Climate & Human History Part 4:
Horrors of the Greek Dark Ages
History tells us that bad things happen when the climate cools. Very bad things. The first of the cold periods we will examine came at the end of the Bronze Age’s Minoan Warm Period.

A drop in temperature at the start of the 13th century B.C. ushered in dramatic changes that were devastating to humanity. Drought descended on Europe, North Africa, West Asia and western North America. The ever-greater numbers of people residing in ever-larger cities of ambitious empires were overcome by sudden climatic changes.

Areas that once prospered now faced famine and hunger. Between 1250 and 1150 B.C. there was widespread decimation of nearly all the great empires that had prospered during the Minoan Warm Period. This period of societal collapse is known as the Late Bronze Age Collapse.

According to historian David Kaniewski (2013): "The abrupt climate change at the end of the Late Bronze Age caused region-wide crop failures, leading towards socio-economic crises and unsustainability."

Following the collapse, survivors entered a “dark age” where iron replaced bronze and nearly all trade, art and architecture disappeared:

Once again, we find that, contrary to claims of additional warming leading to catastrophe, history tells us that we should welcome the warmth and fear the cold.
El Niño-Driven Warming

El Niño and La Niña are the warm and cool phases of a recurring climate pattern across the tropical Pacific—the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, or “ENSO” for short.

Since the beginning of the satellite era of temperature measurements (1979), there were two very large spikes in temperature. Both were associated with very strong El Niños.

Between each of these, little to no warming was observed, yet CO2 continued increasing in a nearly linear fashion. This stepwise increase in warming was not predicted nor has it been explained by those promoting the theory that CO2 is the primary driver of modern warming.

We are currently in a cool La Niña phase that is expected to end soon. It will likely be followed by another El Niño that will be used by the Climate Industrial Complex to promote more unfounded fear of runaway CO2-driven warming.
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Gregory Wrightstone
Executive Director
CO2 Coalition