Parshas Balak Jun 30th 2018 // 17th Tammuz 5778
In this weeks issue:

  • Schedule
  • Video by Rabbi Snow
  • Shabbos Kiddush
  • Adopt A Family Summer Campaign
  • Shabbos Mevorchim Sponsorship
  • Please redeem your pledges
  • Amazon Smile
  • Daf Yomi Shiur
  • Tehillim List
  • Bikur Cholim
  • YIBE Job Seekers
  • Suggested Links
Erev Shabbos Friday Evening Jun 29th, 2018

7:05 pm Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos

8:10 pm Candle lighting time

Shabbos Morning Saturday Jun 30th, 2018 

7:45 am Daf Yomi

8:00 am Early Shacharis in the Bais Midrash

8:45 am Shacharis in the Main Shul

9:14 am Zeman Krias Shema 

5:10 pm Pirkei Avos Shiur by Rabbi Snow 

6:00 pm Mincha

8:35 pm Gemara Shiur

9:21 pm  Maariv

Fast of Tamuz Sunday Jul 1st, 2018

3:40 am Fast Begins - Early Zman
4:16 am Fast Begins - Regular Zman

8:05 pm Mincha

8:30 pm Shiur

9:00 pm  Maariv

9:16 pm Fast Ends

Daf Yomi Shiur By Rabbi Snow

6:00 am Monday – Friday
Shabbos 1 Hour Before Davening
7:00 am Sunday

Weekly Schedule

7:00 am Shacharis First Minyan
8:00 am Shacharis S econd Minyan

8:00 am Shacharis Sunday one Minyan

8:15 pm Mincha - Sunday Through Thursday

7:40 pm Tuesday Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemara Shiur by Rabbi Moshe Snow
Parshas Balak
Flattery Will Get You Nowhere
Kiddush is being sponsored by Chavie Locker in memory of HaRav Binyamin Shlomo Greenberg (yahrzeit on Shabbos) and his wife Rivkah Leah A”H (yahrzeit this coming Friday). 

We thank Chavie for her generous donation.
Adopt A Family Summer Campaign
Our summer campaign for the Family of Moshe and Linda Fredj of Ramat Mamre, Eretz Yisrael has begun.

If you would like to participate in this Tzedakah Mitzvah, please call our office,. mail in a check and mark it for "Adopt A Family, or donate on our web site and mark it for Adopt A Family.
Shabbos Mevorchim Sponsorship 
You have the opportunity to financially support the Shul by Sponsoring a Shabbos Mevorchim/Shabbos Rosh Chodesh in memory of, or in honor of someone.
Sponsors get an Aliyah LeTorah, may request a niggun, and receive a Mishebairach by the Chazzan.
The Chazzan is accompanied by the YIBE Aaron Miller Memorial Choir
We ask for sponsorship in the amount of $1,500 and there are many Shabbosim open for this year as well as Yom Tov davening. Please let us know if you or someone you know are interested in sponsoring this or other programs - it can be a shared sponsorship as well. We hope you join us and help continue the beautiful traditions and programs we at YIBE are privileged to enjoy.

Please redeem your pledges
We gratefully thank all those who pledged for our appeals. Please redeem your pledges online or by calling the office at 718 435 9020.

Tizku Le Mitzvot.
Amazon Smile
Now you can support Young Israel Beth El when you shop on Amazon. Just start your shopping at and Amazon donates to our shul!

Use our organization link:
Daf Yomi Shiur
Tuesday night Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemara Shiur by Rabbi Moshe Snow
Masechta Zevachim is being sponsored by Reb Rephael Weiss in memory of his Mother Chaya Rechel Bas Moshe and her
father Moshe Ben Avraham Tzvi.

Past Sponsors:

Maseches Sanhedrin was sponsored by Mr. Yerachmiel Teitelbaum in Memory of his Father R' Yechiel Alter Teitelbaum.

Masechta Bava Basra was sponsored by Reb Refoel Weiss. We learned each day LeIylu Nishmas Reb Refoel's Father and Grandfather, R' Yosef Ben R' Refoel Halevi z'l and R'Refoel Ben R'Avraham Chaim Halevi z'l.

Masechta Bava Metzia was sponsored by “anonymous”. We gratefully acknowledge the donor who was an $1800 sponsor.

Masechta Bava Kamma was sponsored by the Schwartz Family. Le Iylu Nishmas Shimon Dovid Ben Mordechai HaKohen A"H, and Bruna Bas Shlomo Yehudah A"H.

Masechta Avodah Zarah is sponsored by Lenny and Frieda Schwartz in memory and L'Iylu Nishmos Shimshon Dov ben Mordechai HaKohein Schwartz Z"L, and Tzvi ben Yechiel Menachem Reichman Z"L.

We thank all our sponsors for their generosity and wish them much Bracha and Hatzlacha.

Would you like to sponsor a Shiur? If so, please call our office.. These Shiurim will accept sponsorship on a monthly or yearly basis.

Tehillim List
  • Maleh Bas Yenta (Koenig)

  • Yisrael Chai Ben Nechama Rachel

  • Menachem Mordechai Ben Ophira

  • (Harav) Gedaliah Dov ben Perel (Rabbi G.D.Schwartz)

  • Chaya Bas Esther

  • Yosef Betzalel Ben Rus

  • Chaya Syma Bas Breindel

  • Hinda Leah Bas Chaya Sarah (Mrs. Hirsch)

  • Hindel Bas Perel - (She is a young child who is undergoing treatment. BH since we started saying her name there has been some improvement. Please continue.)

  • Yaakov Tzvi Ben Nechama Rachel

  • Even Ezer Ben Malka

  • Dov Nechemya HaKohein Ben Rochel Chaya Sarah

  • Nechama Rachel Bas Pessel

  • Rachel Bas Shifra

Please say Tehillim so that they can have a full recovery!

To add or remove a name to the list please call the office or email
Bikur Cholim
Rabbi Bobby Blau
The Belvedere - 5110 19th Avenue

Alfred Pearl
Nursing Home, Cortelyou Rd

You can always visit the:
Boro Park Rehab Center on 10th Ave between 49th & 50th.

We wish a Refuah Shelema to our Past President Dave Silverman.
YIBE job seekers
Do you know of an employment opportunity for this member? You can help by recommending or connecting our job seekers with a prospective employer.

I am looking for my next steps in my career. I have a successful background in human resources, wellness programming and facilitation, and communications.

My competencies and abilities include: technical recruiting, talent management, coaching, improving corporate culture, wellness programming and facilitation, writing digital content, UX Web User experience reviews, and collaborating with product managers on new web product features.

My Education: MA in I/O Psychology

Please feel free to let me know how I can help my future employer. My email is:
Nachum Segal

Arutz Sheva


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