WAMFT Legislative Update for October:
Watch Ask the Lobbyist Part 3!

Last weekend, WAMFT held their annual conference. It was great to see so many members from all over the state gathering as much knowledge as they could.
In addition, it was nice to see an increase of members desiring to be more active not only with the Legislative Committee but within WAMFT as a whole. It is always encouraging to see forward motion like this. This month, the Legislative Committee presents the last chapter in the Ask The Lobbyist video series. 
Looking for Part 2 of Ask the Lobbyist? Click here to view!
In the near future, you can look to receive the following updates regarding legislation in the state of Washington:

1)      The Day on the Hill- We will be announcing our annual day on the hill where members will be able to meet with lawmakers in Olympia. The date and schedule will be conveyed in a timely manner allowing individuals to make plans in advance.
2)      In depth video updates and conversations around some of the new legislation such as the Volk decision and House Bill 1874.
3)      A comprehensive road map and review of the legislative goals we will be pursuing this coming year.

Lastly, the Legislative committee would like to thank you all for the positive support and feedback we have received in the last few months regarding the video series. We look forward to creating more content that connects to your needs and expands on your practice. For any comments or questions, please reach us at [email protected].
Anthony Pennant, LMFT
Legislative Committee Chair
About the AAMFT Practice Protection Fund
The AAMFT Practice Protection Fund will be used to help pay for items related to serious threats to the profession and for major initiatives, particularly concerning threats to the MFT scope of practice. It may also be utilized for opportunities to advance the practice and scope of practice.

AAMFT is asking you to help in defending against those striking out against our profession by making a contribution to the AAMFT Practice Protection Fund. Please click here to make your donation!

Looking for more information? Visit the Practice Protection Fund website here .
206-450-8931 | [email protected] | wamft.org