Guard And Gain
View Rabbi Snow's Recorded Shiurim Available HERE
Additional videos can be found here on YouTube
To All Our Choshuv Members and Friends,

Boruch Hashem we are beginning another advancement in our staged re opening.

The guidelines listed below are for the sake of the protection and welfare of all our Mispallelim.

All who attend must wear a mask. There are a few masks available for those who do not wear their own. You may wear a mask on your face when you come to Shul and it is not considered carrying if it is properly worn. Same is true for gloves. There will be places marked off in the shul (on the seats) that are for the purpose of social distancing. This too is a requirement for the preservation of the health of all our Mispallelim.

We are following proper protocols for Krias HaTorah. The Oleh will be called up, but distancing will be maintained. There will not be anyone on the Bimah except for the person making the Bracha. After he steps down, the Baal Koreh will be the only person on the Bimah. The Gabbaim will be distanced on the sides, down from the Bimah.

There is no kissing of the Sefer Torah, nor will more than one person take out and put back the Torah. Please do not shake hands with anyone. After Davening Mispallelim are requested to leave in an orderly fashion that maintains proper distancing.

Rest rooms will be cleaned continually.

Just as we are being very cautious of our Physical well-being, we should also be concerned about our Neshama well-being. Returning to our Mikdash MeAt enjoins us to be extremely careful about the proper reverence for the Makom and the Teffilah. There is no talking during the Davening.

Thank you for your cooperation.

I look forward to returning to our Mikdash MeAt and personally greeting you with a hearty Shabbat Shalom and Good Shabbos.

Your Devoted Rav,
Rabbi Moshe Snow
Erev Shabbos Friday Evening August 7th, 2020

7:00pm Mincha followed by Kabolas Shabbos - Downstairs in the social hall

7:42pm Candle lighting time

Shabbos Morning Saturday August 8th, 2020

7:30am Daf Yomi

8:00am Early Shacharis in the Bais Medrash

8:30am Shacharis in the Main Shul

9:31am Latest time for morning Shema

5:10pm Pirkei Avos

6:00pm Mincha

8:10pm Gemara Shiur

8:52pm Maariv / Shabbos ends

Weekday Schedule
7:00am Daf Yomi (Sunday-Friday)

8:00am Shacharis

Monday - Daf Yomi Siyum on Masechta Shabbos.

Tuesday - Eiruvin begins on the Daf Yomi cycle

At this time we wish to acknowledge with profound gratitude the roster of 5780 Shalosh Seudos sponsors (below). Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, several of these seudos were gatherings in spirit with fervent wishes for the continuing health of all our members and mispallilim. Thank you for your continued support.
Bereishis: Renee Minkowitz In memory of Her father Jacob, Yaakov ben Moshe Hacohen
Bereishis: Esther Ingber In memory of Her cousin, Shmuel ben Mordechai
Noach: Betya Kanevskaya In memory of Dina bas Elev
Noach: Lea Friedman In memory of Her father Moshe Dovid ben Menachem Mendel (Rubinstein)
Lech Lecha: Mark Rottenstein In memory of Ita Sima bas Yisroel Nachum 
Vayeira: Betya Kanevskaya In memory of Her grandmother, Rachel bas Gershom (Cheshvan 22)
Vayeira: Mark Rottenstein In memory of Yitzchak Dov ben Nissan Eliezer
Vayeira: Beatrice Mazurek In memory of Her mother, Yocheved bas Nachman (Halpern)
Vayeira: Sara Balkany In memory of Malka Yehudas Bas Chaim (Molly Bandes)
Chayei Sarah: Young Israel Welfare Group In honor of Parashas Chayei Sarah
Toldos: Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Syma Snow In memory of L'Zecher Nishmas Reb Mechel Sauber and Mrs. Frieda Sauber , Rebbetzin Snow's parents, whose Yahrtzeits are this week
Toldos: Mr. & Mrs. Berel Kleinberger In memory of Berel's father, Yaakov Yehudah ben Shmuel Moshe
Toldos: Harry Piontnica In memory of His grandmother, Matel bas Aryeh Leib
Vayeitzei : Eli Miller In memory of His grandmother, בילא בת משה ישראל הכהן
Vayishlach: Julius Mazurek In memory of His father, אברהם מנחם ב"ר יעקב
Vayishlach: Moishe Kohn In memory of His uncle
Vayeishev: Helen Rubin In memory of Her father, Moshe Teitelbaum
Vayeishev: Ruth Stillman In memory of Her mother, Faiga Machla bas R' Dov
Mikeitz: Lea Friedman In memory of Shlomo Tzvi ben Yosef , Harry Friedman (Teves 6)
Mikeitz : Randy Lieberman In memory of His mother Rochel Bas Pinchas
Vayigash: Hana Rychik In memory of Sima Romanovich and Yechiel Romanovich
Vayechi: Dovid Reiss In memory of Moshe Yaakov Ben Avraham Abba and Leah Bas Yosef Dovid
Vayechi: Hana Rychik In memory of Sima Romanovich and Yechiel Romanovich
Vayechi: Steve Rosenkranz In memory of Chaya Leah bat Shaul
Vayechi: In memory of Lena Rosenkranz
Shemos: Corinne Greenberg In memory of Her mother-in-law, Sima bas Avraham (Teves 26)
Shemos: Corinne Greenberg In memory of Her grandfather, Klonimus Yehudah ben Avraham (Teves 27)
Voeirah: Carmela Dargi In memory of Her father Ovadia ben Shlomo and her brother Yakov ben Ovadia and Iluy Nishmat Tamar bat Lipa Yomtov
Bo: Randy Lieberman In memory of His nephew Aryeh Meir Ben Simcha
Beshalach: Esther Ingber In memory of Her mother, Frieda, Frida bat Shmuel (Shevat 17)
Yisro: Corinne Greenberg In memory of Her husband, Yehuda Yosef ben Yissachar Dov
Yisro: Mark Rottenstein In memory of His grandfather Nissan Eliezer ben Yaakov
Mishpatim: Esther Ingber In memory of Her father, Herman, Tzvi ben Ezra (I Adar 1)
Mishpatim: Rosalyn Levin IN HONOR OF Rosh Chodesh Adar
Mishpatim: Yani Halpert In memory of his father Pinchus Eliyahu Ben Yizchok Isaac
Teruma: Esther Ingber In memory of Her uncle, Martin Kupferberg, Mordechai ben Leib (I Adar 8)
Teruma: Rosalyn Levin In memory of Rechel Bas Meir Zev
Teruma: Lea Friedman In memory of Fraidel Bailah bas Yehudah Eliezer
Tetzaveh: Corinne Greenberg In memory of her father-in-law, Yissachar Dov ben Reuven (Adar 14)
Tetzaveh: Lawrence Fleck In memory of his father Benzion Ben Yitzchok
Ki Sisa: David Beck in memory of Grandmother פייגא ביילא בת רי צבי אריה הלוי & Grandfather שמואל לייב בן חיים מאיר
Vayakhel-Pikudei: Corinne Greenberg In memory of Her father, Nachum ben Moshe Aryeh Halevi
Vayakhel-Pikudei: Betya Kanevskaya In memory of Her grandfather Yitzchak ben Gershon
Korach: Esther Ingber In memory of her aunt, Dora Kupbergerg, Devorah bas Shmuel (Tammuz 7)
Torah Thoughts
Please click here to make Pushka donations.

Daf Yomi 7:00 AM Sunday to Friday

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 569 435 268
Password: 652975

To Join via Telephone - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 569 435 268 when prompted followed by #  

Tuesday at 7:10PM -  Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemorah Shiur

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 685 158
Password: 876053

To Join via Telephone - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 870 685 158 when prompted followed by # 
The office will be open Mondays
from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.

All are welcome, face mask is required.