St. Vincent de Paul
Parish Newsletter

January 28, 2022
The newsletter will now be sent out on
Fridays at noon.

Sunday Mass Times:
Saturday - 5:00 PM (Vigil)
Sunday - 9:00 AM
11:00 AM (Live Streamed)
5:00 PM

Daily Mass Times:
Monday - 9:00 AM
Wednesday -9:00 AM
Thursday - 9:00 AM
Friday - 9:00 AM
Great News for everyone!!! The 2022 calendars are now in. Please pick up in the South Narthex after Mass.

Reconciliation Times:

Saturdays from 3:30pm-4:30pm

Join us the first Monday of the Month at our 9am Mass with anointing of the sick afterwards.
2021 Year End Giving Statements were sent out this week. If we have your email on file it was emailed to you, sometimes it arrives in your Junk mail so please check there too. If we do not have an email on file we mailed out a hard copy of your statement. For questions about your tax statement please email Kim at or call Diana at 253-839-2320 x206.
The NORTHWEST CATHOLIC Collection is happening this weekend. Through NORTHWEST CATHOLIC magazine, and social media, the Church is able to enter every home with a message of hope that the world so desperately needs, especially in this time of social separation. Your generosity allows Northwest Catholic magazine to be sent free of charge to all Catholics in Western Washington. Thank you for your past and continued support sharing the Word with others through this annual collection.
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Let the preacher say, you have permission to be sad!
In a book, When the Bartender Dims the Lights, Ron Evans writes:

“There’s a line I came upon in the musings of a preacher: On a Sunday morning many of the people sitting before you are the walking wounded, and you need to give them permission to be sad. In a world obsessed with happiness, where being great is all that matters, let the preacher say, you have permission to be sad. And in a world where old age becomes the golden years, where every problem can be fixed and every ailment cured, let the preacher say, you have permission to be sad. In a world preoccupied with prolonging life, where death is a forbidden word, let the preacher say, you have permission to die. And let the preacher say, you have permission to live in memories of a lonesome kind.” 

Today neither our culture nor our churches give us sufficient permission to be sad. Occasionally, yes, when a loved one dies or some particular tragedy befalls us, we are allowed be sad, to be down, tearful, not upbeat. But there are so many other occasions and circumstances in our lives where our souls are legitimately sad, and our culture, churches, and egos do not give us the permission we need to feel what we are in fact experiencing – sadness. When that is the case, and it often is, we can either deny how we feel and go through the motions of being upbeat, or we can give way to our sadness, but only at price of feeling there is something wrong with us, that we should not be feeling this way. Both are bad.
Sadness is an unavoidable part of life and not, in itself, a negative thing. In sadness, there is a cry to which we are often deaf. In sadness, our soul gets its chance to speak and its voice is telling us that a certain frustration, loss, death, inadequacy, moral failure, or particular circumstance or season of our lives is real, bitter, and unalterable. Acceptance is our only choice and sadness is its price. When that voice is not listened to, our health and sanity feel a strain.

There are many legitimate reasons for being sad. Some of us are born with “old souls”, poets, over-sensitive to the pathos in life. Some of us suffer from bad physical health, others from fragile mental health. Some of us have never been sufficiently loved and honored for who we are; others have had our hearts broken by infidelity and betrayal. Some of us have had our lives irrevocably ripped apart by abuse, rape, and violence; others are simply hopeless, frustrated romantics with perpetually crushed dreams, agonizing in nostalgia. Moreover, all of us will have our own share of losing loved ones, of breakdowns of all sorts, and bad seasons that test the heart. There are a myriad of legitimate reasons to be sad.

This needs to be honored in our Eucharists and in other church gatherings. Church is not just a place for upbeat celebration. It is also supposed to be a safe place where we can break down. Liturgy too must give us permission to be sad.
We need to be true to our souls by being true to its feelings.

Your servant and little brother,

Deacon Juan F. Lezcano, OFS
 Baptism of young children at
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
We celebrate baptisms of young children (0-6 years) five times each year at one of our weekend Masses. Our next celebration of baptisms is on the weekend of February 5/6. Parents/guardians are asked to participate in Baptism Preparation Classes to update their understanding of baptism, the important responsibilities of Christian parenting, and to learn more about the many ways our parish supports families. Upcoming class is on Sunday, January 30, 6:30-8:00 pm in the Willenborg Parish Center Living Room. To schedule an initial interview and reserve a date for your child's baptism, or for more information, please contact Deacon Juan Lezcano, OFS at or through the parish office at 253-839-2320.

Commonly Asked Questions
Are there any requirements in order to have my child baptized at St. Vincent? One or both Parents/Guardians are required to be a baptized Catholic and a registered parishioner.
Who can be a godparent? Church law requires that there must be at least one qualified godparent for the child baptized. Godparents need to be active, practicing and confirmed Catholics at least 16 years in age. Godparents need to submit written proof of registration from their parish.
Can a non-Catholic be a godparent? No, only a Catholic can be a godparent because they are asked to promise to help support raising the child in the Catholic faith.
What if the godparents can't come to the actual celebration? You can have a proxy stand in for the godparent(s) if they live in another area, state or, are otherwise unavailable.
Can I schedule a private baptism? No, unless there is an exceptional circumstance. Baptism celebrates the initiation of the child into the parish community and it is very important that the community is present at the time of the celebration.

The Knights of Columbus will be leading the Parish in a Rosary on Tuesday, February 1st at 7:00pm in the Church. Please join us!
Upcoming Revival Dates
February 2
Guest Speaker Fr. Justin Ryan
on the Heavenly Treasure of Vocation

High School Retreat

March 19-March 20 at Camp Koinania in Cle Elem.

Parents must attend a parent meeting on February 9th. This is also the last day to register. 

Middle School Retreat

March 29 from 6:30pm to -8:30pm
Hosted by NET Ministries
Cost is $25. If you have any questions about Revival or the retreats please contact Katie. 253 839-2320.
Bible Study during Lent in Preparation for the Easter Triduum

Beginning Tuesdays, March 1 – April 12, 6:30-8:00 pm or Wednesdays, March 2 – April 13, 10:00-11:30 am.
Facilitator: Valerie Jacobs
Location: Willenborg Living Room
Cost: $10.00 for book

Register in person at the Office or by email:
The gospel stories of the passion and resurrection of Jesus are at the core of Christian faith, revealing the nature of God, the person of Jesus, and the path of every disciple. Explore these essential stories in the unique accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John with reliable guide Stephen Binz, and embrace the cross and resurrection in your own life during Lent in preparation for the Easter Triduum. Valerie Jacobs will facilitate 6 lessons that include a book with commentary, study and reflection questions, prayers, and lectures by Stephen J. Binz.

Stephen J. Binz is a biblical scholar, award-winning author, popular speaker, and pilgrimage guide. He studied Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome and Jerusalem and has developed dozens of books and programs in biblical theology and spirituality.
Mothers and Others had a great time at Jimmy Mac’s last week. We would love to have you join us at our next Mothers Night Out. We will meet at the Church for a fun night of friendship and creating on February 25. We hope that you can join us.
We are celebrating Catholic Schools Week this week, January 29-February 4. Show your appreciation of Catholic schools and St Vincent's. Consider a donation the St. Vincent de Paul School Endowment Fund or a gift of tuition. Donations can be mailed to the school or parish office or made online through our school website,

Thank you,

Wanda Stewart
St. Vincent de Paul School

If you are a baptized Catholic who has not yet been confirmed or received your first communion, this is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your faith, have your questions answered, and become part of a community seeking to grow in faith. The eight weeks of preparation begin on Monday, March 7th, 6:30 – 8:00 pm. The Rite of Confirmation will be celebrated, Thursday, May 19th. For more information, or to register contact Deacon Juan F. Lezcano, OFS, 253-839-2320, ext. deacon or
Secular Franciscan Order

Have you been longing for a way to live the Gospel more fully, more intentionally, in your daily life?
Do you have a desire to belong to a community of believers who have a similar desire?
Have you been searching for a way to renew your baptismal commitment, to deepen your relationship with God, to give witness to the reign of God in our time and place?
If so, perhaps the Lord is inviting YOU
to live the life of a Secular Franciscan!
Feel free to contact Deacon Juan F. Lezcano, OFS at or (253) 878-6487, who will be happy to provide you with more information.
Orden Franciscana Seglar

¿Has estado anhelando una manera de vivir el Evangelio más plenamente, con un mejor propósito en tu vida diaria?
¿Tienes el deseo de pertenecer a una comunidad de creyentes que tengan un deseo similar?
¿Has estado buscando una manera de renovar tu compromiso bautismal, para profundizar tu relación con Dios, y así dar testimonio del Reino de Dios en nuestro tiempo y lugar?
¡Si es así, tal vez el Señor te esté invitando
para vivir la vida de un Franciscano Seglar!
No dude y pónganse en contacto con el Diácono Juan F. Lezcano, OFS, o (253) 878-6487, que estará encantado de proporcionarle más información.
It is a great time to be Catholic. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis want to hear from every Catholic in the world. He wants to know how the Church is alive in your life and how the Holy Spirit is working in your life. The fancy word he is using for this is Synod. We need your help with two things.
1.      We need people to lead these sessions and people to take notes.
2.      We need you to come to a session and tell us how the Church and the Holy Spirit are a part or not of your life.
To sign up to help our share please let Katie in the office know.
“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.”
CYO Volleyball registration is now open through February 3rd, 2022!
The following teams are being offered this season: 6th girls
If you or someone you know is interested in coaching, please reach out to the CYO Athletic Director, Barbara Brooks, at (206) 852-6570 or
Please visit for more information and a link to register online.
Go Stars!!!
Barbara N. Brooks | CYO Athletic Director 
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
C 206 852 6570
Our second vaccination clinic is going to be January 30, from 9am to 1pm. We will have vaccinations for Children 5 to 11 and vaccination for 12 and older. You can get your 1st, 2nd or booster shot. We will have Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

If you have questions please contact Katie at the parish office.
253 839-2320.
Week of January 27, 2022
An Ordinary Martyr:
The Life & Death of Blessed Stanley Rother
Lectio: Mary: Episode 1
The New Ever
A Scriptural Walk Through the Mass
by Edward Sri
Prayers of the Faithful

For those who are sick:
Bob Hitchcock

For those in our Community who have passed away:
Aaron Stagliano
Ehno Tiddens- father of Anne Brennan
Romeo Vanguas and Carlos Mosquera
Uncles of Christine Yu
Corinne Chase
Angel Diez, brother in law of
Mike Bonck and Maureen Larsen
Sunday Giving:
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Ways to give:

  • Online - signup to give onetime, weekly or monthly, click the link below to sign up.
  • Basket - put your envelope in the Basket as it's passed around during Mass.
  • Mail - you can mail your contribution to 30525 8th Ave S, Federal Way, WA 98003.