Parshas Bo - Feb 1st, 2020 // 6th Shevat 5780
In this weeks issue:

  • Schedule
  • Video by Rabbi Moshe Snow
  • Come With Us To Israel - Don't wait sign up now!
  • Social Hall
  • Daf Yomi Shiur
  • Women's Shiur Mondays
  • Shabbos Mevorchim Sponsorship
  • Office Hours
  • Yizkor Book 5780
  • A Shul With A Story: Praying In Spiritual Harmony
  • Please redeem your pledges
  • Amazon Smile
  • Tehillim List
  • Bikur Cholim
  • Suggested Links
Erev Shabbos Friday Evening Jan 31st, 2020

4:51 pm Candle lighting time

5:02 pm Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos

Shabbos Morning Saturday Feb 1st, 2020

7:45 am Daf Yomi

8:00 am Early Shacharis in the Bais Medrash

8:45 am Shacharis in the Main Shul

9:38 am Zeman Krias Shema

3:45 pm Parsha Shiur

4:35 pm Mincha followed by Shalosh Seudos Sponsored By:

  • Randy Lieberman In Memory Of His Nephew Ari Meir Ben Simcha A"H

5:30 pm- Gemara Shiur

6:04 pm  Maariv
Daf Yomi Shiur By Rabbi Moshe Snow

6:00 am Monday – Friday
Shabbos 1 Hour Before Davening
7:00 am Sunday
Weekly Schedule

Shacharis Monday - Friday

7:00 am Shacharis First Minyan
8:00 am Shacharis S econd Minyan

8:00 am Shacharis Sunday one Minyan .

5:00 pm Mincha - Sunday Through Thursday

8:00 pm Tuesday night Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemara Shiur by Rabbi Moshe Snow
Parshas Bo
Redemption From Afar
Israel Trip
Come With Us To Israel

Young Israel Beth El Of Borough Park
Two Week Tour April 26 – May 9, 2020

Every participant in the trip will get a free video recording of the trip at no charge.

Don't wait sign up now!

Our Social Hall
Our Social Hall is ready for your event, on Shabbos or during the week. Please call or text 718-435-0095 for more information.
Daf Yomi Shiur
Tuesday night Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemara Shiur by Rabbi Moshe Snow

We thank all our sponsors for their generosity and wish them much Bracha and Hatzlacha.

Would you like to sponsor a Shiur? If so, please call our office. These Shiurim will accept sponsorship on a monthly or yearly basis.
Women's Shiur Mondays
Shabbos Mevorchim Sponsorship 
You have the opportunity to financially support the Shul by Sponsoring a Shabbos Mevorchim/Shabbos Rosh Chodesh in memory of, or in honor of someone.
Sponsors get an Aliyah LeTorah, may request a niggun, and receive a Mishebairach by the Chazzan.
The Chazzan is accompanied by the YIBE Aaron Miller Memorial Choir
We ask for sponsorship in the amount of $1,000 and there are many Shabbosim open for this year as well as Yom Tov davening. Please let us know if you or someone you know are interested in sponsoring this or other programs - it can be a shared sponsorship as well. We hope you join us and help continue the beautiful traditions and programs we at YIBE are privileged to enjoy.

Office Hours
Yizkor Book 5780
NEW! We will be publishing a YIBE Yizkor Journal online for the year 5780 (2019/2020), our Centennial year. The Yizkor Journal serves as a way to more visibly and permanently commemorate the memory of our departed loved ones, while we give tzedakah in their memory to our beloved Shul.

The 5780 Yizkor Journal will be live in before Yom Kippur, available for viewing on our permanent website, and displayed on the various monitors located throughout the Shul building. Each contributor is charged the nominal fee of $36 for the first listing and $18 for each additional listing. Graphics and other images may be included for an additional charge. Sponsorships of the Yizkor Journal are also available.

For more information and to go ahead and contribute to the YIBE Yizkor Journal, visit
A Shul With A Story: Praying In Spiritual Harmony
The story of Young Israel Beth El of Borough Park is indeed one of harmony. The magnificent building....
Please redeem your pledges
We gratefully thank all those who pledged for our appeals. Please redeem your pledges online or by calling the office at 718 435 9020.

Tizku Le Mitzvot.

Amazon Smile
Now you can support Young Israel Beth El when you shop on Amazon. Just start your shopping at and Amazon donates to our shul!

Use our organization link:
Tehillim List
  • Menachem Mendel Shlomo ben Chay Rochel

  • Meyer Shulem Ben Brana

  • Yitta Feiga Bas Raizel

  • Rochel Rus Bas Tziporah

  • Raizel Bas Pesel

  • Maleh Bas Yenta (Koenig)

  • Menachem Mordechai Ben Ophira

  • (Harav) Gedaliah Dov ben Perel (Rabbi G.D.Schwartz)

  • Chaya Bas Esther

  • Yosef Betzalel Ben Rus

  • Chaya Syma Bas Breindel

  • Hinda Leah Bas Chaya Sarah (Mrs. Hirsch)

  • Hindel Bas Perel - (She is a young child who is undergoing treatment. BH since we started saying her name there has been some improvement. Please continue).

  • Yaakov Tzvi Ben Nechama Rachel

  • Even Ezer Ben Malka

  • Dov Nechemya HaKohein Ben Rochel Chaya Sarah

  • Rachel Bas Shifra

Please say Tehillim so that they can have a full recovery!

To add or remove a name to the list please call the office or email
Refuah Shlema
We wish a Refuah Shelema for Rabbi Tzvi Lehrer, Judd Odzer's father in law. Tzvi Dov Ben Tsharna.

Bikur Cholim
Rabbi Bobby Blau
The Belvedere - 5110 19th Avenue

Alfred Pearl
Nursing Home, Cortelyou Rd

You can always visit the:
Boro Park Rehab Center on 10th Ave between 49th & 50th.
Nachum Segal

Arutz Sheva


Super Digital City Photo