Our Early Shabbat Waffle Bar is back! The full schedule is below:
Mincha: 6:10 PM
Waffle Bar & L'chaims
Kabalat Shabbat: 6:35 PM
Candle-lighting for 'Early Shabbat' is after 6:19 PM
Candle-lighting for 'Regular Shabbat" is 7:11 PM
Parsha Shiur w/ R. Aaron Poston: 8 AM
Shacharit 8:45 AM
Kid's Service 10:15 AM
Kiddush 11:00 AM
Shabbat Ends 8:26 PM
Fast of Tamuz begins Sunday morning at 4:33 AM and ends 8:11 PM
The kiddush this Shabbat is in celebration of the wedding this past week of Rebecca Fisher (daughter of Jeremy and Michelle) to Ethan Kellen. Thank you to Ethan's parents, Phillipa and Rodney, for sponsoring the kiddush. Mazal Tov!
For Shabbat dinner this week, we welcome a Hispanic Community Leadership Delegation from the United States. This delegation, which includes Congressman, Assemblymen and Aldermen, a District Attorney and a number of CEO's -- is sponsored by the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the America-Israel Friendship League.
Upcoming ...
Next Shabbat we welcome a second group of Ramah campers spending the summer in Israel.
Kiddushim are available for sponsorship for the next few weeks.
Shir Hadash's activities take place in Beit Natan(named after JJ Greenberg),located at Yakov Rubin Street #1 in Jerusalem (Click here for Map), and on the Jonathan Pear Farm in Rosh Pina.