Erev Shabbos Friday Evening May 4th, 2018
7:00 pm
Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos
7:34 pm
Candle lighting time
Shabbos Morning Saturday May 5th, 2018
7:45 am
Daf Yomi
8:00 am
Early Shacharis in the Bais Midrash
8:45 am
Shacharis in the Main Shul
9:21 am
Zeman Krias Shema
5:10 pm
Pirkei Avos Shiur by Rabbi Snow
Sponsored by:
Frieda Givon in memory of her mother Gitel Bas Moshe Hakohen A”H
and by
Rosalyn Levin in memory of Mordechai Aryeh Ben Shalom A”H (Max Tessler)
Our sincere thanks go to the sponsors of our Pirkei Avos Shiur. In the zchus of their generous contributions, may they merit good health and much hatzlachah.
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
Gemara shiur by Rabbi Moshe Snow
8:46 pm
Daf Yomi Shiur By Rabbi Snow
6:00 am
Monday – Friday
Shabbos 1 Hour Before Davening
7:00 am
Weekly Schedule
7:50 pm
Mincha -
Sunday Through Thursday
7:00 am
First Minyan
8:00 am
econd Minyan
8:00 am
one Minyan
Tuesday night
Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemara Shiur
by Rabbi Moshe Snow -
Between Mincha & Ma’ariv