"What the Food?"  the upcoming documentary film  about 
non-GMO's and organic foods,  has a new preview! 
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A new cancer support group beginning April 9.
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Partners to Appear on
 "Success Files,"  Hosted by
Rob Lowe

Last week we had the amazing honor of being filmed to appear on the television show "Success Files," hosted by Rob Lowe. We were first interviewed a few months ago, after my name was presented to Mr. Lowe as someone who might be a good show subject.  After a 25-minute interview over the phone, I was told we fit the criteria of being a successful, integrative medical practice in a small town. They were also looking for someone who started their practice using grass roots techniques, was involved in teaching in their community, and who had written a book. They pitched us to CNN, PBS and FOX--and we were accepted!!

The film crew arrived last Tuesday, took lots of pictures and B-roll film, and interviewed Drs. Zieve, Valentin and myself, as well as one of our wonderful patients, Grace Marks. The rest of the staff appeared on film, along with several volunteer patients.

Our segment of the show will only run about 6 minutes, and it should air some time in the next 3 months. We promise to keep you posted on the exact dates and channels, and we'll also post the segment on our website.

Staying humble,

Dr. Susan Godman


The film crew prepares for an interview with Grace Marks in Nature's Medicinary.   

Dr. Robert Zieve discusses a detail with the producer.

The Partners staff, with patient Grace Marks. L to R: Victoria Abel, Donna Youngsma, Dr. Robert Zieve, Grace Marks, Dr. Susan Godman, Dr. Charlotte Valentin, Paula Sarvani, and Kristel Donaldson, RN.

From the author of the book God Made Organics, Not GMOs 
comes a powerful new documentary. Join Karen VanPrice 
in the making of this powerful film:

"What the Food?"

The purpose of the documentary is to demonstrate, through closed studies of patients with varying diseases, that most if not all symptoms of present-day diseases can be dramatically diminished by simply eating organically grown foods. This includes fruits, vegetables and proteins, along with supplements specific to the illness/disease. This means eliminating GMOs (genetically modified foods) and pesticides or chemically laden substances that our bodies don't recognize as nourishment.

In our closed study, the subjects, consisting of people already diagnosed with varying illnesses/diseases, will agree by contract to change from eating processed and GMO foods to eating all organics with supplements. We will follow them over the course of several months of the study, with lab tests, doctor's visits, food preparation and educational classes.

If you are interested in more information or if you are interested in being a documentary subject, please visit our website at:


Dr. Susan Godman and nutritionist Victoria Abel will also be featured in the film. To see a three minute preview of the film,  click here.

Partners in Integrative Cancer Therapies is pleased to offer
EMPOWER, a cancer support group for all.
E = education
M = mindfulness
P = process
O = options
W = wonder
E = expression
R = reflection

EMPOWER will begin on Monday, April 9 from 6:30-8:00 pm. This will be a biweekly (every other week) meeting on Monday nights at this same time.

The group will be led by Ms. Laraine Herring, a cancer survivor and a professor at Yavapai College.  Ms. Herring has an MA in counseling psychology with several years of experience leading support groups. She was in private practice prior to teaching at Yavapai College, and is also the award-winning author of The Writing Warrior: Discovering the Courage to Free Your True Voice. She currently directs the creative writing program at Yavapai College, and brings a creative focus to our group to help awaken the creative spark that is suppressed in so many people.

Dr. Robert Zieve, M.D., Medical Director of Partners in Integrative Cancer Therapies, will also attend, to respond to any questions about integrative and alternative cancer medicine and to help guide participants in coordinating with their oncologists, surgeons, and other physicians.

Dr. Zieve will not be giving didactic lectures during this group, as he regularly conducts local talks on integrative approaches to cancer at The Herbal Wisdom Institute in Prescott Valley, and at One Root Tea and Herbothcary in Prescott.