Newsletter #21 2020-2021
Peace • Love • Park Maitland
We are extremely proud to bring you our updated numbers!
February 2021; 12 cases for the school year

However -- The BIG NEWS is that we have NO cases of on campus transmission of COVID-19!! This is incredible and cannot be emphasized enough that our strategies are working!
February 6: No Cost COVID Testing
February 10: JFF Event
February 11: Half Day/Valentine's Day Parties
February 12 - 15: No School
February 24: Black History Month Virtual Assembly
March 1: Empathy T-Shirt Day
March 10: JFF Event
March 12: Half Day/Early Dismissal
March 15 - 19: Spring Break
March 25: Wax Museum
March 31 - April 1: Science Expo

February 5, 2021

Dear Families,

This week my message is very short and sweet. Please just take a moment to breathe after a very busy January and enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend as we welcome the glorious month of February.

Davina Spillmann
Important Traffic Notice

Parents please respect the Enzian and our traffic rules and do not cut through the Enzian parking lot.

This has never been allowed and we consider this very unsafe to do so.

Thank you for keeping our families safe.
I came to Park Maitland with a personal connection dating back to my daughter’s school days here 23 years ago and the heartwarming memories created back then. During the same time, I was able to apply my pediatric nursing expertise from my first career as an RN by substituting for “Nursie” in the Clinic, which allowed me to care for the children and see firsthand what makes this school special. My career in teaching began in 2000 with earning my Master’s Degree and I consider myself very fortunate to be back at Park Maitland School. I am now in my third year here as the 3rd Grade Reading Teacher and truly loving my day to day experiences with the children. I have always had a passion for reading and being able to share with children the joy of life adventures experienced vicariously through lots of good books. My goal is to get even the most reluctant readers to admit they read some good books and grew as a reader!

A favorite memory I have from Park Maitland is helping with the 6th grade play the year my daughter, Liz, was in Oklahoma. Get me near a field of corn and I might just belt out the theme song!

Outside of my life at Park Maitland, I love spending time outdoors with my husband and family. My two grandboys bring us lots of good laughs and plenty of action. Walking, running, hiking, beach walks, gardening, cooking, and yes, curling up with plenty of good books are all ways I love to spend my free time!
Congratulations to our Zaner Bloser National Handwriting Contest Winners!!!
Grade 1 - Thomas S., Grade 5 - Noah M., Grade 2- Hannah K.,
Grade 3- Marlowe H.
Grade 4- Collette B.
Grade 6- Victoria M.
Our Park Maitland Student winners have the opportunity to win a chance at the National level. To learn more about this exciting moment click here.
We are asking that cars enter the drive-thru in the opposite direction as you would usually. There will be signs to help direct you. To learn more click here.
Parent volunteers needed for our Black History Month Virtual Assembly, February 24th. If you are interested in helping to plan this very special event, we'd love to hear from you! Please contact Davina Spillmann at [email protected]
Exciting news as Ms. Dawson receives a grant from the City of Winter Park Florida. Ms. Dawson is finding ways to transform and help the Earth. Watch her video to learn more about her mission.

A big thank you to M. Lahr Homes and Poole & Fuller Landscaping company for helping donate palettes to the Park Maitland School.
Students may wear pink/red or valentine themed shirts with jeans as they celebrate the festivities! 

Please do not send individual “Goodie Bags” for friends. It is fine to bring cards with one small food or nonfood item attached. 

We are looking forward to this special day as students focus on the joy of giving to others as they celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Don't forget Thursday, February 11th is an early dismissal day for students!

Due to COVID Days, February 11th is a make up day.

Early Dismissal Day Times
All students will be dismissed after they have had lunch according to the following schedule:

K-4, and K-5 -- 11:00 a.m. - 11:35 a.m
Gate opens at 11:00 a.m. -- closes at 11:35 a.m.

Grades 1, 2, and 3 -- 11:45 a.m. - 12:05 p.m
Gate opens at 11:45 a.m. -- closes at 12:05 p.m.

Grades 4, 5, and 6 -- 12:40 p.m. - 1:10 p.m.
Gate opens at 12:40 p.m. -- closes at 1:10 p.m.

If you have a lunch "A" child that needs to go home after lunch "B," please send in a note to that effect. We will have supervision in the gym for those children.

There is aftercare on this day.

Reminder: There will be no school on February 12th, and 15th.
Enjoy the long President's Day weekend!

We’ve been busy planning an amazing summer camp experience for your child, complete with all the fun, enriching activities they love and the important safety measures you expect. Campers will become more independent, develop social skills, and continue to learn – all while having fun and making new friends! Student well-being is our number one priority; we adhere to all industry best practices for health and safety.

Mark your calendar for March 15th and sign-up risk free*!

*Registration fee and one week deposit is due at sign-up. You can cancel your registration and be refunded your deposit up until two weeks prior to camp. Registration fee not refundable.

5th and 6th Grade Students
We are excited to welcome back Jen Calonita for a virtual author visit on February 22. She will be talking about her book The Retake which will be released on February 23rd.

To learn more about Jen Calonita, visit her website:

Click here to view the order form. Please return to Christine Talbert by February 12.
Each week Park Maitland School will be featuring two Super Seniors. We hope everyone enjoys this opportunity to get to know our awe-inspiring 6th grade students!
Getting To Know Your 
Super Senior: 
William Harvie

1. # of Years at Park Maitland: 
  • 7 years (started in K-5)
2. Favorite Activity: 
  • Football and gaming
3. Favorite Movie: 
  • Pacific Rim
4. Favorite Subject: 
  • PE and Math
5. Favorite Thing About Park Maitland: 
  • "Most teachers are nice, caring, and good teachers, and I love playing ball games at PE. "
Getting To Know Your 
Super Senior: 
Santiago (Santi) Gonzalez

1. # of Years at Park Maitland: 
  • 1st year at Park Maitland
2. Favorite Activity: 
  • Karting
3. Favorite Movie: 
  • Spiderman
4. Favorite Subject: 
  • Math and PE
5. Favorite Thing About Park Maitland: 
  • "I love my teachers and classmates at Park Maitland."
Class pictures will be coming soon. Please check the dates to make sure your student(s) is present.
Class Pictures

Thursday, February 18
5th grade

Friday, February 19
4th grade

Monday, February 22
3rd grade

Tuesday, February 23
1st, and 6th grade

Wednesday, February 24
K-4 and K-5

Friday, February 26
2nd grade
Online Academy:
Thursday, February 25th

Location: Zoom (Capturing a photo of your online class.)

5th Grade Teachers and 6th Grade Teachers:

5th grade and 6th grade "LIVE STREAMING" students will need to photograph a full body picture of themselves and email it to [email protected]
You can view the latest photos around school. 
Click SmugMug to visit the page.
The password to access is: empathy2021.
Click HERE to access the Read to Lead page. For your convenience, you can also access the Read to Lead page through the Grade Level Pages on our website.
(Please note: Teacher uppages are not updated for
the following week until Sunday at 4:00 p.m.)
Let's get social! Follow us on social Media today!