PAGE is working with the National University of Mongolia on integrating green economy concepts into university programs and curricula.
Watch the video about PAGE in Mongolia
here. (Photo © Franchi/UNITAR)
Mongolia Bankers Association announces next steps towards Mongolia Green Credit Fund
Today, we are celebrating a milestone achievement in Mongolia's journey toward sustainability. It is with great pride we announce the next step towards the launch of the Mongolia Green Credit Fund (MGCF) launching, a national financing vehicle that will provide long-term finance to projects and programs that stimulate green growth. The MGCF is led by the Mongolian Bankers Association, and holds the special distinction in Mongolia as our first green financing institution. Its establishment came after detailed action plans of a working group, which consulted with instrumental players within and outside Mongolia, including the United Nations Partnership for Action on Green Economy, UN Environment Financial Initiative, International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).
PAGE Steering Committee Meeting and Sustainability week take place in Mongolia
Launch of PAGE China (Jiangsu Province) Phase II
PAGE launched the second phase of the project "Transition to a Green Economy in China's Jiangsu Province" in Nanjing on 15 September 2017. Since 2015, PAGE partner agencies have been engaging with local stakeholders on advancing the provincial level green economy research. The 'Jiangsu Green Economy Transition Stocktaking Report' was published in June 2016, summarizing the progress made thus far and challenges faced during Jiangsu's transition towards green economy.
Green economy event and green industrial policy report preview in Berlin
The compatibility of economic development and environmental protection and the need for structural change were discussed at a Green Economy event of the German Development Institute (DIE), the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and PAGE. The panel discussion served to introduce the initial findings of a PAGE publication entitled "Green Industrial Policy: concept, policies, country experiences" and to engage into a debate on how the prosperity of countries can be enhanced within planetary boundaries.
PAGE South Africa participates in Green Africa Forum
Zambia hosted the first "Africa Forum on Private Sector Inclusive Green Growth and Decent Green Job Creation" on 6-8 September 2017. This event was jointly organized by the Finnish-funded Zambia Green Jobs Programme, the Government of Zambia and the Government of Finland, in collaboration with the International Training Centre of the ILO and the ILO Green Jobs Programme. Thematic and sectoral discussions were held and focused on what shape the implementation of
Sustainable Development Goal
could take when private sector and governments join forces to develop markets for green growth and job creation.
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PAGE Peru published the summary of the study "Peru Green Growth". This document sums up the quantitative assessment of the Peruvian economy in key sectors for green growth, such as agriculture, forestry and urban transport. It offers to public policy makers a model for evaluating the impacts of public policies in the aforementioned sectors, over a long-term horizon - twenty years -, in order to recognize and project benefits of a green and inclusive economy in the country.
For South-South Cooperation, a delegation from Kyrgyz Republic, which joined PAGE in 2016, participated in Mongolia sustainability week to learn from Mongolia's experience in green economy policy reform. The delegation, led by Green Economy Advisor to the Minister of Economy, Kylych Djakypov, will incorporate best practices and lessons learned from the PAGE programme in Mongolia into their planning for a green economy in Kyrgyz Republic.
PAGE continues to help governments turn their economies into drivers of sustainability and social equity in our partner countries. To see updates from all of our Partner Countries, please click
Conference of the Parties (COP 23) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
6-17 November 2017, Bonn, Germany
The 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 23) to the UN Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be organized by Fiji and hosted at the headquarters of the UNFCCC Secretariat in Bonn, Germany.
The ultimate objective of the conference is to continue stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system.
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Fifth Green Growth Knowledge Platform Annual Conference
27-28 November 2017, Washington DC, USA
The Fifth Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) Annual Conference will be hosted by the World Bank on the topic of sustainable infrastructure.
This two-day conference aims to take stock of recent advances and research challenges in green growth infrastructure and will feature some of the best researchers in the field, both from the academic world and from more policy-oriented backgrounds, in order to exchange key ideas and insights.
UN Environment Assembly
4-6 December 2017, Nairobi, Kenya
The UN Environment Assembly, the world's highest-level decision-making body on the environment, will gather in Nairobi, Kenya under the overarching theme of pollution.
This year's Assembly will be
sustainable and climate-neutral
, and it will feature
side events
that confront pollution in its various forms. The Assembly aims to deliver a number of tangible commitments to end the pollution of our air, land, waterways, and oceans, and to safely manage our chemicals and waste.
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Learning and Sharing Opportunities
Green Fiscal Reform e-Learning Course
18 September - 10 November 2017
Do you know about the benefits of a sustainable tax system?
Learn more about how fiscal policy can set the right incentives to green consumption and production across the economy. By setting appropriate economic incentives and price signals, green fiscal policies can help shift consumption patterns and drive private investments in human, natural, social and clean-produced capital. For registration and fellowships click
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Webinar: PAGE's Green Economy Modelling
10 October 2017
Introducing the Integrated Green Economy Modelling (IGEM) Framework
This webinar on Green Economy Modelling will present PAGE's country experience with green economy modelling
in particular using the system dynamics methodology of Threshold (T21), using a case study in Peru. The webinar will introduce
PAGE's Integrated Green Economy Modelling (IGEM) Framework
, a tool that integrates three well-established green economy modelling techniques, and present its application on Mexico's Carbon Tax. To register, please click here.
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UN Environment Head: Asia must lead charge for pollution-free planet
Asia-Pacific - home to more than half the world's population and some of its fastest-growing economies - is a key battleground in the fight against pollution, one of the biggest threats to the planet and its people, the UN environment chief said.
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About PAGE
The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) seeks to put sustainability at the heart of economic policy and practice.
The Partnership supports nations and regions in reframing economic policies and practices around sustainability to foster economic growth, create income and jobs, reduce poverty and inequality, and strengthen the ecological foundations of their economies.
PAGE is a direct response to the Rio+20 Declaration,
The Future We Want, which called upon the United Nations System and the international community to provide assistance to interested countries in developing, adopting, and implementing green economy policies and strategies.
Bringing together the expertise of five UN agencies - UN Environment, ILO, UNIDO, UNDP, and UNITAR - and working closely with national governments, PAGE offers a comprehensive and coordinated package of technical assistance and capacity building services.
PAGE represents a mechanism to coordinate UN action on green economy and to assist countries in achieving and monitoring the emerging Sustainable Development Goals.