Bereishis: Renee Minkowitz In memory of Her father Jacob, Yaakov ben Moshe Hacohen
Bereishis: Esther Ingber In memory of Her cousin, Shmuel ben Mordechai
Noach: Betya Kanevskaya In memory of Dina bas Elev
Noach: Lea Friedman In memory of Her father Moshe Dovid ben Menachem Mendel (Rubinstein)
Lech Lecha: Mark Rottenstein In memory of Ita Sima bas Yisroel Nachum
Vayeira: Betya Kanevskaya In memory of Her grandmother, Rachel bas Gershom (Cheshvan 22)
Vayeira: Mark Rottenstein In memory of Yitzchak Dov ben Nissan Eliezer
Vayeira: Beatrice Mazurek In memory of Her mother, Yocheved bas Nachman (Halpern)
Vayeira: Sara Balkany In memory of Malka Yehudas Bas Chaim (Molly Bandes)
Chayei Sarah: Young Israel Welfare Group In honor of Parashas Chayei Sarah
Toldos: Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Syma Snow In memory of L'Zecher Nishmas Reb Mechel Sauber and Mrs. Frieda Sauber , Rebbetzin Snow's parents, whose Yahrtzeits are this week
Toldos: Mr. & Mrs. Berel Kleinberger In memory of Berel's father, Yaakov Yehudah ben Shmuel Moshe
Toldos: Harry Piontnica In memory of His grandmother, Matel bas Aryeh Leib
Vayeitzei : Eli Miller In memory of His grandmother, בילא בת משה ישראל הכהן
Vayishlach: Julius Mazurek In memory of His father, אברהם מנחם ב"ר יעקב
Vayishlach: Moishe Kohn In memory of His uncle
Vayeishev: Helen Rubin In memory of Her father, Moshe Teitelbaum
Vayeishev: Ruth Stillman In memory of Her mother, Faiga Machla bas R' Dov
Mikeitz: Lea Friedman In memory of Shlomo Tzvi ben Yosef , Harry Friedman (Teves 6)
Mikeitz : Randy Lieberman In memory of His mother Rochel Bas Pinchas
Vayigash: Hana Rychik In memory of Sima Romanovich and Yechiel Romanovich
Vayechi: Dovid Reiss In memory of Moshe Yaakov Ben Avraham Abba and Leah Bas Yosef Dovid
Vayechi: Hana Rychik In memory of Sima Romanovich and Yechiel Romanovich
Vayechi: Steve Rosenkranz In memory of Chaya Leah bat Shaul
Vayechi: In memory of Lena Rosenkranz
Shemos: Corinne Greenberg In memory of Her mother-in-law, Sima bas Avraham (Teves 26)
Shemos: Corinne Greenberg In memory of Her grandfather, Klonimus Yehudah ben Avraham (Teves 27)
Voeirah: Carmela Dargi In memory of Her father Ovadia ben Shlomo and her brother Yakov ben Ovadia and Iluy Nishmat Tamar bat Lipa Yomtov
Bo: Randy Lieberman In memory of His nephew Aryeh Meir Ben Simcha
Beshalach: Esther Ingber In memory of Her mother, Frieda, Frida bat Shmuel (Shevat 17)
Yisro: Corinne Greenberg In memory of Her husband, Yehuda Yosef ben Yissachar Dov
Yisro: Mark Rottenstein In memory of His grandfather Nissan Eliezer ben Yaakov
Mishpatim: Esther Ingber In memory of Her father, Herman, Tzvi ben Ezra (I Adar 1)
Mishpatim: Rosalyn Levin IN HONOR OF Rosh Chodesh Adar
Mishpatim: Yani Halpert In memory of his father Pinchus Eliyahu Ben Yizchok Isaac
Teruma: Esther Ingber In memory of Her uncle, Martin Kupferberg, Mordechai ben Leib (I Adar 8)
Teruma: Rosalyn Levin In memory of Rechel Bas Meir Zev
Teruma: Lea Friedman In memory of Fraidel Bailah bas Yehudah Eliezer
Tetzaveh: Corinne Greenberg In memory of her father-in-law, Yissachar Dov ben Reuven (Adar 14)
Tetzaveh: Lawrence Fleck In memory of his father Benzion Ben Yitzchok
Ki Sisa: David Beck in memory of Grandmother פייגא ביילא בת רי צבי אריה הלוי & Grandfather שמואל לייב בן חיים מאיר
Vayakhel-Pikudei: Corinne Greenberg In memory of Her father, Nachum ben Moshe Aryeh Halevi
Vayakhel-Pikudei: Betya Kanevskaya In memory of Her grandfather Yitzchak ben Gershon
Korach: Esther Ingber In memory of her aunt, Dora Kupbergerg, Devorah bas Shmuel (Tammuz 7)