February 11, 2022
Park Maitland School Newsletter
This Week’s Park Maitland School Community COVID Case Update

This week’s community case number is 1. 
We continue our utmost efforts to ensure the safety and health of the students, staff and guests. 
We thank our school community for your cooperation, patience and flexibility. 

First-grade students show premiered today in, "This Old Gingerbread House". Parents filled the seats in the AAC, as they were excited to support and cheer for their children. "I felt good," Anderson W. said. The house was full today. At the end of the show, students had smiles on their faces as parents clapped and cheered. "After the show I felt very proud, " Falan T. said. Congratulations first-grade students!
Upcoming Events
Monday 2/14: G6 Black History Month exhibit at Maitland City Hall
Thursday 2/17: Student Holiday, Teacher Workday
Friday 2/18: Student/Teacher Holiday
Monday 2/21: Student/Teacher Holiday (Presidents Day)
Friday 2/25: G5 and G6 Winter Ball
Thursday 3/3: K5 Pete the Cat Show
Friday 3/4: K4 Are you my mother?
Friday 3/4: G6 Medieval Times
Sunday 3/6: School-wide event: Movie on the Lawn, 5-8pm
Tuesday 3/8: G2 Across Generations
Thursday 3/10: G6 Evening Performance of "Much Ado about Nothing" at the Orlando Shakespeare Theater
Friday 3/11: Early Dismissal Day
Monday 3/14 - Friday 3/18: Spring Break
Thursday 3/24: G6 Art Exhibit 6 pm
Friday 3/25: Park Maitland Alumni Picnic on the Lawn.
Saturday 3/26: G4 Smile Mile
Wednesday 3/30: G6 Science Expo
Park Maitland Tutoring Policy
Park Maitland offers one-on-one tutoring. All tutoring sessions are encouraged to be scheduled by you, the parent and the selected tutor.

Each Tutor electing to offer their services is to provide the parent with the Tutoring Registration Form once the parent reaches out to the teacher.
Monday, February 14
Kids can wear valentine tops and jean bottoms
This Monday, registration opens for Park Maitland's summer camp 2022. Space is limited. Park Maitland school offers 9 weeks of summer camp programs for rising K-4 through 7th grade students, starting June 6 - August 5. Please click on the image to enjoy our summer camp video premiere.
School-wide Event
Click to start taking pre-orders for concessions. We cannot wait to see you there!
Don't Miss This Monday's, All Shades United Art Exhibit
Sixth-Grade Black History Art Exhibit - All Shades United

Where: 1776 Independence Ln, Maitland, FL 32751

When: February 14, 6:00 PM

Who: Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Sixth-grade Big Show!
Location: Dr. Phillips Center's Steinmetz Hall
Tickets will be on sale soon!
Requesting Donations

The Theater department is specifically looking for:

  • Denim (ripped, all washes, distressed, the more studs, jewels, stitching the better) all sizes and types (jeans, skirts, jackets, etc.)

  • Leather(real or fake) in all colors (jackets, pants, skirts)
All layout designs are due this Monday!
Layout Designs are all due, Monday February 14!
An Alumni Social Event - Save the Date
Teacher Tuesday
I have worked at Park Maitland for three years now, and I am truly blessed to be here. I first started out as an aftercare teacher and then worked my way into substituting. Now I am a full-time teacher assisting K4 and 1st grade and teaching PE for 1st - 3rd grade. There are so many memorable events and traditions that take place at Park Maitland. However, my favorite memory here would be Sports Fest. Just seeing each grade compete was amazing to experience, being an ex-collegiate athlete that ran Track and Field. I just love to see competition and everyone trying their best. I loved the atmosphere and the energy from the students. I always look forward to that time of year. 

Outside of my life at Park Maitland, I love spending time with my family doing different activities together and eating some good Caribbean food. Whenever I'm not with my family, I enjoy watching anime or traveling while doing my side hustle.
   Thank you, as always, to the incredible Aimee Nocero (mom of Chase L., 3 green) for making these beautiful poster boards for our Teacher of the Week.
Super Senior Spotlight
Each week Park Maitland School will be featuring two Super Seniors. We hope everyone enjoys this opportunity to get to know our awe-inspiring 6th grade students!
Getting To Know Your 
Super Senior: 
Peter van Dijk

1. # of Years at Park Maitland: 
  • 3 (started in 4th Grade)
2. Favorite Activity: 
  • Scuba Diving
3. Favorite Book or Movie: 
  • Calvin and Hobbes
4. Favorite Food: 
  • Ramen
5. Favorite Subject 
  • Math
6. If you were granted one wish what would it be:
  • For everyone to have money to go to school
7. Favorite Thing at PMS: 
  • "JFF"
Getting To Know Your 
Super Senior: 
Lia Zaporteza

1. # of Years at Park Maitland: 
  • 7 (started in K5 Grade)
2. Favorite Activity: 
  • Volleyball
3. Favorite Book or Movie: 
  • Misfits
4. Favorite Food: 
  • Chicken
5. Favorite Subject 
  • Art and P.E
6. If you were granted one wish what would it be:
  • Able to speak a different language instantly
7. Favorite Thing at PMS: 
  • "Beach Bonding"
5th Grade Show - Matilda the Musical, Jr.

When: Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Blue and Red @ 6:30 pm

Thursday, April 21, 2022
Green and Purple @ 6:30 pm

Who: Everyone is welcome to attend.
Race Day - March 26, 2022

Location: Upper Blue Jacket Park, 2501 General Rees Ave,
Orlando, FL 32814

Who: 4th grade class

To learn more click here.
Saturday April 9, 2022

You won't want to miss all the fun and come view the sixth-grade Park Maitland Perspective paintings on display at Mead Gardens.


February 14th is our annual "Park Maitland Gives Back" day.

Each year, we set a goal and create a project for the entire school community. This year, we raised a total of $8,326.00. WOW! This gives us the full $7100.00 to pay for our 25,000 meals we will package as a school on Valentine's Day and a little extra to use for our student Ambassador programs. A portion of the extra money will be donated to the Christian Service Center, which is a service that provides daily meals to the homeless in downtown Orlando. 

Thanks so much to all of our Hunger Heroes!
Useful Links
Click here to order our strength T-Shirts and 
Park Maitland Face Masks.
Interested in seeing what's happening on campus? School event photos will be posted to our SmugMug page.
The password to access is: empathy2021.
Morning Drop-offs and
Pick-up times

k5-4th 7:10-7:50
5-6th 7:10-8:00
K4 8:10-8:20

Dismissal/Gate Times:
K4/K5 Dismissal 1:50-2:10
1st- 4th Dismissal 2:37-3:07
5th-6th Dismissal 3:25-3:45
If you are unsure of what Read to Lead is, or if you would like more information, here are the Read to Lead FAQ's. Read to Lead will be posted in Seesaw (as soon as Seesaw is loaded and ready) for grades K4-2nd grade, and Google Classroom for grades 4-6. It will also be posted in the Week at a Glance every week.

The front desk office hours are 

If you need to call after 3:30 regarding dismissal or pick up, please call After Care at 407-647-3038, extension 159