Erev Shabbos-Friday Evening Nov 20th, 2020
4:13 pm Candle lighting time
4:23 pm Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos
Shabbos Morning-Saturday Nov 21st, 2020
7:30am Daf Yomi
8:00 am Early Shacharis downstairs
8:30 am Shacharis upstairs
9:16 am Latest time for morning Shema
3:55 pm Mincha Followed by Shalosh Seudos
- Shalosh Seudos this Shabbos is being sponsored by Rabbi Moshe and Rebbetzin Syma Snow, LeZecher Nishmas Rebbetzin Snow's parents A"H.
4:45 pm Shiur in Masechta Shabbos
The Shabbos Shiur in Maseches Shabbos is dedicated to the memory of Sarah Golda bas Moshe Dovid.
5:23 pm Maariv / Shabbos ends
Weekly Schedule
7:00 am Daf Yomi
8:00 am Shacharis
4:15 pm Mincha