Looking At My Reflection


Erev Shabbos - Friday Jul 2nd, 2021

7:10 pm Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos (Summer Mincha time).
Singles should light before Davening but after Plag - 6:58 pm.
Families should light by 7:15pm.

8:10 pm Candle lighting time

Shabbos - Saturday Jul 3rd, 2021 Mevorchim Hachodesh Av

7:30 am Daf Yomi

8:00 am Early Shacharis downstairs

8:30 am Shacharis upstairs With Chazzan Ben Zion Miller 

9:15 am Latest time for morning Shema

6:55 pm Pirkei Avos Shiur Sponsored by:

  • Mr. Mazurek in memory of his mother Michla Rivkah Bas Reb Mayer Shalom A"H

7:35 pm Mincha Followed by Shalosh Seudos

To sponsor a Shalosh Seudos CLICK HERE.

8:40 pm Shiur in Masechta Shabbos

9:21 pm Maariv / Shabbos ends

Weekly Schedule

Sun,Tue,Wed and Fri
7:00 am Daf Yomi / 8:00 am Shacharis

6:55 am Daf Yomi / 7:55 am Shacharis

8:15 pm Mincha

1-718-755-3062 This is Dr. Neil Feinstein's cell phone. He would love to hear from our YIBETHEL Chevra. Yasher Koach.
This Shabbos davening is dedicated by Lenny and Frieda Schwartz in memory of Mrs. Schwartz's parents. Tzvi Ben Yechiel Menachem A"H and Ita Perel Bas Aryeh Laib A"H

8:30 am Shacharis upstairs

Shabbos Davening will be led by our Chazzan Benzion Miller
BBQ Siyum
Join us on Thursday July 8th @ 6pm for a
Barbecue Siyum to celebrate our Daf Yomi shiur completing Maseches Yoma and Installation of Officers.

Guest speaker - Rabbi Avraham Garfinkel from Congregation B'nai Israel on Bedford Avenue

Reservation is required.

Daf Yomi 7:00AM Sunday to Friday

Dovid Reis is sponsoring the next Daf Yomi Masechta, Succah. In memory of his parents Moshe Yaakov Ben Avraham Abba A"H and Leah Bas Yosef Dovid A"H.

Join Zoom Meeting click here Daf Yomi Shiur (Meeting ID 569435268, Password 652975)

To join via telephone - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 569 435 268 ## 
Tuesday night at 7:30 pm - Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemorah Shiur

Join Zoom Meeting click here Tuesday Gemorah Shiur (Meeting ID 870685158 Password 876053)

To join via telephone - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 870 685 158 ##
Torah Thoughts
Mondays at 10:30AM

We are happy to announce the continuation of the תפילה Shiur by Rivka Ginsberg.

For more information please email tefilaclass@gmail.com.

Want to be a Supporter of our wonderful Shul? Supporters have many of the entitlements of full members, including member pricing for High Holy Day seating. HERE

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