access the most recent Bible Study.
Lenten Study
“Let me pray about that…”: 
The Art of Spiritual Discernment
St. James’ Parish Lenten Discussion
a five-week course of study with Br. David Vryhof, SSJE
Wednesdays, 6 PM, starting March 9th, via ZOOM
(Note: The course will be offered again after Easter at St. Columba’s)
“The Great Resignation” – people retiring, leaving positions, changing jobs, the pandemic has nudged a lot of folks into a time discernment. When we pray about the choices that we face in life, what are we hoping will happen? How does God speak to us, and how can we be opened to receiving God’s direction? What are the ways in which we can expect God to guide and direct our paths? How do you discover what God is calling you to do at this time in your life? Friend of our parish and priest and monk of the Episcopal Monastery, Society of St. John the Evangelist, Br. David Vryhof, has put together five talks for us to address these questions and more. 
These talks are on video and you have two ways view them: 1) You can watch (or listen in your car or out walking/running, ect.), by accessing the videos on the SSJE website (see link below) then join us at 6 PM on that Wednesday for discussion. We will be pau by 7:15 PM. 2) We will also open up the ZOOM room at 5:15 PM and share the video over the screen. 
Here are the links you’ll need:
To watch early, register with SSJE to have access to the videos by going to: 
To join the ZOOM room to watch the video at 5:15 PM, or to join at 6 PM for our time of discussion, go to:
Meeting ID: 701 802 1953
Session One: What is spiritual discernment?  
Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice.” How can we learn to listen for that voice, recognize it, and follow where it leads?
Session Two: What do we mean when we speak of someone’s ‘calling’ or ‘vocation’?  
Do I have a ‘calling’ in life? Is there something that I am meant to be or to do? What does it mean to have a ‘vocation’ and how will I recognize whether or not my ‘calling’ is from God?
Session Three: What can we learn about ‘vocation’ from the life of Jesus?  
Did Jesus have a sense of his own vocation? What would he say that he was called to be or to do? How did he come to that sense of vocation?
Session Four: How can I discover my own ‘calling’ in life?  
Are there particular methods or techniques that I can use to discover my ‘vocation’? Where and how can I begin to look for God’s purpose for my life?
Session Five: Is there a proven method of discernment that I can follow when faced with an important life choice?  
All of us make important choices in life: choices that will define our future, and shape who and what we become. How can we bring these choices into the realm of prayer? How will we recognize which choice might be God’s preferred choice for us? How might God answer our prayer that “Thy will be done”?

Br David Vryhof, SSJE is an ordained brother of the Society of St John the Evangelist, a religious order for men in the Episcopal Church, founded in Oxford, England in 1866 and coming to Boston in 1870. For over thirty years he has been engaged in the Society’s mission of teaching, preaching, offering spiritual direction, and leading retreats. Currently he serves the community as Vocations Brother and as a member of the Community Council. He resides at the Society’s monastery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Lent Resources - The Episcopal Church

Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent The journey through Lent into Easter is a journey with Jesus. We are baptized into his life, self-giving, and death; then, we rise in hope to life transformed. This Lent, communities are invited to walk...

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2022 Lenten Meditations - Episcopal Relief & Development

This year, the Lenten Meditations will focus on that transformation. These reflections are organized into Episcopal Relief & Development's priorities: Women, Children and Climate, and include a focus on our Disaster Resilience & Response work. We ...

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Forward Movement News

Dear friends in Christ, Last week I wrote about churches embarking on a Lenten journey in these strange times. This week, I want to say a few things about how we might go on a Lenten journey on our own. Fundamentally, Lent is about repentance,...

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Lent 2022: Growing in the Wilderness

This is your invitation to keep a Holy Lent and to grow in your faith. The pandemic feels like wilderness, but God does amazing things in the wilderness, even when the wilderness stretches on for a while! These are all wilderness stories that...

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Last Weekend's Worship
Taking Stock of Your Life
For forty days, Jesus took stock of his life–who he was and what he wanted to accomplish. We call this forty-day period Lent. Christians are called in Lent to a special period of taking stock, of setting priorities, of rethinking what it means to be a steward of God’s gift. May this holy season be a time for you to contemplate anew the many blessings of God and to respond to God by a generous giving of your very selves. Generous giving always brings rewards, as our Lord found out. And while generous giving does not protect us from the difficulties and vagaries of life, it does assure us of a deeper life. As surely as Lent ends with Easter, so a life of giving ends with a greater sense of satisfaction and greater joy.
-- The Rt. Rev. Robert Ihloff, Episcopal Bishop of Maryland

Share a photo, a link, a poem, a prayer...

Found something that supports, inspires, comforts or amuses you? Share it!

Ushers Needed!

Are you able to assist us with online ushering for one weekend a month for our worship services? Or for a specific worship service offered?

The ushers task is three-fold:
  1. First and foremost, welcome people to the service. State that you are the online usher in the chat box. Be present to monitor the room.
  2. Post the link to the bulletin & the online giving site. This is easy and we can show you how.

The 3 weekend services that are regularly broadcast are:

Saturday, 5 PM, Beach Mass

Sunday, 9:30 AM, service at St. James' and St. Columba's.

This is a great ministry especially for those members and friends who might not live on Hawai'i Island or be able to attend in person.
Please contact the Parish Office to learn more.
Make a Difference This March
Our Change Changes Lives
UTO Little Blue Boxes
The Episcopal Church’s United Thank Offering (“UTO”) motto is "Our change changes lives." Each year, churches are invited to participate in an offering of support for the United Thank Offering grant program which addresses human need through grants to projects that alleviate poverty, bot domestically and internationally, within the Anglican (Episcopal) provinces and dioceses. Years ago, St. James’ benefited from a UTO grant that helped build our bathrooms. 
Starting next week there will be blue boxes available on the back tables in church. You are invited to make a  daily prayer and offering in thanks for the blessings in your life by putting your loose coins and bills into a UTO blue box placed on your bedside table, the kitchen sill, the office desk — any place where prayers of thanksgiving are said. Our Parish will have its giving time during the season of Lent, ending on Easter Sunday, April 17. You will be  invited to bring your blue box with you to church that weekend. We will bless them during our services and then the   offerings will be sent to UTO.

Join the Green Team
Do you feel a call to care for the ‘āina? At the Diocese of Hawai'i’s annual convention in October, the delegates and clergy resolved to help address climate change and other environmental concerns in several ways. One is by creating a “Green Team” in every congregation (or hui of congregations) by April 1, to help us prioritize care for God’s creation through the mission, liturgy, prayer life, education, work, and budget of the diocese and each congregation. If you’d like to be part of this team, or just learn more about it, please see Jeanne Cooper after the Beach Mass on Saturday, March 12, or after the Sunday, March 13, services at St. James.’ Or contact her via the parish office to schedule a chat.
Mālama the Forest
Whether or not you join our Green Team, all are welcome to help us restore the rare, native dryland forest in the Waikōloa Dry Forest Preserve (just southwest of Waikoloa Village off Quarry Road). Register online at  to join us at a community volunteer day from 8am to noon Saturday, March 26. The nonprofit Waikōloa Dry Forest Initiative will provide tools, gloves, safety equipment, and water, but please bring sun protection, a refillable water bottle, and sturdy shoes. We’ll meet at the Waikōloa Dry Forest Preserve front gate at 8 AM and finish up with an optional potluck lunch at 12 PM. Let the parish office know if you plan to attend — we’ll bring extra snacks and refreshments.

"How God Works in our Lives"
Upcoming teaching with Br. David Vryhof, SSJE, a Saturday morning workshop on “How God Works in Our Lives.” May 14, 2022, 9 AM to 12 PM tentatively. Additional details to follow.
Sunday Services

We welcomed back from Florida, dear friends of the parish, Landy and Nancy Luther. Landy jumped right in and rang the bell to open worship. He did a great job too. That bell was heard all over the coast!

A huge Mahalo to Alice Iishi, Linda Mendonca and, new to our parish, Vickie Wangberg. They stepped in to offer ukulele for our Sunday worship. It was fantastic. They did an amazing job and they hadn't practiced together at all. Glorious Spirit filled worship. Mahalo nui loa!
We had an absolutely gorgeous day for worship on the First Sunday of Lent. It was just windy enough to keep us all cool and not too windy to blow around our papers! Cathy McPherson, our seminarian intern, blessed us with the Good News so it was a delightful day all around.
WEDNESDAYS 5:30 to 7:00 PM

The video series/study The Chosen, Season 2 meets weekly on Wednesdays. 

Everyone is welcome! We will gather for study at 5:30 PM and be pau by 7 PM. 

Fellowship, with treats, if you would like to bring some to share, will be held outside under the tent prior to the study at 5 PM. 

Masks are required if you are not eating and also no food in the church during the study. Study begins at 5:30 PM in the church with masking required. Mahalo for your patience as we navigate this pandemic trying to keep everyone safe.
St. Columba's Thrift Sale; March 11th and 12th. We will be offering our signature $5.00 a bag for clothing and books and there will also be household items for sale. Should be a great time so come and see!
Hoops and Horns

St. Columba's wants to lift up the friends of St. Columba's in thankful prayer. They bought a new stand-alone basketball hoop for the parking lot at St. Columba's. The one the children had been using broke due to rust and age. Finding out about this predicament, they purchased one so the children could continue their after school fun. On Wednesday morning, Glen Ruis, Landy Luther, and Steve Toma put together the hoop, and the children were using it that afternoon. All the keiki were thrilled! Mahalo nui loa for this gift! 
Some assembly required!
Mahalo Glen, Landy and Steve!
Alakai'i Adam roping while other keiki enjoy the new hoop
Movie Night is Coming Soon!
Family Movie Night Under the Tent will be Friday, March 18th. We will gather at 6pm and movie will begin between 6:15 and 6:30. The animated movie "Two by Two; God's Little Creatures" will be the feature film. A wonderful family movie for all ages!
"This film is the story of Noah’s Ark like you’ve never seen it before! Get ready to ride the waves with Dave and Finny, a clumsy species left off Noah’s list to board the Ark. With rough waters ahead, the father/son duo scramble to sneak onto the boat. Caught in all the excitement, Finny gets left behind and must embark on an incredible and harrowing journey. With the help of friends big and small, Dave must turn the Ark around to save his son in this heartwarming adventure of Biblical proportions."
If you would like to be added to the Prayer List or would like to add someone else (please get their permission first), call the parish office at 808-885-4923 or email at by the Tuesday before you would like the name to appear in the bulletin. Please mention 'Prayer List' in the Subject line of the email to Jacque so that she knows it's not a spam email from someone she doesn't know personally.
Names will remain on the list for 4 weeks. You must then request to have the name added again.
Patricia Eckstrom, Nicole Anderson, Trevor, Monica Parker, Gladys Takeya, Monique Abbasi, Jack A, Isaac DeRego, James Knox Everett, Maurice Cecil & Pukaua Summer Sommers, Betty Santorio, Cheyanna Lahnum, Jesse Osmun, Alex Ka'aua, Vicky Tagaca, Paterno Balmilero, Jerry Reyla, Greg Silva, Berlinda Toson, Maelle Wolfe, Joyce Horie, Riley Furlong, Matthew Latshaw, Wendy Geyer-Nixon, John Nixon, Frank & Margaret Fuchino, Nick Obrastoff, Charlotte Annette Obrien, Vivian Ettinger, Steve Lambuth, Ian Elliott, Wm. Dean Mitchell, Vicki Nilles, Suzanne & Jimmy Knowles, Susan & Max Maxey, Chris Mangarin, Dallas Gomes, Coe Atherton, Annette Pippin & family, Gail Lewis, Cindy Sharp, Diane Feeney, Suzanne Robinson, Kathy Smith, Sheri Mariscal, Scott Byron, Paul Lee, Deb, Jean Cherrigan, Annette Labonte, Taleisha Rose, Shawn Elkins, Susan Olsen, Michael Casey Merle, Michele Beavins, Marsha Elixson, Joe Bollinger, Everett Pang, Paisley Forsell, Kathleen Barker, Lance Mundo, Jacinth Souza, Edgar & Brigitte Roesch, Carol Gabrielli, Bruce,Vicki & Jan Reitenauer, Reginald Lindsey, Sheila McKibbin, Barbara Cooper, Noe Sagucio, Brayden Geronimo, Eddie Spencer, Jr., Jo Piltz, Jerry Kremkow; and as we pray for those who have recently died we remember nā 'ohana of Fiona Dempster, Ray Rosa and Peter Guzman, ++
Please remember in your prayers the ‘Ohana of Ray Rosa. Ray entered into Glory on Friday, February 25th. Notes of sympathy can be sent to:

Laurie Rosa
64-5170 B Kamamalu Street
Kamuela, HI 96743
Please remember in your prayers the following parishioners. 

Notes of care may be sent to:                               

Cindy Sharp
61-4148 Kalooloo Drive
Kamuela, HI 96743
Do you know of someone else to whom we could reach out?
Please get their permission first, then contact the parish office to have them added to the list. email here or telephone at 808-885-4923
Frank & Virginia Tutza (3/14)
Steve McPeek & Vincent McTighe (3/16)
Hank & Tana Hilliard (3/18)
Gerrit Keator (3/12)
Marci Pruett (3/13)
Niel Thomas (3/13)
Berlinda Toson (3/14)
Everett Knowles (3/15)
Rose Warner (3/15)
Hali`ikealoha Oshiro (3/16)
Pat Anderson (3/17)
Doug Cook (3/14)
Crispina Palacio (3/18)
Ministry with Keiki & Youth 
Youth & Family Ministry Position Search Update

A parish prayer for us all to say:

"O Lord, Mighty in Power, we pray you will lead the person to our parish who will lead us in ministering with keiki, youth, and families. Help our young people get to know You in beautiful and miraculous ways. Help us teach that You are always there for them, but that there are also people cheering them on here in this lifetime. Help us be a role model, listener, and friend to these young people, Lord. In Jesus’ beautiful name. Amen."
"EYC Hawai'i" is the Episcopal Youth Community of the Diocese of Hawai'i
Diocesan Youth Ministry - Hawaii
March 26, 2022
All Youth (grades 6-12) are invited to participate in one of our Diocesan Youth Ministry-sponsored Prayer Hikes scheduled to be held on March 26, 2022. These hikes will be our first events to host since the COVID pandemic began 2 years ago!
We are so excited for our Youth to be able
to gather together safely for an outdoor event! 
Prayer Hikes will be offered on three of 
our islands (O‘ahu, Kauai, and Hawaii Island). 
All three hikes will begin at 9:00 am and end at 2:00 pm.
Cost: Free
Things to bring: 
Hiking/Sturdy Closed-Toe Shoes (no slippers)
Cell Phone
Small Backpack 
Water Bottle 

Hawaii Island Hike
Kohala Institute @ 'Iole
53-580 Iole Road, Kapaau, HI
Hike Leaders
Kathy Matsuda
Lindy Marzo 
Click Below to
Please register by March 23, 2022
Tools and Trucks Needed,
March 13
The service personnel from Pohakuloa Training Area will be coming to trim the olive trees between us and the ReStore buildings on Sunday afternoon, March 13.

They should start around 1-1:30 PM. We will be in need of chainsaws and tools for them to use, and a few trucks to haul away the trimmings to the green waste site. Time permitting, we would like to repaint the big cross on the church tower. PTA soldiers have come to St James' before to paint and cut back the olive trees and help with other maintenance projects.

If you can loan tools or can come and help haul away green waste, please contact Frankie Pang, our Sexton, through the Church Office.

Hamakua-Kohala Health Center
Canada France Hawaii Telescope

From Jaisy
Today’s Community Meal was another example of how it truly takes a village. Sometimes when I encounter a series of small challenges, I like to think of it has having a “menehune in our midst” which is simply just a metaphor meaning that as we get closer and closer to doing good work, that there are little menehune who like to get involved to see whether we are truly committed to doing good work. Well, all I can say is that this Community Meal team, this Community Meal village is certainly committed!
We received word early yesterday morning that our weekly order of food from Sysco was not going to arrive in time, so, in true Community Meal fashion, it was Gregory to the rescue who hopped into his trusty car and headed to Hilo to pick up the goods from Will Call.   Thank you, Gregory!

Then, we had a little lettuce mix-up, which was going to leave us with no greens for the meal. BUT, in true Community Meal fashion, it was Huluhulu Farms to the rescue with an abundance of lettuce that they happened to have on hand!
And THEN, the sweets, oh the sweets! Every week we send out a plea for cookies and while we run short, our pleas are always answered. Today however we found ourselves in a dire situation, with no cookies to be found anywhere! Well, in true Community Meal fashion, it was Dana to the rescue! Not only did she have a bunch of M&M’s on hand in little candy cane containers, but she took the time to individually pack the M&M’s into little sandwich bags of sweets for the Meal! WOW!
The cars began lining up as early as 3:30, no doubt because of the enticing smells from the kitchen. And speaking of kitchens, we are SO grateful to Arlene, the Allbee’s and Wray's, Connie Young, Jane Sherwood, and Lynn for the use of their ovens!
Tonight’s meal was a crowd favorite as was apparent in the 717 of meals served.
We are thankful yet again to be a part of such a wonderful community. And to those little menehune in our midst, better luck next time 

The Community Meal is in need of sponsorships. Sponsors are an integral part of Waimea Community Meal’s success. Every $600 provides a delicious and nutritious community meal for 350 people. If you are interested in sponsoring a meal, or know of an organization who might be interested, please contact Tim Bostock at:
As always there is a call out for cooks, cookie bakers, meal planners.  If you are interested in helping us in any way, contact Sue Dela Cruz, at .  

Sue Dela Cruz, meal coordinator

Sue Dela Cruz
Updated COVID-19 Guidelines from the Diocese

At the present time, it seems that the statewide indoor mask mandate will end at midnight of March 25. Things can always change (both for the state and for the diocese) with new scientific information or new surges,..

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The Good Friday Offering celebrates a century of gifts...

This year we are celebrating a century of gifts and rejoicing in 2,000 years of Good News. For 100 years, Episcopalians have generously shared their love, compassion, and financial gifts to support the ministry of the Anglican Communion Province...

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Scholarships Available
Click Here or below for
Complete Application Packet

Are you available for a community cleanup of trash, marine debris, litter, fishing line and cigarette litter?
Meet Saturday 3/12/22 at Spencer Beach Park North parking lot. Drive down and turn left or North. Park by the restrooms.
Cleanup from 8:30 to 10 AM; Facility, beach and trails
Ocean Environment Educational materials, safety banner and UXO materials available.
Minors should bring signed waivers if they are not accompanied by parenting with a responsible adult . Teams can cleanup on one side of the gulch to keep distance from others if preferred . Volunteers can sign in or drop off waivers and pick up supplies; buckets with clipboards, data cards, pickers, gloves, coffee bean and litter bags. 
We weigh, total and separate Hi5, fishing line & cigarette litter for recycling from cleanup trash. Bag cleanup trash to dispose of properly at the dump. 
All safety & gathering rules apply.
Be prepared: Bring personal water and snack, wear sun protective clothing and shoes.
Please arrive early by a few minutes to sign in on the waivers. 

Cynthia Ho
Keep Puako Beautiful
Site coordinator for Ocean Environment and Education Station                                          South Kohala Reef Alliance 501c3

Support & Help Available
Hawaii Food Basket

We look forward to serving you at our `Ohana Drops. The following sites are available to anyone in need of food. Please note that for the health and safety of our staff, we WILL refuse service to anyone who does not adhere to the following rules: ...

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CLICK HERE for the approved minutes from the most recent Vestry meeting and HERE for the minutes of the organizational meeting following the Annual Meeting. CLICK HERE for the current approved Treasurer's Report.

The next Vestry meeting will be Tuesday, March 29th at 12:30 PM via ZOOM.. We are meeting virtually. If there is something which you wish to bring to the vestry's attention, please reach out to our wardens or vestry members. You can reach them via the Parish Office. A reminder that all vestry meetings are open to parishioners to attend.
E Komo Mai!
Whether you have been coming to St. James', St. Columba's, or the Beach Mass for 6 months or 6 days, if you have come to see this parish 'ohana as your Spiritual home we would like to welcome you as a member. If you have questions about becoming a member of this parish family, speak to one of the clergy.
Wisdom Corner
Perhaps a helpful intention this Lent: surrender enough ego to see the world a little more the way God sees it. Instead of quickly summarizing another person, take a moment to drop your judgments and hold them in God’s Love. Drop the stories and focus on the real human beings in front of you. Let’s look a little deeper and see who others are in Christ.
-Br. Nicholas Bartoli, SSJE

A prayer for your day:
God help me to see others as you see them. Destroy the idols I create, so that I can really see the people I encounter today, as they are.

A daily monastic practice to nourish your spirit this Lent
For Lent, take on a simple practice that draws on the rhythm and richness of the monastic life – yet fits into your day.

An Episcopal Monastery in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
A Prayer for the End of Day
"The peace of all peace be mine this night. Let all the tumult within me cease. Enfold me, Lord, in Your peace. Circle me Lord; keep peace within; keep evil out. Hide me in the shadow of your wings, O Lord."

~ from The Insomnia Rosary, Tim McNaught, St. John's Canberra
Last Laughs
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Our Clergy
Rev. David Stout, Rector
Rev. Marnie Keator, Associate Rector
Rev. Linda Lundgren, Associate Rector for St. Columba's

Parish Office, 885-4923

David,, 238-4956
Marnie, , 333-2247
Linda, , 323-2627
Our Ministries Staff
Thrift Store Ministry
Below Left- Rona Scull, Coordinator Below Right - Juanita Ritz, Assistant
Community Meals Ministry
Top - Sue Dela Cruz, Community Meal Coordinator
Community Meal Assistants
Lower left- Gregory Koestering Lower right - Meiling Janice Thomas

Music Ministry
Below left- Rona Lee, Choir Director Below Right- Everett Knowles, Director of Music

Our Office Staff
Jaisy Jardine, Parish Administrator
Dayna Wong, Bookkeeper
Frankie Pang, Sexton