Volume 2 No. 47 |November 27, 2020
Sharing our wealth of arts and culture. We're having an ARTS BLAST!

Promoting The Arts & Arts Councils Everywhere
In This Issue
Brevard Community Chorus & Treasure Coast Community Singers
2021 Art for Living Calendar
Garden Club of IRC's Ornament is Here!
Featuring a Non-profit Gift Shop - VBMA
Museum Store Sunday
Vote for LauraKay Whiticar Davill
NEW: Short & Sweet

*If you don't scroll all the way to the end, you're missing a lot of good stuff!

NOTE: Calls for Artists, Auditions, Volunteers is now online.

Make On the Calendar at WilliMiller.com a frequent stop.

Get Daily Updates on Willi Miller's Arts Blast Facebook Page
Shared Information and Fun Links on Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras
I'm a masker, one of the few ways I feel I can contribute to the fight against this virus. If you aren't one already, please consider joining me.
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Sunday on Cultural Connection on the Air - Taking a Holiday Break!
Listen to Cultural Connection on the Air at a new time and place, Sundays at 8 a.m. on WQOL, 103.7 fm and on iHeartRadio.com.
This will be Part 1 of two issues of Arts Blast this week, in part because there is so much to share. The other (in) part is my accidentally taking off Thanksgiving. A new staff member is starting work Monday, so I began preparing the house/office/studio for her arrival. Then I had to heat up the third and fourth meals of Chinese takeout leftovers. Then there was a spirit-lifting, fabulous Zoom with nephews I haven't seen in far too many years, and then the day was over!

A Part 2 teaser - Coming Nov. 30:
Cultural Council of IRC's New Executive Director
Young IRC Musicians Andrew Miller & Alena Yancy
Ballet Vero Beach Dances on PBS
Calendar for Living - Artist Arun Wijetilleke

Pictured here is my soon-to-be Arts Blast staffer, Petra, coming to us from Raining Cats, a rescue group based in Vero Beach. Fingers crossed that she'll adjust to being the only cat on staff. Puss left some pretty big shoes to fill but I'm confident Petra is up to the challenge. Wish her luck.

In the interest of brevity, this issue of Arts Blast will introduce Arts Blast's Short and Sweet... Keep It Simple, Stupid... And to summarize... Cut to the Chase.

Nov. 27 - Downtown Friday in Vero Beach
Nov. 27, 10 a.m. - Ticket sales open for Ballet Vero Beach’s Nutcracker on the Indian River events.
Nov. 27, 8 p.m. - Frost Superband - Annual Holiday Concert
Nov. 27, 6 p .m. - Holiday Nights Opening Night at Edison and Ford Winter Estates, Ft. Myers
Nov. 27 - Elf the Musical! opens at The Henegar, Melbourne.
Nov. 28, 7-10 p.m. - Martinis with Manny at STOUTHOUSE, Sebastian
Nov. 28, 7 p.m. - Flip Schultz in the Comedy Corner at Sunrise Theatre, Fort Pierce.
Nov. 28, 7:30 p.m. - Mercury - The Story of Queen’s Front Man at Martin County Fairgrounds
Nov. 30 - Deadline for artist entries in the PSL Botanical Gardens' Art Show in the Gardens.
Nov. 30 - Last day to audition for Disney's Newsies at Cocoa Village Playhouse
Dec. 1 - Cultural Council of Indian River County's annual meeting. Open to the public, Heritage Center
Dec. 1 - Grand opening of Philly Down South Cafe at the Elliott Museum
Dec. 1 - Cultural Council for Palm Beach County reopens three galleries, store
Dec. 2 - Opening reception for Martin Artisans Guild December exhibition, Sewall's Point
Dec. 2 - Lake Wales History Museum Book Club - Paradise Screwed: Selected Columns by Carl Hiaasen
Dec. 3 - Advent Organ & Poetry at Community Church of Vero Beach
Dec. 3 - The Symphonia partners for Symphonia of HeARTS
Vote for LauraKay Whiticar Davill's Castle
Time is running out for you to cast your vote for LauraKay Whiticar Davill in the Alliance for Metal Clay Art Worldwide’s People’s Choice award. The final day is Nov. 30. Her entry is My Lancelot Caste, complete with drawbridge, one of seven entries awarded a Certificate of Merit this fall.

Whiticar’s metal clay jewelry is part of the new exhibit at the Elliott Museum, running through Jan. 4. Paintings by her father, Curt Whiticar, are on display for another day or so with the Martin Artisans Guild at the Palm Room, Sewall’s Point.
Whiticar emails a regular newsletter to subscribers and in it is very generous with sharing precious metal clay techniques with readers. Her latest newsletter takes us through the creation of her precious metal clay castle, from rough sketch to completion. Excerpts are included here but to read the process step by step, sign up for the newsletter on Whiticar’s website, http://jewelrybywhiticar.com.
Creating in PMC can be expensive. "The silver clay comes in a small package, 50 grams, costing about $100, Whiticar said. "I used almost two packages of clay for the castle project. The clay must be formed quickly because it dries out in about 10 to 15 minutes and becomes hard and brittle." That means having a plan, a design, and tools in place before opening the first packet of clay.

"Much of the work is done with the greenware (unfired clay). This can be glued together, sanded, trimmed and polished; however, it is very fragile." Whiticar decided an accidental break that happened while she was working on the castle was a "good" break, one that's in the right place and mendable. Not all are like that.
After a dry run of placing the pieces — the turrets, stairs, a door, a flag — the basic parts were ready, she said. Then the assembly began, "a little scary since a mistake could ruin the whole piece." The Lancelot Castle even has a hinged drawbridge with chains for raising and lowering it.
Whiticar grew up in Stuart in a power-boating family — her father founded Whiticar Boat Works — but in recent years has discovered the thrill of sailing on the St.Lucie River. Her home studio can be visited by appointment.
It's Museum Store Sunday
On Sunday, November 29, 2020 for the fourth consecutive year, more than 1,400 museum stores representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia, 23 countries, and five continents will offer inspired shopping at museums and cultural institutions during Museum Store Sunday.

Barbara Dunn, Vero Beach Museum of Art's Museum Store Manager, said shoppers at that store will be offered a one-day-only 20 percent discount storewide. "Each purchase supports the missions and programs of the museum. Museum admission is not required to shop."
The VBMA Museum Store is open Wednesday – Saturday 10 am – 4:30 pm, and Sunday 1 pm – 4 pm.
*Not to be combined with other discounts including membership discount. Buyer to receive a maximum reduction of 20% off ticketed price.
Helping People Succeed's 2021 Art for Living Calendar is Ready
It’s that time of year when Helping People Succeed distributes its popular Art for Living Calendars, available at business outlets, including Barnes & Noble Book Store in Jensen Beach.
Each month is represented by a talented local artist.
Featured artists this year include: Pam Patterson, Susan Roberts, Mary Neal, Marian Vitale, Diane Raymond, Dan Mackin, Chris Kling, Pat Hoshino, Stacy Ranieri, Julia Kelly, Sue Ann Saleeby-Mosley, Arundathi Wijetilleke and Amber Moran.
For a complete listing of outlets visit the website at hpsfl.org.
Shop a Non-Profit for the Holidays:
Vero Beach Museum of Art
The Museum Store at Vero Beach Museum of Art has gifts for everyone in the family, including museum memberships that start at $75.

Shop manager Barbara Dunn has selected several of her favorites to share with readers.
Quilted over the shoulder handbag ($75), available in a variety of colors. This handbag is light to carry and is the perfect weight for use in the Florida sunshine. It has a top fastening zipper and side pockets.

Holiday plush Gnome ($18.95). This little guy is sure to bring extra festive joy to wherever he makes his home for the holidays.

Cheers! This stemless glassware ($9.95) will add the perfect touch of holiday cheer to your table decor.

Festive Dishtowel ($9.95). Make the after-dinner clean-up a little more festive with this themed dishtowel.

Gift wrapping is available on request. Shipping is not.

Hours/days open: Wednesday - Saturday 10 am - 4:30 pm / Sunday 1 - 4 pm

Mask policy: Masks required for all visitors aged 2 yrs +

Vero Beach Museum of Art is participating in the nationwide Museum Store Sunday program Nov. 29.
Arun Wijetilleke Designs
An Ornament
Arun Wijetilleke has been designing the Garden Club of Indian River County's holiday ornament since its early days, almost 30 years ago. The subject is decided by a committee but the artist then runs with the design decisions. Nat Jackson writes each ornament's informative brochure. This year she was assisted by Anne Michael, garden club member and daughter-in-law of A.B. Michael.
From the Garden Club:
The 29th Christmas Ornament features the renaming of the Wabasso bridge. The A.B. Michael Bridge now has the name which was intended by the County Commission in 1964. Through error in Tallahassee, it was named A.B. Mitchell. A.B. Michael, who the bridge was named after, was a citrus pioneer on Orchid Island instrumental in the citrus industry in Indian River County. Fifty years later with the help of State Senator Debbie Mayfield, the bridge finally has the correct name. The Garden Club is pleased to present the renaming of the Wabasso Bridge to A.B. Michael Bridge by creating our 2020 Christmas Ornament in his honor.
Proceeds from the ornament go toward our Civic Projects. Civic projects for last year were three $2,000 scholarships, Shining Light Garden, Laura Riding Jackson Foundation for landscaping, Rain Garden for the City of Vero, Nature Near You kits for ELC, and other donations to nonprofit organizations.
For additional information about the ornament and where you can purchase it, go to www.GardenClubofIRC.org
Photos: Top: The 2020 Garden Club of Indian River County ornament. Bottom: The artist with her floral design for Rose Circle in the GardenClub niche.
Cancellations - Brevard Community Chorus & Treasure Coast Community Singers
Robert Lamb, Director of the Brevard Community Chorus, emailed disappointing news this week. “We've reached the difficult decision to cancel the January return of the Brevard Community Chorus. Like me, you are no doubt heartened by the news of the COVID-19 vaccine that will ultimately ensure our safe return to the chorus room. We are hopeful that by the fall of 2021, conditions will allow us to resume our normal rehearsals. Until then, keep singing in the shower, in your car and in life's joyful moments.” 
Rehearsals and performances through spring have been suspended. Lamb said, “We could have worked out socially distanced rehearsals at the King Center for this Spring—we considered a plan to practice in the Rotunda, and there was a good bit of appetite for that. But when it came down to it, it was performing that would be impossible. We just couldn’t figure out how to fit 100 singers and 35 orchestra players on the stage for a live concert." There were digital options, but "that simply doesn’t address the core of what we’re about—making live music together as a body of people representing all ages and walks of life in Brevard County!”
Lamb is also Professor of Music, Director of Choral Activities, and Chair of the Department of Fine and Performing Arts at Eastern Florida State College, where things are looking a little brighter, with rehearsals for the Concert Choir and Madrigal Singers continuing. The groups have given two successful lunchtime, outdoor, informal concerts on the steps of the performing arts building on the Cocoa campus. Monday, Nov. 30, is the last one.
Lamb has had a long teaching career but can still learn from his students. “… I have been reminded this semester that it really is a reciprocal activity—teachers don’t just “do it” to students…it’s a process, a conversation…and to get student help in creating ways of teaching them the curriculum has been a game-changer for me. I can’t say enough about how it’s the STUDENTS who have made all this work!”

The long-awaited Beethoven 250 Choral Festival in Vienna has been postponed. “The tour organizers just rebranded it Beethoven 251!”
Treasure Coast Community Singers
Doug Jewett, director of the various groups that make up the Treasure Coast Community Singers, said he wasn't expecting the decision by the Board of Directors to cancel the annual holiday concert. "The Board decided we could not jeopardize the health of our members in speculation that post Thanksgiving would see an uptick in Covid cases."

It isn't all doom and gloom, though, he said. "The children's chorus will still be singing for Stuart Yacht and Country Club Christmas dinner on December 4."

Jewett is hoping that Zoom rehearsals can begin after the holidays. "Our mission is to keep people singing (not necessarily preparing for a concert) and that is what I hope we do. Until Covid is no longer in control, we shall have to continue virtually." Stay tuned.
Indian River Clay is having its Inaugural Holiday Open House and Pot Sale Dec.5, 10 a.m to 1pm. Tour the new studio, meet the artists and find a unique gift in a members’ pop-up exhibit. Purchase a ticket for the outdoor raffle, enjoy a refreshment and watch a demonstration. Masks and social distancing.
Photo: Ornaments by Ginny Piech Street
Are You An Artist or a Bookkeeper?
Even smaIl operations need to keep their financial house in order. Image First can record your deposits, write checks, pay taxes, and provide reports in Quickbooks. Artists, spend more time in your studio and less on paperwork. Let’s talk, free consultation. Image First, 772-538-4148.
Cultural Council Corner
Cultural Council of Indian River County's hot-off-the-presses Arts & Culture Guide is not only in hard copy, but now has a digital version at www.Cultural-Council.org. It's in flipbook format and can be downloaded as a PDF file. A companion piece to the Guide is an online calendar at www.culturalcalendar.org that is updated daily." Print copies are available at the cultural Council office on 14th Avenue and quite a few spots around the county. Learn more on the website.
To add an event to the online calendar published by the Cultural Council of Indian River County, you'll now have to be a DIYer. Here’s the page link:
https://www.cultural-council.org/calendar Click on Submit Your Event and follow the prompts.
Submit changes or include an image at Calendar@cultural-council.org 
Send press releases and news to Info@Cultural-Council.org.
30th Annual All Florida Juried Arts Show 
Featuring all Florida Artists in All Media
Juror: Lisa Rockford, Rockford Projects
Exhibition Dates: Through December 12    
Visit MartinArts.org for more details including Artist Panel Discussion and Closing Reception. Events subject to change due to current COVID-19 safety guidelines.
*Preregistration required.
Gallery Hours:
Tues. 10am - 6pm | Wed. - Sat. 10am - 4pm
Court House Cultural Center | 80 SE Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL
Updates from the St. Lucie Cultural Alliance

Support our mission to better position the arts and cultural sector as a significant contributor to St. Lucie County - become a memberdonate, or join our ART SOS volunteer program, and support local artists
Help with small gestures, such as liking and sharing our social media posts and leave us a 5-Star review on Google.

The inaugural online exhibit and sale is here!
St. Lucie Cultural Alliance and Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens are thrilled to announce an online musical competition! The winner will perform at the St. Lucie Botanical Gardens Art Show in the Gardens on Saturday, January 2, receive a $500 cash prize and a one-year membership to St Lucie Cultural Alliance Music Guild ($125 value)!

Music MUST be party and fun, Island, Caribbean, Latin, or Reggae ONLY. No other genre will be considered.

--- CV (resume)
--- one YouTube or Vimeo link of you (artist/band) performing
--- A high-resolution image of you (artist/band)

Get your information in as soon as possible. The competition ends on December 3.

On December 4 one band will be selected on the basis of points.

*****DEADLINE EXTENDED ! NOVEMBER 30 - Deadline to apply for a spot as an Artist or Fine Craft Vendor in the 2nd Annual Art Show in The Gardens. PORT ST. LUCIE BOTANICAL GARDENS
For updates on gallery openings and classes in Melbourne and surrounding Brevard County, check the Brevard Cultural Alliance website and individual gallery social media.

Calls for artists and gallery openings are listed.

Check this page for a list of reopenings in Brevard county.

Little Women-The Musical-Live! at The Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse Nov. 20-Dec. 6. Auditions for Disney's Newsies-The Broadway Musical Nov. 29 & 30

Museum of Dinosaurs and Ancient Cultures is open.  Located on the top 2 floors of the Dinosaur Store, the 20,000 sq ft Museum of Dinosaurs and Ancient Cultures showcases hundreds of authentic artifacts and fossils from around the world.
From the Cultural Council for Palm Beach County:
In addition to following state guidelines, Palm Beach County has a local ordinance requiring facial coverings in public places – indoors or outdoors – wherever social distancing cannot be maintained. Additionally, local venues also have specific guidelines in place, so be sure to visit each organization's website for complete details, hours, and possible updates before you go.

Dr. Marcos Daniel Flores is a piano performance graduate from The Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico B.M., The Eastman School of Music M. M., and Arizona State University where he received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree. Flores is an active performer as well as an experienced and inspirational piano teacher.

Brandon Putzke's TC Percussion and TC Percussion Camp
Piano for Kids
Event schedules can change, often at almost the last minute. Verify, double check, and then do it again before you head out the door. And when you do go out, take a mask. Without one, you risk being turned away.
Scroll down for guidelines for submitting calendar items and feature suggestions to ARTS BLAST.

Send comments to willi@willimiller.com.
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Like Willi Miller's Arts Blast Facebook page for updates and Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras for interesting, inspiring, and fun shared posts, then go to willimiller.com to catch up on every issue of Arts Blast, and see the latest ON THE CALENDAR listings.

Please share this to help Arts Blast reach more readers and spread the word.

As always, For Helen Miller 
Information is to be received in an email at least one week before publication.

Use this format for Calendar entries:
Who (organization)
What (Event)
When (dates, time)
Where (Name of venue, address)
Why (a brief description of the purpose)
Web/Facebook address
Contact for public use (for tickets, questions, etc.)
Then add a short, descriptive release if available.
Send only one photo, with caption, unless more are requested.
Media contact with email for Arts Blast followup (not for publication)
Here's a suggestion for uploading information to calendars that allow you to input your own events.
In the body of the listing, sometimes called Description, make sure to include all dates in each upload. For example: Performances are on March 12-31; or the exhibit is open March 12, 14, 15, and 17. That information should be in all dates you post individually.

If you are a member of the Cultural Council of Indian River County, you need this information:

IMPORTANT: In order to promote your events as a member of the Cultural Council, you must enter your event on the CCIRC calendar via this link: https://www.calendarwiz.com/culturalcouncil and click on "Submit your event"
The deadline is MONDAY - 10 days prior to the Wednesday publication.
Copyright ©2019-2020 Willi Miller's ARTS BLAST!, all rights reserved.