Not Just  Chumash and Rashi- 
Will NOT meet TONIGHT 

Message from Rabbi Brander 
Reflecting on #ourLINK's successful charidy campaign

It is Thursday night in the 12am hour. We just finished a beautiful Chanuka mesiba followed by maariv and then parsha n'chulent and then maariv and then eating and schmoozing. The post 10:30 crowd have finished chilling with their chulent. Now it is only Rabbi Neydavoud and his chavrusa who are still learning and Rabbi Stern who is still working. It is quiet. The hour is late and I am very tired - but it would be almost criminal for me not to write this appropriate expression of thanks (in the Chanukah holiday of thanks)  to so many people as we just concluded the biggest 24 hour fundraiser in LINK's history - our Charidy campaign. There is so much that could be said.
  1. Perhaps the most significant thing is that I do not believe that one shiur was canceled for this fundraiser. The avreichim kept on learning and it was just another jam packed day of Torah. On the very same day of the event there were probably about ten classes, eight minyanim, special chanuka shiurim and yet....
  2.    ...464 people came to support. Who were they?
-          An African American convert who plunged into Yiddishkeit through our portals
-          A Passaic lawyer who learned at LINK as an avreich in his early days
-          An LA native who many years ago moved to the Shomron and feels connected to a LINK Rabbis
-          A large group of Rabbi Stern Groupies
-          A French- Morrocan chevra of Rabbi Lebhar French shiur attendees
-          A South African chevra that connects with Rabbi Becker
-          A Persian  doctor who closes the beis medrash every night with his incredible hasmada
-          A 90 year old man who remembers Rabbi Lau's father in his home town of Pietrekovand for the 1st time in about 7 decades came to learn in the beis medrash THIS week
-          A  former  YULA student who lives in NY but gives generously because he loves what LINK is doing
-          Many Talmidim of our Avreichim who feel such hakaras hatov
-          Leading Rabbanim in Los Angeles who feel that LINK is invaluable
-          A beloved couple celebrating their 61st anniversary who gave the 1st 50,000 dollars to start LINK
The many faces of the LINK supporter reflect acheinu kol beis Yisrael and LINK's long reach. People feel at home here. It is just beautiful to see and reflect upon how much has been achieved. Mah Ashiv LaHashem. May the best be yet to come.

3.       On Tuesday, the sushi, pizza, popcorn and camaraderie were flowing - a call center probably made over a thousand calls throughout the day and sent out the emails, whatsapps and texts. Who were these people?  
-          Mrs. Sarah Amar , Mr. Alex D'hersin and Lorne Maltenfort
  • o   It is hard to explain how deeply committed and what level of professionalism they have achieved. (If one wants to understand the many in the hands of the few - simply look at Mrs.Amar's inbox)
-          Rabbi Lebhar and Rabbi Stern
-          the Avreichim (Rabbis Kraft, Thaler, Neydavoud, Rubin, Gruen, Rashti and Becker)
-          the YPLA'ers (Aaron Betesh, David Tal),
-          the Working Professionals who took from their valuable schedule and just called,called and called.
  • o   Zach Plotzker, Ben and Niva Taylor, Elliot Cavalier, Len Cutler, Sarah Thaler, Zev Amster, Mitch Karpp, Julie Iskowitz, Miriam Almog, Yaakov Tendler,  
-          the Lebhar bros 
-          the too numerous amount of people who just kept on spreading the word
Ein anachnu maspikim l'hodos.We cannot properly express our gratitude. May we spend the money frugally and wisely and may LINK be faithful to its mission of connecting so many Jew to the beauty and wonder of deep Torah Study. May we merit to reach higher and further!
A final thought: Israel is once again feeling like a lamb among wolves. The incredible world hypocrisy is matched only by our President's duplicity. Big things are happening in the world and it is hard to know where this will land. The notion that we are relying on President-Elect Trump to protect Israel is so unfathomable were it not that it's true - or at least that is how it appears.  But we know better: for we cannot rely on fickle Man. The way out is too cling harder, stronger and deeper to the source of all life - Toraseinu Hakedosha. May we continue to receive the manifest protection of Hashem.

Bikur Cholim announcement: 
Update on Daniel Solomon - is recuperating
at   Beverly West Home ( 1020 S Fairfax Ave 90019, 
323-938-2451).   Please call him at 818-261-0697 to arrange to visit; he would very much like visitors.

LINK classes  (except R' Brander's) will be off on Sunday and Monday for a short Chanukah break.  Classes will resume Tuesday, January 3rd.


We thank our Parnas Hayom sponsors for Teves:
  1st of Teves      Avraham ben Dovid, O"H,
                           Father of Goldie Rosenstein
14th of Teves   Le'iluy Nishmas Etta Shava bas Aryeh
                          Leib, by Elaine Cohen
Sponsorship for a day of learning is available for $613 per day (or $360 for half a day) per year, we will dedicate the day of your choosing.
This is a wonderful way to commemorate Yahrzheit, celebrate a simcha or in merit of a loved  or just to donate to the shul!
Please call or email the Shul office to choose the day you'd like to sponsor.
Yosef Kenner, 2nd of Teves
Daniel Solomon, 4th of Teves
Nathaniel Goldstein, 7th of Teves
Ora Eisenfeld, 8th of Teves
Nancy Cowan, 16th of Teves
Ami Adler, 18th of Teves
Frederica Barlaz, 19th of Teves
Gina Liszovic' , 20th of Teves
Issac Aftalion, 24th of Teves
Yitzchak Goldberg, 26th of Teves
Gila Sacks, 29th of Teves

Email your birthday to [email protected]
CLICK HERE for Fall/Winter class schedule


Women's Tanach - 
Tuesdays with Geula Dickerman at 8pm.  For details please call/text 310-717-3458.


"The  Azeroual  Family Sephardic Division Night Kollel"

Halacha shiur with Rabbi Lebhar

In shidduchim?  Contact our very own, Geula Dickerman!   Email: [email protected]
Text:  310-717-3458
Bris Pillow Gemach
Mazal Tov!  Making a bris? Fancy bris pillow available for brissos.  For more info. please contact Mrs. Liora Flactman,
Basic: $250, Extended: $450
Kiddush co-sponsorships starting at $150 each help ensure our Shul cover the expense of those Shabboses

1st of Teves      Avraham ben Dovid, O"H,
                       Father of Goldie Rosenstein
9th of Teves      Shmuel ben Avraham, O"H
                       Father of Debra Cheney
14TH of Teves   Le'iluy Nishmas Etta Shava bas Aryeh Leib, by Elaine Cohen
28th of Teves    David Berman, O"H
28th of Teves    Tova Hinda, O"H, mother or Arnie Roth
28th of Teves    Caryl Goldstein/Tova Chaya O"H, grandmother of Nathaniel Goldstein
29th of Teves    Beryl ben Herschel, O"H
                       Father of Beth Shmagin


1453 S. Robertson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90035