We know you keep Young Israel Beth-El of Boro Park close to your hearts. We are about 120 years young and still thriving in our 100-year-old historic building. All you have to do is walk in to see the wonderful improvements that have been made over the past couple of years: beautiful landscaping, security cameras, electronic monitors, renovations to the social hall, bathrooms, bais medrash, wheelchair access, and more.
As you know the current pandemic has been especially hard on many shuls and we have also been affected, drastically reducing our revenues. At the same time, several critical repairs had to be made during the last few months, including repairs to the roof due to weather, repairs to the boiler which broke in mid-winter, and repairs to leaking pipes. Please respond generously to this appeal so we can maintain our beautiful Mikdash Ma’at.
We wish you and your loved ones the greatest of joy and happiness and we look forward to seeing you soon!