Volume 2 No. 27 |July 3, 2020 Part 1
Sharing our wealth of arts and culture. We're having an ARTS BLAST!

Promoting The Arts & Arts Councils Everywhere
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In This Issue

Marcos Flores on Online Instruction
His Student Debbie Pillorgé
First Pres Youth Orchestra & The Galleries at First Pres
Space Coast Symphony Orchestra Goes to the Drive-In
LRJF Announces Winners
Back on the Radio with Some Changes
A LOT of Interesting Internet Links - BSO, Boston Pops, ALLArts, & More


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Shared Links on Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extras
Arts Blast will arrive in two parts this first week in July. What ever happened to the summer slowdown?

Talk about rollercoaster rides! Events are scheduled, then they're canceled. Something opens, then it closes. Changing minds, changing policies, changing rules. We're all learning new meanings for flexibility and finding new levels of frustration.

For me, this week was about radio. I wrote last time that Cultural Connection on the Air, the radio show I produce for the Cultural Council of Indian River County, was coming back from a two-month break. Hoorays and high fives all around! I scheduled a recording date with Oscar Sales, marketing director at Riverside Theatre, and Adam Schnell, artistic director/CEO of Ballet Vero Beach. We recorded the first show the morning of July 1 and promoted its July 6 airing. By the end of the day, internal workings at the recording studio changed course and all bets — and shows — were off.

It took only one day for the incredible team at Planet Vero/Idea Garden to get the rollercoaster back on track and book the show on a new platform. More details will follow, bu t get ready to listen to Cultural Connection on the Air Sunday July 5 at 9 p.m. on WCZR 101.7FM.
I'm working on getting the shows archived at WilliMillersArtsBlast.com.

We'll get there, but we have to wait patiently and safely and remember that "there" might not be how we remember it when this year started.
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Send comments to  willi@willimiller.com .
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Like Willi Miller's Arts Blast Facebook page for updates and Willi Miller's Arts Blast Extrasfor interesting, inspiring, and fun shared posts, then go to willimiller.com to catch up on every issue of Arts Blast, and see the latest ON THE CALENDAR listings.

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As always, For Helen Miller 
Piano Lessons in the Midst of a Pandemic
A guest editorial by Dr. Marcos Daniel Flores 6/18/2020
After 35 years of teaching one on one piano lessons in person, it never occurred to me that I would ever be teaching piano lessons over the internet. This subject never came up during my years as a piano major in college. 

As a classical piano teacher, I’m used to very traditional practices such as using acoustic pianos, piano literature books, and face to face student-teacher interaction. Only in special circumstances my students have used technology such as electronic keyboards or internet downloaded copies of music to play Bach, Beethoven, or Chopin; but NEVER remote learning. Yet, our current unprecedented virus crisis has forced all of us to be creative and adapt for the sake of the musical progress of all our piano students worldwide. Online Teaching has become the perfect tool to provide education with the proper social distancing 100% risk free.

However, many odds and challenges were against this new way of learning for my entire piano studio ranging from ages 9 through 90. Will the students have an electronic device such as a smart phone, tablet, or computer available? Will the students have the trust and the knowledge to use a videocall platform over the internet? Will the students have a reliable WiFi or broadband internet service? Would the isolated impersonal setting between student/teacher via technology prove to be totally impractical or unproductive? Will the wide array of different house settings and families be able to be subject to a one-hour weekly moment of uninterrupted silence for the student’s virtual learning? 

Well, the alternative would simply be much worse. Stopping piano lessons for many months will likely lead to students missing motivation and direction to practice their piano instruments regularly. As a result, the student not only will lose the ability to keep their repertoire in top form, but the student will also stop the progress of learning new pieces, theory and techniques.

To our surprise, our online piano lessons have proved not only to be effective, but they are even FUN! In essence, this online session provides the main important learning elements we usually get from an in-person lesson. Among them, motivation and specific goals to work on for each lesson; the correction of notes, rhythms, fingering, and artistic interpretations of the music; and even other advanced techniques such as pedaling, hand gestures, and body posture. After a test session to ensure we get the best signal, audio levels, and camera positions, our online lessons have now become our new normal in which we are able to do our planning, our learning, and even our performing by occasionally getting multiple students to play for each other on a virtual online concert hall!
There is no doubt that nothing will ever replace all the unique benefits that in person teaching has been offering us for so many centuries. Among these, the fresh and natural sound and visual quality, the full expression of human feelings when in proximity with each other, and even the simple and taken for granted simultaneous playing or singing, which unfortunately is not yet possible on our common videocall platforms. Yet, online learning has become an ideal and immediate solution to the many limitations that our pandemic crisis has created for all of us. Let us continue to make the best out of the moment and be safe. Now, back to practicing!
From one of Flores' online students, Debbie Pillorgé:

Piano Lessons with Marcos in the Time of Covid

During “Covid,” my piano lessons with Marcos are a lifesaver. So much right now seems uncertain, disturbing and scary with this pandemic. Moods shift constantly from hopeful to despairing…wondering if social distancing and a strange fear of being close to people will continue indefinitely.
Piano lessons, even on SKYPE are a solid, dependable constant…a time to relax, enjoy, and learn. With Marcos as an enthusiastic, talented and inspiring teacher the hour’s lesson is a welcomed focused time with no outside worries intruding. The music at hand is all consuming.
It is an uplifting time to look forward to; learning new pieces, new interpretations, new techniques. It’s great to experience the steady, gradual process resulting in the eventual confidence and satisfaction playing a challenging piece at last for family or a friend.

Making it work via SKYPE, ZOOM or FACETIME takes a highly energetic, enthusiastic and very patient teacher. Without those personality qualities, it would be difficult to motivate and inspire a student of any age. In addition, for myself, as an older adult, Marcos’ in-depth knowledge of music and composers, serious focus on musicality as well as relevant techniques is especially appreciated. For all students, his sense of humor, and variety of fun anecdotes and analogies are essential to making the “virtual” situation work.  I am delighted when he feels the need to demonstrate a particularly important point occasionally and brilliantly plays an exactly relevant passage from all kinds of other compositions (by memory of course!)

Obviously, virtual lessons aren’t as easy or perfect as “real” ones, whether it’s music, art, math or anything else. But finding inspiration and motivation in our lives especially now during this coronavirus period is so important. For me, piano lessons with Marcos, even at a distance, help keep life on a very positive track.  

Help someone in the arts while supporting Arts Blast.

Arts Blast is a free, arts-dedicated publication that, not surprisingly, has made the COVID-19 hit list. A reader asked how to help a nd, in true Arts Blast spirit, a plan was hatched.

Each $50 donor gets to suggest an artist, musician, writer, or gallery for a feature story in Arts Blast! Donors may be named or anonymous, your choice. Pay options are check and Paypal. Email for details.

It's First Friday Gallery Stroll in Vero Beach July 3.
Summer at Riverside Theatre!
(The theatre is closed for the holiday weekend)
Summer camp 2020 will be a new and interesting challenge at Riverside Children's Theatre in this very challenging year. It's a musical, of course, The Big One-oh!, based on Dean Pitchford's popular book, but the rehearsals will have a very different look this summer. Think Zoom, virtual, online.

Kevin Quillinan, director of theatre education at Riverside and director of this show, said, "The Big One-Oh is a very exciting new adventure for us. It's a whole new world for everyone, and we're all trying to navigate a way forward. There are a lot of interesting conversations among the theatre arts community now about how to meet those challenges."

Finding solutions creates opportunities to discover new ways to tell stories and to push students' talents in new directions, he added. "Mostly I'm happy to be still finding ways to connect with the students and keep our fun, little community together."

Quillinan explained the requirements for executing the ambitious plan. " Every member of the cast will need a computer with secure and reliable internet access, and a device, such as a smart phone, computer, or tablet that allows students the ability to record themselves singing and dancing. For the rehearsals, cast members will need to be in a space that is relatively noise-free, where they can sing at full voice and perform any choreography full out."
The summer camp will start July 13 and run five times a week for the next two weeks ending July 24. “Camp Classes” will be from 2-4 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. There will be a maximum of 20 students in the camp. No auditions will be required to enter the program and roles will be cast during rehearsals. Cost for the online class is $300. A final video performance of the show will be provided to families! Students must register online.
It would be great to be able to give Arts Blast readers definite dates and times but not much seems to be definite these days. Some of the events you'll read about here have come in from different people in different versions. Some have been modified several times before I finally got to hit Send. Verify, double check, and then do it again before you go out the door. And when you do go out, take a mask. Without one, you risk being turned away.
Drive-in Music by the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
You bring the popcorn, they'll bring the music. It's back to the old days with the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra this summer as they recreate a drive-in movie experience for the Space Coast Strong Summer Series, keeping musicians and the audiences safe. Musicians will be separated by acrylic barriers and the audience can listen from cars or in their own chairs next to their cars.
Maestro Aaron Collins said, " Each concert will honor a different segment of the Central Florida community, for sacrifices made to keep our American spirit strong." The series kicks off Friday, July 10 and Saturday, July 11 with On Broadway , a symphonic concert of Broadway's best. The concert will salute health care workers and first responders with time-honored Broadway numbers.

On August 14 and 15, the SCSO Wind Band presents Sweet Land of Liberty. The red, white and blue concert will honor all those who have worn our nation's uniform as well as our defense workers. listen for "jaunty marches, anthems, and American-inspired themes."
All Treasure Coast drive-up concerts will be performed on Fridays at 7:00 p.m. at Pathway Church, 1105 58th Avenue in Vero Beach. All Space Coast drive-up concerts will be performed on Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. at The Avenue Viera, 2261 Town Center Avenue in Melbourne. Tickets for the drive-up concerts are $10 per person or $25 per carload of adults at spacecoastsymphony.org . Admission is free for ages 18 and under or with a student ID. Advance online ticket sales are encouraged, to help limit social interaction with parking attendants.
From the Vero Beach Historic Arts District:

So far, these are the participating galleries for the First Friday Gallery Stroll in Vero Beach July 3:

Artists Guild Gallery 
Gallery 14
Artist Bungalow
MSVB Studios
Raw Space
Art Club Annex
Flametree Clay Art Gallery
Island Images
Florida Highwayman Landscape Art

All are doing their part to make people feel safe!

We look forward to seeing you at the
 Vero Beach Arts District 
First Friday Gallery Stroll
July 3, 5-8pm

A reminder that due to these unprecedented times and with your safety in mind, we will not be offering refreshments, will adhere to social distancing, and will require that you wear a mask.

We want you to feel safe so that you can enjoy the wonderful art!

Please join us - the door will be open to welcome you!
TC Jazz Society Announces 2020 Scholarship Winners

ALLEN QUINN   graduated from IRCHS as valedictorian and will be attending the University of Central Florida in the fall. He was a horn-playing member of Dave Mundy’s jazz band for three and a half years and entered his top jazz band, The Wolves, in his junior year. He has played numerous professional gigs in the community as well as saxophone and clarinet for theater productions at IRCHS. He plans to continue playing jazz while aspiring to be an instructor as well.

ADRIAN SCOTT  began playing acoustic guitar in 7th grade and has progressed linearly in IRCHS jazz bands throughout his four years. He has played with many professional independent bands along with the IRCHS jazz program and for many non-profits including his favorite, the 2019 Special Olympics. He plans to pursue a professional career in New York following graduation from the University of Central Florida.

ERIC McCANN  began playing the hand drum in his Hispanic American family at age eight. Inspired by his jazz loving grandfather, he moved onto congas and thanks to the direction and encouragement of his band director for 4 years, Dave Mundy, he will be attending The University of South Carolina-Columbia where he plans to major in International Business and minor in Philanthropy while continuing to pursue his musical education.
For more information about the TC Jazz Society visit  tcjazzsociety.com  or call 772-234-4600 or email  tcjazzsociety@gmail.com  
First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach Schedules Youth Orchestra Concert and Gallery Tours
Ja cob Craig, director of arts and music at First Pres, sends word of an August 9 concert and the reopening of The Galleries at First Pres. The concert, Summer Series String Concert with the FPCVB Youth String Orchestra, begins at 3 p.m.

Craig said the concert will have the Youth Orchestra of First Pres playing selections from the Mozart Requiem, Shostakovich Waltz, Ashokan Farewell, and Saint-Saens' Havanaise featuring Sam Bormett as soloist. The main piece will be the Triptyque by Akutagawa.

The performance will be in the Sanctuary with social distancing seating and masks required. Craig said the 22-24 participating students will have been working on the concert all summer and are "both very exited and eager! We are so excited to be able to safely present some live music and art. We have sorely missed being together, and though electronic forms have been very useful, they are at the end an incredibly poor substitute for the aesthetic experience that live experiences allow.”

The Galleries at First Pres will be open after the concert "to be able to acknowledge our fine artists during this time before our rotation changes out in October." Refreshments won't be served at the 4-6 p.m. reception this time but bottled water will be available for visitors.

The artists for this quarter are Suzann Phillips, Donna Ware, and Keith Mills.
From the Laura Riding Jackson Foundation:

During this unprecedented time in our community’s history, Laura Riding Jackson Foundation was thrilled to encourage “expression of the written word” to document our county’s pandemic experience. 
The winners of the Indian River County Poetry Competition , juried and read blindly by committee led by IRC Poet Laureate Sean Sexton, are:
1st Place - $500
  • “Monarchs” by Mark Hinkley 
2nd Place - $200
  • “A Time Like This” by Pat Draper 
Runners Up - $150
  • “Waiting for the Coronavirus Wave” by David Kimball 
  • “ In the Valley of April” by C.M. Clark 
  • “COVID Calendar” by Jennifer Hawthorne 
My Quarantine Journey 2020 IRC 6-12 Drawing Winners

Abigail Sylvia     St. Ed’s           8 th grade
Reese Dion      Storm Grove       6 th grade
Sean Monrreal   Master’s Academy  7 th grade
Kent Bove   VBHS      12 th grade
Ellie Shrock   St. Ed’s 10 th  grade
Anajaleahmae    SRHS       12 th grade
Photos: Left - Anjaleah Leviste; right - Sean Monrreal
From Cellist Mike Block:
Hello friends! 
On Wednesday, July 8th at 8p ET, all sixteen Faculty-Artists of the  Mike Block String Camp  will be performing LIVE online, presented by the  Vero Beach International Music Festival , and serving as a scholarship fundraiser for our students at camp. We hope you can join us!
Performers  include multiple Grammy Award-Winning and Nominated artists, representing an array of string styles:
Natalie MacMaster - Cape Breton Fiddle
Casey Driessen - Progressive Bluegrass Fiddle
Darol Anger - Jazz/Bluegrass Violin
Arun Ramamurthy - Indian Carnatic Violin
Rushad Eggleston - Sneth Cello/Vocals
Hanneke Cassel - Scottish Fiddle
Michael Thurber- Jazz/Pop Bass
Lauren Rioux - Old-Time Fiddle
Natalie Haas - Celtic/Scandinavian Cello
Trina Basu - Multi-Style Violin
Zach Brock - Jazz Violin
Joe K. Walsh - Bluegrass Mandolin/Vocals
Melissa Brun - Fiddle on Cello
Colin Cotter - Singer/Songwriter
Taylor Morris - Multi-Style Fiddle
Mike Block - Multi-Style Cello/Voice
For more information on camp, or to register to attend MBSC Online 2020, or to make a tax-deductible donation, please visit  www.MikeBlockStringCamp.com  
The Arts Council of Martin County has made some exciting additions to its website in these months of downtime. There's a long list of Calls to Artists, a Members' Showcase, a page for Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources for Arts organizations & Artists, and an Artist Registry for council member artists.

Read the spring/summer issue of MartinArts Magazine online, but be aware that it was published before all this happened.
Helping People Succeed’s 2021 Art for Living Calendar will accept 13 artists for the next issue. Details for entering are online.

The deadline for entries is July 13. PLEASE NOTE: Artists must be more than 18 years old to submit an entry for the 2021 Art for Living Calendar. 
The Vero Beach Art Club is bringing back classes slowly. with virtual art classes every Thursday from 1 to 4 p.m. Register and get the Zoom platform link on the club's website .

In the Virtual Art Class July 9, Judy Burgarella will teach a class on portraiture. For more information, visit  www.verobeachartclub.org .  

Beginning in July, VBAC president Camy De Mario will teach kids' art classes for budding illustrators age 6-8. Classes are limited to six students and will be at the annex.

Sue Dinenno has ongoing classes at Artists Guild Gallery.
From HSMC president and CEO Rob Steele:

"Come July 6, we are reopening an exciting new point of pride for Martin County and we honestly can’t wait to enjoy it with you."

Some guidelines:
● We will allow a maximum of only 100 guests at any time in a 50,000 square-foot building, which has a legal capacity of 1,130.
● All customer contact staff will wear face masks.
● Our front counter has been equipped to provide a safe ticketing experience.
● We will meter guests upon entry to provide at least three to five minutes between groups.
● Hand sanitizing stations will be provided throughout the museum, including every interactive exhibit feature.

Cars & Coffee returns! Saturday, July 11 • 8-10 a.m.
Around the Internet
From the Boston Pops:

A Boston Pops Salute to Our Heroes  will air at 8PM on July 4th on Bloomberg TV and Bloomberg.com and Boston’s Channel 7 WHDH.
From the Boston Symphony Orchestra:

Boston Symphony launches first-ever Summerlong Tanglewood Online Festival this week at  WWW.TANGLEWOOD.ORG

• July 3 at 8 p.m.:  Great Performers in Recital  featuring violinist Gil Shahamperforming music by Bach, Prokofiev, and commissioned works by Scott Wheeler and William Bolcom, hosted by Nicole Cabell and  BSO Musicians in Concert performing works by Copland, Brahms, and James Lee III, hosted by Lauren Ambrose.

• July 5 at 2:30 p.m.:  BSO Encore Performances  (July 2015) of Kirill Gerstein performing Gershwin's Piano Concerto in F and narrator John Douglas Thompson in Copland's Lincoln Portrait, with conductor Jacques Lacombe, hosted by Jamie Bernstein 

• July 5 at 10 a.m.:  Tanglewood Music Center Fellows  playing music by Haydn, Dvorak, Sibelius, Berg, John Harbison, Beethoven, and Mendelssohn, hosted by Norman Fischer and Astrid Schween.

July 5 at 2:30 p.m.:  BSO Encore Performances  (July 2015) of Kirill Gerstein performing Gershwin's Piano Concerto in F and narrator John Douglas Thompson in Copland's Lincoln Portrait, with conductor Jacques Lacombe, hosted by Jamie Bernstein.

From ALLARTS.org


When: July 3 at 2 p.m.; available until July 16
Where: The Royal Opera House  YouTube channel

When: July 3 at 7 p.m.; available until July 5 at 10 p.m.
Where: The Whitney Museum of American Art  Vimeo channel

When: July 4 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: The New-York Historical Society  website

When: July 4 at 8 p.m.
Where: PBS  broadcast channels Facebook YouTube  and  pbs.org

When: July 5 at 7:30 p.m.
Where: The Works & Process  Facebook Instagram  and  YouTube channel

The V&A museum is giving viewers a second chance to see its acclaimed exhibition all about the history of kimonos.
Kimono: Kyoto to Catwalk opened at the end of February but had to close just two weeks later due to the lockdown.

The museum has now released a series of five videos taking viewers on a 30-minute behind-the-scenes tour of the exhibition, led by curator Anna Jackson
From thestrad.com:

Ida Haendel, the Polish-born British violinist, died on 30 June . Often known as the ‘grande dame of the violin’, she enjoyed a virtuosic seven-decade career as a soloist, released many best-selling recordings and sat on the juries of several notable competitions.
Haendel lived for years in South Florida. Here she performs Saint‐Saëns - Violin Concerto No.3 in 1989 .
With the extended deadline for event entries in the Cultural Council of Indian River County's 2020-2021 Cultural Guide, the Art of Networking that is the kickoff for the publication's distribution has been moved back to October. Stay tuned for location and date.

Final deadline for everything is August 1st. From Lisa Lindner, who's putting it all together: "Of course it helps us to receive it earlier. I'd like to start letting folks know to have their events listed in the Guide they need to enter them on the calendar   culturalcalendar.org  and then also email info@cultural– council.org  with a list of events so we have a double check. 

Due to the disruptions caused by COVID-19, the annual juried photography exhibition Through the Eye of the Camera will not be held this season as planned.

The Museum is encouraging photographers instead to post their images on social media with the hashtag #EyeAmCreative, to share their artistry for people to enjoy during isolation and beyond the Museum’s walls during these uncertain times.

This favorite yearly competition will return!
Ongoing - Spring 2020
For updates on gallery openings and classes in Melbourne and surrounding Brevard County, check the Brevard Cultural Alliance website and individual gallery social media.
From Palm Beach Cultural Council:
Virtual Summer Programs at the PBC Cultural Council

Although the Cultural Council's building remains closed to the public, the Council is now offering  Virtual Summer Programs  to highlight works by local visual & performing artists while giving community members the chance to enjoy an arts-filled summer from the comfort of home.

These free programs run June through September and include the first-ever  Virtual Summer Performing Arts Series  and  four virtual exhibitions.
From Facebook :
This statue of Jimi Hendrix is located on the Isle of Wight outside Dimbola Lodge, the former home and Museum to pioneer photographer Julia Margret Cameron, In Freswater Bay, near Afton Down, site of the IOW Festival when Hendrix played there.
From BirdWatching Magazine:

Drumroll, please! After receiving more than 1,230 entries to our 2020 BirdWatching Photography Awards Contest, we are ready to announce the finalists and the  honorable mention images . Next week, we’ll reveal the three winners.
The slideshow features the 14 finalists, including images of puffins, penguins, Burrowing Owl, hummingbirds, and more.

Miguel Bonachea is an experienced guitarist and instructor. He served as a professor at prestigious Universities in Cuba and Colombia for 20 years. Several of his students are recognized figures in the international classical guitar arena today. Philosopher and music critic Dr. Marc-Jean Bernard has written about him: "His musical technique and culture of the instrument is based on a deep understanding of aesthetical dimensions of Music. He is simultaneously a great guitarist and a great educator."

Photo: Niurka Barroso

Dr. Marcos Daniel Flores is a piano performance graduate from The Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico B.M., The Eastman School of Music M. M., and Arizona State University where he received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree. Flores is an active performer as well as an experienced and inspirational piano teacher.
Classical Guitar
Live via Skype or archived on YouTube
For more information and to register: veroclassicalguitar@gmail.com
Trumpet Lessons
Call or text: (772) 532-2083 or email annora.daige@gmail.com
Piano Instruction
For more information and to register: E mail  drmdflores@comcast.net
Piano Instruction

Information is to be received in an email at least one week before publication.

Use this format:
Who (organization)
What (Event)
When (dates, time)
Where (Name of venue, address)
Why (a brief description of the purpose)
Web address
Contact for public (for tickets, questions, etc.)
Then add a short, descriptive release if available.
Send only one photo, with caption, until more are requested.
Media contact with email for my followup (not for publication)
Here's a suggestion for uploading information to calendars that allow you to input your own events.
In the body of the listing, sometimes called Description , make sure to include all dates in each upload. For example: Performances are on March 12-31; or the exhibit is open March 12, 14, 15, and 17. That information should be in all dates you post individually.

If you are a member of the  Cultural Council of Indian River County , you need this information:

IMPORTANT: In order to promote your events as a member of the Cultural Council, you must enter your event on the CCIRC calendar via this link:  https://www.calendarwiz.com/culturalcouncil and click on "Submit your event"
The deadline is MONDAY - 10 days prior to the Wednesday publication.
Copyright ©2019-2020 Willi Miller's ARTS BLAST!, all rights reserved.