Dear Friend,
Our Shul will be celebrating our 30
year anniversary as the Young Israel Beth El of Boro Park.
On November 4, we will honor our esteemed Rav, Rabbi and Mrs. Syma Snow, and our renowned Chazzan, Chazzan Ben Zion and Mrs Miller.
Mark Rottenstein will be recognized for his outstanding service to our Shul.
This is a perfect time for you to acknowledge our Shul as a vital and enriching Shul for all in our wonderful community to enjoy. As you enter and partake in whatever minyan, at whichever shiur, at whatever class, or whatever special event, at whatever capacity, each of you is a testament to the significance that our Shul plays in so many people's lives in our community. Each of you contributes to the vibrancy and purpose of our Shul.
We would love to see you at our dinner. However, if you are not able to attend, we respectfully request that you consider giving an ad in our online journal. Opportunities are available for you at many different levels starting with just $36.00. You may place an ad in honor of Lzecher Nishmas a loved one. If you have a business, this would be a great opportunity for you to advertise so that the whole community will see your ad.
For more information, please go to the Shul website at
and click on the Shul dinner.
If you prefer, please call our office at 718-435-9020 to expedite a reservation or to place an ad.
We hope we can count on you to recognize this special Makom Kodesh. As a community Shul, our doors are open to all who wish to partake and now we are reaching out to our very special community, people as special as yourself, to show support for our Shul.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.
Wishing you the best
The Dinner Committee