Great Grains
View Rabbi Snow's Recorded Shiurim  Available  HERE
Erev Shabbos - Friday Evening May 22nd, 2020
Parshas Bamidbar

9:12am Latest time for morning Shema

7:52pm  Candle lighting time

After 9:01pm count Sefira. (Friday night we count the 44th)

Shabbos Morning - Saturday May 23rd, 2020

9:12am  Latest time for morning Shema

9:05pm Shabbos ends / Count Sefira ( Motzoi Shabbos we count the 38th)
Tonight and tomorrow is Yom Yerushalayim. It is appropriate to say, "Chag Sameach' as the bringing of Yerushalayim under Jewish auspices after two thousand years of exile is truly a great miracle and gift, and worthy of the name "Chag." We, who are fortunate to be living in this time of Prophecies fulfilled, are deeply indebted to Hashem and his agents, the Chayalim of the IDF for returning us to the seat of our heritage.

Unfortunately, this year we are not in Shul. If we would be in Shul we would recite the chapters of Hallel (without a Bracha) at the end of Davening. In your Tefillos tomorrow, please include our Hallel of thanks.

Included in our celebration is a video of Chazzan Ben Zion Miler singing, Veliyerushalayim Ircha. 
Yasher Koach Chazzan Miller.
Chag Sameach!
Your Devoted Rav, Rabbi Moshe Snow
Please click here to make Pushka donations during this time that we cannot be in our Mikdash Ma'at.

Daf Yomi 7:30 AM Sunday to Friday / Motzei Shabbos at 9:45 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 569 435 268
Password: 652975

To Join via Telephone  - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 569 435 268 when prompted followed by #   

Nightly Shiur 7:45 PM Sunday to Thursday

Perkei Avos Mishanayos Kalim and Halacha
Tuesdays -  Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemorah Shiur

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 685 158
Password: 876053

To Join via Telephone  - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 870 685 158 when prompted followed by # 
Dear YI Beth El members and Friends,

My very best wishes to all. I'm taking the liberty of sending you a copy of a letter written by the Vaad HaRabanim of Raritan Valley, which encompasses Highland Park, Edison New Jersey and the Brunswick area. I couldn't have written it better myself. The letter applies to all of us and to all our community. It has the potential, if properly followed to be protective of the health and welfare of our entire community. B'ezras Hashem we shall soon be together in our Mikdash Me'At.

Have a wondeful Shabbos.
Your Devoted Morah D'Asra,
Rabbi Moshe Snow

Lichavod members of the Highland Park, Edison and East Brunswick communities,

The question on everyone’s minds is when are we going to return to our beloved shuls. We all yearn to be back together davening, learning, and strengthening the beautiful feeling of community, sanctity, and friendship which have been staples of our shuls ever since they were founded. At the very least, some members of the community want “backyard minyanim” or “porch minyanim” so they can say Barchu, answer amen yehei shmei rabba, recite kaddish, and read from the Torah.

The fact that so many are wondering, pushing, and even urging for the re-opening of shul and ability to daven with a minyan is inspiring. It is a true testament to where our community’s heart is.

However, at this point, we believe it is still premature. We are aware that State Parks are currently open with restrictions and some Rabbanim of other communities have sanctioned outdoor minyanim. At this time, we strongly feel that there is not enough information that is medically known to allow a safe re-opening or even a partial re-opening of minyanim.  We maintain that these minyanim should not be formed and believe that anyone who participates in them may be putting lives at risk . While the number of new cases in hospitals is decreasing, which is a positive development, there are still too many people getting sick. This is still a case of Safek Pikuach Nefesh, which would allow for the desecration of Shabbos and therefore pushes aside any Mitvzah It is not yet the safe, prudent, or responsible thing to do to make any minyanim.  This is true for indoor and outdoor minyanim and is applicable regardless of the number of people in the minyan . Even with social distancing, having a minyan is a slippery slope which may lead to other gatherings where distancing is not properly maintained. Also, neighbors and those who pass by will see the minyanim and this can become a Chilul Hashem.

We still must remain vigilant in social distancing for us and our children. Shabbos walks should be limited to your immediate family  and we should not host any company for kiddush or Shabbos meals . Social distancing is working and now is not the time to abandon a strategy that has proven effective.

This hurts. This hurts today as much today as it hurt back in March when we closed the doors of our shuls. We also wish we could be back in shul. We too wish we could daven with a minyan. However, looking at the big picture, thinking of the lives that might have been saved as a result of the closing of our shuls back in March, and longing for a healthier future, we are not yet ready.

We are closely monitoring the situation. We are in constant consultation with poskim, medical professionals, and hospital administrators and as soon as it is safe to do so we will initiate the soft opening of minyanim.

We urge you to reach out to us if you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions.

With hopes of continued health and for a quick return to our beloved shuls,

Vaad Harabonim of Raritan Valley


Amein to the Bracha.
I totally second all that was said herein.
Good Shabbos.
A Message from our Rav:
To My Dear Young Israel Beth El Members and Friends,

The Shul is celebrating one hundred years since it opened. I doubt that in all this time the Shul had to be closed for any day, let alone for a Shabbos. But now, with the dangerous Corona virus plague, we have been forced to take the heart wrenching but absolutely necessary step of suspending all Shiurim and Minyanim for the immediate near future. As soon as is possible we shall once again fill our Mikdash Me'at with the sounds of Torah learning and Teffilah.

This suspension was taken with the full support of our Rabbinic and lay leadership. Make no mistake, this virus is dangerous. Lives will be saved by limiting contact with others. If even one life will be saved, and I have been informed by medical professionals that many more than one life will be saved, then these extreme measures are proper.

The temporary closure carries with it the implicit message that no one should attend any Minyanim anywhere in our community. Only by strict adherence to these measures can the safety of our lives and those around us be protected.
Davening at home transforms our homes into a Shul. The Talmud in Megillah states that all Batei Knesses in the exile will one day be relocated to Yerushalayim. If we turn our home into a Shul, then our home too shall be moved to the Holiest place on Earth, Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh. It will take effort on our part, but I have no doubt that we are up to the task. 

This will be an opportunity for us to increase our knowledge and understanding of our Teffilos, prayers, as we will have the opportunity to say them a bit more slowly, and with Kavannah, intent. We will also have the chance to spend time learning at home. This Shabbos, for example, will be an opportunity to read the Parsha and fulfill the Mitzvah of Shnayim Mikra V'Echad Targum. That is reading the Parsha twice in the original, and once in translation. Beyond that, we may even have the time to look into some explanations of various commentaries.

Although we want to be extremely careful of getting together with others in person, we still should reach out to others through the telephone, or through the use of computers. It is a blessing from Hashem that computers were invented before we were faced with this problem of isolation. It's another example of Hashem preparing the Refuah (healing) before the makkah (sickness).

The challenges facing us individually and collectively are unprecedented. May Hashem give us the fortitude to get through this difficult time admirably. Let us strive to be somewhat improved in our Torah study, Mitzvah observance, and Davening during this hopefully brief time of challenge.

May we all be blessed with good health.
Shabbat Shalom UmeVorach.
Rabbi Moshe Snow, Morah D'Asra
Judd Odzer, President
Dovid Beck, Chairman of the Board