Power of the People
Through one of the toughest periods in our industry’s history, people and organizations not only survived but thrived, thanks to creative thinking and a willingness to jump in and get things done. Meet the ones who went way above and beyond and won this year’s IPMI’s Professional Recognition Awards—their stories will inspire you and your teams.
Ensuring Curb Equity
There’s more competition for the curb than ever and ensuring access for everyone who wants it can be complicated. But it’s critical for parking operations to consider equity when working out their curb management systems. Take a deep dive into the issues and potential solutions.
Telecommuting and Space Use at UCLA
University parking has been torn down and rebuilt with the changes spurred by COVID, including the way people both work and learn. Read this case study about how UCLA has rethought their parking system, and why the new system works.
Upgrading the Message
There’s never been more potential in digital signage! Technology’s come so far that creative thinkers can really use it to benefit their garages and customers. Jump into this look at new ways digital signs work and why that can make a big difference to your operation.

Bye-bye Boring Parking Meters

The City St. Pete Beach, Florida has partnered with Flowbird Group to bring a unique look to the beach destination’s parking kiosks. All 35 Flowbird kiosks have been upgraded to 9” color touch-screen displays and converted from their standard black exterior to a custom blue and teal design that reflects the City’s brand. The tropical transformation comes as the City also adopts the Flowbird mobile payment app.
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