Three Poor People

Erev Shabbos - Friday Feb 19th, 2021

5:15 pm Candle lighting time

5:25 pm Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos

Shabbos -Saturday Feb 20th, 2021 - Parshas Zachor

7:30am Daf Yomi

8:00 am Early Shacharis downstairs

8:30 am Shacharis upstairs

9:26 am Latest time for morning Shema

4:55 pm Mincha Followed by Shalosh Seudos Sponsored by:

  • Larry (Yehuda) Fleck In memory of his father Benzion Ben Yitzchok A"H

5:50 pm Shiur in Masechta Shabbos

6:27 pm Maariv / Shabbos ends

Taanis Esther Erev Purim- Thursday Feb 25th, 2021

5:04 am Fast Begins (earliest zman)
5:15 am Fast Begins (later zman)
5:25 am Fast Begins (latest zman)
7:00 am Daf Yomi
8:00 am Shacharis (Selichos)
5:10 pm Machtzis Hashekel
5:15 pm Mincha (fast day)
5:45 pm Shiur (fast day)
6:15 pm Maariv (approx.)
6:24 pm Fast Ends
6:30 pm Megilah

Purim- Friday Feb 26th, 2021

On Purim day:
The Seudah may be eaten in the morning, but should be completed no later than 3:00pm.

6:30 am Daf Yomi
7:30 am Shacharis
8:15 am Megilah (approx.)
5:23 pm Candle Lighting
5:33 pm Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos

Weekly Schedule

7:00 am Daf Yomi

8:00 am Shacharis

5:25 pm Mincha

A Purim message from our Rav
Purim brings out the very best of our Jewish unity. We give each other Shalach Manos and we give extra Tzedakah in order to fulfill the Mitzvah of Matanos L'Evyonim, gifts to the poor. In order to fulfill the Mitzvah of Mitzvah of Mishloach Manos we need to send at least two ready to eat foods to one other member of Klal YIsrael. To fulfill the Mitzvah of Matanos L'Evyonim, gifts to the poor, we need to send monetary (preferably) gifts to at least two people.

The Halacha teaches that the giving of monetary gifts to the poor is more important than giving Shalach Manos to many people. As the Mitzvah of Mishloach Manos may be fulfilled with giving two gifts to just one person, if you did that you have completely fulfilled the Mitzvah. Under normal circumstances we go way beyond the minimum requirement and seek to share our bounty with many friends, relatives, and neighbors. This year, with the still ever present Pandemic, it would be much better to give just one gift of foods to just one person and thereby fulfill the Mitzvah.

In lieu of giving more food gifts, it is very appropriate, especially at this time, to increase our Matanos L'Evyonim. To that end, the YIBE of Borough Park is making available two funds. One will be earmarked for the poor, and the other will be earmarked as a donation to the Shul.
Click here to give Matanos LaEvyonim that will be distributed on Purim through our Shamash, Rev Eli Miller, to needy families in Boro Park.

Click here to donate to the Shul and have your personal Simchas Purim message displayed on the monitors in the Shul over the Purim Holiday. Such a nice way to show appreciation on Purim! 
Thank you for your support.

Tizku LeMitzvos and Simchas Purim to all!
Digital "Mishloach Manot" messages to family,
loved ones, and the entire community
There is a wonderful mitzvah on Purim to send greetings and giving mishloach manos baskets to friends and relatives. Sadly, because of the pandemic, many of us will have difficulty doing this. The Shul is offering everyone an opportunity to send digital Purim greetings via a special Purim Journal we have set up. For a minimum of $36 you can send a special digital greeting to friends, relatives, fellow mispallelim, and klal yisroel. Our Simchas Purim Journal will be posted to social media, our website, and on the electronic displays all over the Shul.

Matanos L'evyonim
Donations for Matanos LaEvyonim will be distributed through our Shamash, Rev Eli Miller, to needy families in Boro Park on Purim day. Cutoff is February 24. Tizku LeMitzvos and Simchas Purim to all!

Bedek Habayis Appeal 5781
We know you keep Young Israel Beth-El of Boro Park close to your hearts. We are about 120 years young and still thriving in our 100-year-old historic building. All you have to do is walk in to see the wonderful improvements that have been made over the past couple of years: beautiful landscaping, security cameras, electronic monitors, renovations to the social hall, bathrooms, bais medrash, wheelchair access, and more. 

As you know the current pandemic has been especially hard on many shuls and we have also been affected, drastically reducing our revenues. At the same time, several critical repairs had to be made during the last few months, including repairs to the roof due to weather, repairs to the boiler which broke in mid-winter, and repairs to leaking pipes. Please respond generously to this appeal so we can maintain our beautiful Mikdash Ma’at. 

We wish you and your loved ones the greatest of joy and happiness and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Tonights Shiur will not only be dealing with the Parsha, but will also be a special Halacha Shiur on the unique laws of Taanis Esther and Purim.

Because of the Pandemic, and because Purim is on Friday this year, there are special Halachos which pertain to both the reading of the Meggilah, the Seudah of Purim, Mishloach Manos, and Matanos La'Evyonim. Because Purim is on Thursday night, there will be no Shiur that night. However, on Wednesday night , February 24, there will be a Shiur at 8:30pm on Megillas Esther. All this on the regular Zoom network.
Bring Joy This Purim
Thursdays at 8:30PM - Parsha Shiur

Join Zoom Meeting click here Thursday Parsha Shiur (Meeting ID 82045376016, Passcode 374930

To join via telephone - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 820 4537 6016 ##, Password 374930 

Daf Yomi 7:00AM Sunday to Friday

Pesachim is dedicated by Mr. And Mrs. Ramy Bodner in honor of the marriage of their daughter Gabriella Leah to Dr. Avraham Yehuda Arbsfeld. May they be Zocheh to build a Bayis Ne'eman B'Yisrael.

Pesachim is also dedicated by Dovid Reis in memory of his parents, Moshe Yaakov Ben Avraham Abba A"H and Leah Bas Yosef Dovid A"H. 

Join Zoom Meeting click here Daf Yomi Shiur (Meeting ID 569435268, Password 652975)

To join via telephone - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 569 435 268 ## 
Tuesdays at 8:30PM - Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemorah Shiur

Join Zoom Meeting click here Tuesday Gemorah Shiur (Meeting ID 870685158 Password 876053)

To join via telephone - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 870 685 158 ##

Mondays at 10:30AM

We are happy to announce the continuation of the תפילה Shiur by Rivka Ginsberg.

For more information please email
Torah Thoughts
Sponsor a Shabbas Mevorchim! 
Sponsors get an Aliyah LeTorah, may request a niggun, and receive a Mishebairach by the Chazzan. The Chazzan is accompanied by the YIBE Aaron Miller Memorial Choir. Sponsorships are in the amount of $1,000. There are still many Shabbosim open for this year as well as for Yom Tov davening. It can be a shared sponsorship as well. We hope you join us and help continue the beautiful traditions and programs we at YIBE are privileged to enjoy. 
Phone Announcements
Young Israel Beth El occasionally sends out phone calls for important announcements.

If you would like a number added or removed please email with your name and number.

Thank you.

Want to be a Supporter of our wonderful Shul? Supporters have many of the entitlements of full members, including member pricing for High Holy Day seating. HERE

Log into your account
Did you know you can log in to your own account to update your information (including Yahrzeit information), pay your bills, view your outstanding charges, make donations, etc? If you are a full member or a supporting member, you can also get member pricing - for example for shul events, annual dues, seats for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. when you are logged in. 

Please click here to make Pushka donations.