And The Winner Is......
New Coronavirus Regulations in Place in Boro Park
According to current NYS and NYC regulations, only a single minyan of ten people is allowed anywhere in a house of worship at any one time. This severe restriction began on Thursday October 8. During these difficult times, we follow the law and wait for the time when we can once again greet all our friends, members, and mispallelim in person in our beautiful shul.

Read the Governor's relevant Executive Order HERE.

We will comply with the law to have only a maximum of ten people in the building at one time. Unfortunately, as a minyan is a minimum of ten men, this means that we can only serve a single minyan at a time. 

Erev Shabbos-Friday Evening Nov 6th, 2020

4:25 pm Candle lighting time

4:36 pm Mincha and Kabolas Shabbos

Shabbos Morning-Saturday Nov 7th, 2020 

7:45 am Early Shacharis downstairs (already full)

9:00 am Shacharis upstairs (limit 10 men)

9:07 am Latest time for morning Shema

3:20 pm Daf Yomi in the Bais Medrash

4:20 pm Mincha in the social hall. Followed by a Shiur in Masechta Shabbos

The Shiur is sponsored by:

  • Betya Kanevskaya In memory of Her grandmother, Rachel bas Gershom

  • Mark Rottenstein In memory of Yitzchak Dov ben Nissan Eliezer

  • Beatrice Mazurek In memory of Her mother, Yocheved bas Nachman (Halpern)

  • Sara Balkany In memory of In Memory Malka Yehudas Bas Chaim (Molly Bandes)

5:35 pm Maariv / Shabbos ends

Weekly Schedule

7:00 am Daf Yomi

8:00 am Shacharis

4:25 pm Mincha

Parsha Shiur Tonight 11/5 at 8:30PM
Sponsored by:

Mordechai Rottenstein in memory of his father Yitzchak Dov ben Nissan Eliezer

Join Zoom Meeting Zoom Link
Meeting ID 820 4537 6016, Passcode 374930

To join via telephone
Dial (929) 205-6099, Meeting ID 820 4537 6016 ##, Passcode 374930 
One tap mobile - 19292056099,,82045376016#,,,,,,0#,,374930#
Daf Yomi 7:00 AM Sunday to Friday

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 569 435 268
Password: 652975

To Join via Telephone - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 569 435 268 when prompted followed by #  

Tuesdays 8:00 pm -  Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemorah Shiur

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 685 158
Password: 876053

To Join via Telephone - (929) 205-6099, Enter Meeting ID 870 685 158 when prompted followed by # 
Torah Thoughts
Annual Membership Dues
Because of these difficult times, we have decided to keep annual membership dues steady. Annual dues for the Jewish year - $250 for a full voting member; $125 for supporting member - are always due on September 1 at the beginning of the year. Members and Supporters have already been charged for dues for the coming year. You may already have received a statement by the time you read this. You can log into your own account to review the charges.

Want to be a Supporter of our wonderful Shul? Supporters have many of the entitlements of full members, including member pricing for High Holy Day seating. HERE

Log into your account
Did you know you can log in to your own account to update your information (including Yahrzeit information), pay your bills, view your outstanding charges, make donations, etc? If you are a full member or a supporting member, you can also get member pricing - for example for shul events, annual dues, seats for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. when you are logged in. 

Our Yizkor Book Continues ...
We are continuing our Centennial Yizkor Journal through the 5781 yomim tovim. It will be displayed on the digital monitors throughout the shul. To view and contribute, visit: [LINK]
Please click here to make Pushka donations.
For the latest information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)