“Let me pray about that…”: 
The Art of Spiritual Discernment

a five-week course of study with Br. David Vryhof, SSJE
Wednesdays, 5:30 PM, starting May 4th, via ZOOM and in person

We will gather with pupu's at 5:00pm. Then starting the video at 5:30pm. We will listen to the video and then discuss; pau by 7pm.  

We will also have ZOOM for people that want to stay home. Log in by 5:30 for video and then discussion after.
“The Great Resignation” – people retiring, leaving positions, changing jobs, the pandemic has nudged a lot of folks into a time discernment. When we pray about the choices that we face in life, what are we hoping will happen? How does God speak to us, and how can we be opened to receiving God’s direction? What are the ways in which we can expect God to guide and direct our paths? How do you discover what God is calling you to do at this time in your life? Friend of our parish and priest and monk of the Episcopal Monastery, Society of St. John the Evangelist, Br. David Vryhof, has put together five talks for us to address these questions and more. 
These talks are on video and you have two ways view them: 1) You can watch (or listen in your car or out walking/running, ect.), by accessing the videos on the SSJE website (see link below) then join us at 6 PM on that Wednesday for discussion. We will be pau by 7:00 PM. 2) We will also open up the ZOOM room at 5:30 PM and share the video over the screen. 
Here are the links you’ll need:
To watch early, register with SSJE to have access to the videos by going to: 
To join the ZOOM room to watch the video at 5:30 PM, or to join at 6:00 PM for our time of discussion, go to:
Meeting ID: 701 802 1953
Session One: What is spiritual discernment?  
Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice.” How can we learn to listen for that voice, recognize it, and follow where it leads?
Session Two: What do we mean when we speak of someone’s ‘calling’ or ‘vocation’?  
Do I have a ‘calling’ in life? Is there something that I am meant to be or to do? What does it mean to have a ‘vocation’ and how will I recognize whether or not my ‘calling’ is from God?
Session Three: What can we learn about ‘vocation’ from the life of Jesus?  
Did Jesus have a sense of his own vocation? What would he say that he was called to be or to do? How did he come to that sense of vocation?
Session Four: How can I discover my own ‘calling’ in life?  
Are there particular methods or techniques that I can use to discover my ‘vocation’? Where and how can I begin to look for God’s purpose for my life?
Session Five: Is there a proven method of discernment that I can follow when faced with an important life choice?  
All of us make important choices in life: choices that will define our future, and shape who and what we become. How can we bring these choices into the realm of prayer? How will we recognize which choice might be God’s preferred choice for us? How might God answer our prayer that “Thy will be done”?

Br David Vryhof, SSJE is an ordained brother of the Society of St John the Evangelist, a religious order for men in the Episcopal Church, founded in Oxford, England in 1866 and coming to Boston in 1870. For over thirty years he has been engaged in the Society’s mission of teaching, preaching, offering spiritual direction, and leading retreats. Currently he serves the community as Vocations Brother and as a member of the Community Council. He resides at the Society’s monastery in Cambridge, Massachusetts. www.SSJE.org