News Update October 2022
Volume XXI
Find us on Facebook and Instagram @hunterdondrugfree

January - July 2022
Suspected Overdose Deaths: 9
Naloxone Administrations: 171
Opioid Prescriptions: 21,017

Member Spotlight: Dr. Gregory Cottrell

This month we spotlight our education sector with North Hunterdon High School Principal Dr. Greg Cottrell. Dr. Cottrell has been willing to share his ideas and suggestions with us. These ideas have turned into actual initiatives for our task force. We appreciate all his contributions. Read more about him here!

What is rainbow Fentanyl?

Fentanyl pills and powders that come in a variety of bright colors, shapes and sizes are nicknamed "rainbow" Fentanyl. The DEA has issued a warning about this as it has been found in multiple states including NJ. According to the HC Prosecutor's office, at this time we are not seeing this in Hunterdon County but it is only a matter of time so they are aware and remain vigilant in our community. A major concern is that the pills resemble candies like skittles and may be attractive to our youth. Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine and only a small amount can be fatal. It is being found illegally in most drug busts in the county. You can read more about this here. Dr. Phil is one of many who have reported on this recently. You can view the clip here.
Volunteering is good for the soul!

On Wednesday, September 14th members of the Drug-Free Task Force joined forces with Prevention Resources, Safe Communities Coalition, Positive YOUth, our Family Success Centers, Family Support Center and the Open Door Recover Center to harvest corn at America's Grow A Row. We had a blast while feeling our age as we bent down, picked and carried bags of corn. It didn't hurt that we had perfect weather! We can't wait to do it again!

Driving Under the Influence PSA

Prevention Resources has created a new PSA about driving under the influence. This PSA is not just about drinking alcohol. It includes marijuana use and medicine use that can affect your ability to react, focus and drive safely. You can watch it here!

2022 Opioid Summit

Both Lesley Gabel, Co CEO and Jennifer Denlinger, from Sharing the Hope Family Support Center presented virtually on September 21st at the NJ Division of Human Services' 2022 Opioid Summit! Lesley spoke about how "one pill can kill" and that Fentanyl can be found in almost every substance so it is important to only take medication that is from a licensed pharmacy or doctor. Anything else can contain illegal Fentanyl and it can kill you.

You can still join us!
Prevention Resources Farm to Fork Event
Tuesday, October 18th!

Be sure to mark your calendars for a fun event! Join us for the Farm to Fork event on Tuesday evening October 18th at Unionville Vineyard in Ringoes. Get your tickets here or scan the QR code below!

Date Change!
Harvest Hope Celebration
Sunday, October 9th!

Come support the Hunterdon County Stigma Free Task Force at Deer Path Park on October 9th from 11-4. There will be lots of fun activities and games for all ages. Contact Stacey Becker for more information or any questions.

Prevention Resources Parenting Conference
Thursday, October 20th!

Join Prevention Resources and both of the Family Success Centers for the semi annual parent conference on October 20th. It will be held virtually from 10-12.
Click here to register!

DEA Takeback Day
October 29th!

Be sure to safely dispose of unused or expired medications at a drop box near you.
You can find drop box locations here.

Drug-Free Task Force Upcoming Meetings
We plan to keep the hybrid format for Fall 2022- Spring 2023
Next Meeting: Monday, November 14th
Monday, January 9th
Monday, March 13th
Monday, May 8th
11:30 for lunch at The Chamber
12:00 for Meeting (Zoom or in person)
For information on the Drug-Free Task Force, contact Laura Talty or Wendy Sidebottom
For information on the Partnership for Health contact Kim Blanda
The Drug-Free Task Force is a work group with the Partnership for Health. The Drug Free Communities grant is staffed and managed by Prevention Resources Inc.