Tuesday night Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemara Shiur by Rabbi Moshe Snow
Maseches Arachin
is being sponsored by:
Yerachmiel Teitelbaum in memory of his father and mother, Yechiel Alter ben Shmuel and Tova Miriam bas Yaakov A”H
Chavie Locker in memory of HaRav Binyamin Shlomo ben HaRav Yitzchok Greenberg A”H
Past Sponsors:
Masechta Bechoros
was sponsored by:
Harry Piontnica in memory of his parents
יעקב בן הרב שמחה בונים & חיה בת ראובן
Yerachmiel Teitelbaum in Memory of his Father R' Yechiel Alter Teitelbaum.
Masechta Chulin
was sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Yehudah Mazurak
L'Zecher Nishmas R'Avraham Abba ben R' Yosef, Yocheved bas R' Nachman, R' Avraham Menachem ben R' Yaakov, Michla Rivka bas R' Meir Sholom,
and L' Refuah Shelema for:
Yosef Betzalel ben Rus. (Mr. Yerachmiel Teitelbaum) L'Zecher Nishmas R'Yechiel Alter ben R' Shmuel.
Masechta Menachos
was sponsored by Mordechai Rottenstein in memory of his parents, Yitchok Dov ben Nisan Eliezer and Ita Sima bas Yisrael Nochum A”H
Masechta Zevachim
was sponsored by Reb Rephael Weiss in memory of his Mother Chaya Rechel Bas Moshe and her
father Moshe Ben Avraham Tzvi.
was sponsored by Mr. Yerachmiel Teitelbaum in Memory of his Father R' Yechiel Alter Teitelbaum.
Masechta Bava Basra
was sponsored by Reb Refoel Weiss. We learned each day LeIylu Nishmas Reb Refoel's Father and Grandfather, R' Yosef Ben R' Refoel Halevi z'l and R'Refoel Ben R'Avraham Chaim Halevi z'l.
Masechta Bava Metzia
was sponsored by “anonymous”. We gratefully acknowledge the donor who was an $1800 sponsor.
Masechta Bava Kamma
was sponsored by the Schwartz Family. Le Iylu Nishmas Shimon Dovid Ben Mordechai HaKohen A"H, and Bruna Bas Shlomo Yehudah A"H.
Masechta Avodah Zarah
was sponsored by Lenny and Frieda Schwartz in memory and L'Iylu Nishmos Shimshon Dov ben Mordechai HaKohein Schwartz Z"L, and Tzvi ben Yechiel Menachem Reichman Z"L.
We thank all our sponsors for their generosity and wish them much Bracha and Hatzlacha.
Would you like to sponsor a Shiur? If so, please call our office.. These Shiurim will accept sponsorship on a monthly or yearly basis.