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Drawing is Jan. 31, 2016.
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Center Hours
Monday-Friday: 10am-6pm
Store Hours
Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm
Sundays 10am-2pm

Hours are subject to change. Call 802-863-2345 x2 to confirm.
60 Lake Street, 1C
Burlington Waterfront.
(Next to The Skinny Pancake)
If you would like an event listed, please email  
Register for Events
Saturday, February 6, 3-4pm, at the PJC. For more info email or call 863-2345 x3. FREE!

PJC Facilitator Gathering on Thursday, February 11, 7-8pm, at the PJC. For more info email or call 863-2345 x6. FREE!

Nonviolent Activism 101 Thursdays, February 18 & 25, 5:30-7:30pm. O'Brien Community Center, Winooski. Register online
or call 863-2345 x6.

Thursday, March 3, 7-8pm, Kellogg Hubbard Library, Montpelier. For more info email or call 863-2345 x6. FREE!

PJC Volunteer Orientation including a Fair Trade vs Free Trade Presentation Thursday, March 10, 3-4pm at the PJC. For more info or to register email or call 802-863-2345 x9. FREE!

Tuesdays, March 15, 22, & 29, 6:30-8:30pm, O'Brien Community Center, Winooski. Register online or call 863-2345 x6. 

Nonviolent Engagement in Conflict
Friday, March 18, 1-4pm. Lyndon State College, Lyndonville. Register online or call 863-2345 x6. FREE!

PJC Volunteer Orientation including a Fair Trade vs Free Trade Presentation Saturday, April 23rd, 3-4pm at the PJC. For more info or to register email or call 802-863-2345 x9. FREE! 
Wednesdays, May 11, 18, & 25, 6:30-8:30pm. Brownell Library, Essex Jct. Facilitated by Francine Serwili-Ngunga and Kyle Silliman-Smith. Register online or call 863-2345 x6. FREE! 

Building Empathy and Addressing Racial Oppression
Tuesdays, September 13, 20, & 27, 6:30-8:30pm, Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier. Register online or call 863-2345 x6. FREE!
Flynn Tix Vouchers
Pick up a voucher for these specific shows at PJC and redeem it at the Flynn for a $2 ticket. For current PJC members and volunteers. For more information on PJC membership, click here.

Saturday, January 23 at 8pm
Friday, February 5 at 8pm

GlobalFest Live! "Creole Carnival"

Wednesday, February 24 at 7:30pm 
January 19th, 2016

Pass a Drone Resolution in Your Town!
By Grace Gaskill

Due to the lack of transparency about weaponized drones abroad and the lack of meaningful legislation to regulate surveillance drone use within and along our borders, the Peace & Justice Center is working to pass City Council and Town Hall Resolutions on drone use. This is part of the Cost of War: Focus on Drones program that, for the past two years, has been developing and presenting educational material to people throughout Vermont.

This program acknowledges 
that there are innovative  and useful ways that drones are able to be used. The drones themselves are not the problem. It's the ways they might be used or misused that are of concern. Perhaps the most obvious examples are the extrajudicial use of weaponized drones overseas that cause more harm and are less accurate than they are often reported to be. Fortunately, that usage has been getting more attention and the number of strikes decreased in 2015. Another area of the Focus on Drones program is the use of drones for surveillance. This is of significant concern to us because surveillance technology has been used largely to fight the failed "war on drugs" and has disproportionately affected poor communities of color. [For more information on this please read Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. Also, as an example of surveillance technology use, Wire Tap Report 2013 from cited in its summary that "87 percent of all applications for intercepts (3,115 wiretaps) in 2013, cited illegal drugs as the most serious offense under investigation."]
The Peace & Justice Center hopes that the passing of local resolutions and even just the continued dialogue throughout the state on a local level will prove effective in supporting a state-wide effort to regulate drone use by government entities. We are asking our members across the state to support this effort by presenting resolutions to your own city councils or select boards in an effort to protect yourselves and your neighbors from the privacy violations that drones and the lack of legislation surrounding them present. Read More
MLK Day Reflections Article
The Greater Burlington Multicultural Resource Center hosted noted civil rights activist and author Ilyasah Shabazz at this year's Martin Luther King Jr. Remembrance Ceremony in Burlington. A winner of the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Nonfiction Literary Work, Shabazz is also the third daughter of civil and human rights champion Malcolm X. In an expansive speech given at the First Unitarian Universalist Society on Pearl St, Ilyasah Shabazz recounted the determination of both her mother and father in the face of adversity and hate during the civil rights movement as well as the many struggles her mother faced following the political assassination of her father.
Ilyasah Shabazz speaks at the Martin Luther King Jr. Remebrance event in Burlington on Sunday
While speaking on the origins 
of hate, she noted that half of America's hate crime perpetrators are between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four. "And so I ask," she said to the capacity crowd, "what are we teaching our children? What have you been taught? Hatred is a learned behavior." Speaking on the massive proliferation of social media and technology in America, Shabazz reminded her Vermont audience, "We must also focus our attention on the injustices that continue to plague our society. We must raise the bar for our children."

Click below to view her full speech, courtesy of Burlington's own CCTV.

Donald Trump Follow-Up
Included in our last e-news was a lot of information about actions taking place in response to GOP front-runner Donald Trump's visit to Burlington. Plans that community members had made to help us all spread a message of love and acceptance in stark contrast to the message of the Trump campaign and the proposed policies of this candidate. We wanted to include in this week's post a thank you to all involved in the many actions on the day of Trump's visit. While the PJC does not endorse or oppose candidates we do support people engaged in promoting anti-oppression work and raising awareness about the dangers of policies that feed on fear and ignorance. We encourage all who participated in actions to continue to engage in social justice work, even though this particular person is not longer visiting our community. Combating ignorance and fear with education and love is powerful, but it takes confrontation and meaningful connection.
Community Calendar
Wednesday, January 20
  • 7pm Reflections on Dr. King: Undoing Racism in Vermont. Bentley Hall 207, Johnson State College, Johnson. Representatives from the Champlain-Area NAACP and the Peace & Justice Center will be sharing the stage to discuss concrete ways that Dr. King's messages can be carried out. For more info call (802) 635-1474 or e-mail OR
Friday, January 22
  • 7-8:30pm Panel about Racism in VT. St. Paul's Cathedral Episcopal, 2 Cherry St, Burlington. A panel of local people will speak about racism in Chittenden County and in Vermont in general. There will be time at the end of the panel for audience questions, comments, and feedback. The event is free of charge, and is part of two days of programming. Registration is recommended. For more information click here or contact: Karen Mikkelsen at or Rev. Ken White at
  • 7-8:30pm Screening of  I'm Not Racist, Am I?  College Street Congregational Church, 265 College St, Burlington. The event is free of charge, and is part of two days of programming. Registration is recommended. For more information click here or contact: Rev. Ken White at
Saturday, January 23
  • 3-4pm PJC Volunteer Orientation including a Fair Trade v.s. Free Trade Presentation. Peace & Justice Center, Burlington. The PJC has bi-monthly New Volunteer Orientations every second Thursday at 11:00am and every fourth Saturday at 3:00pm for approximately 45 minutes. Potential volunteers will learn about the history and mission of the PJC as well as the roles volunteers play to sustain our retail store and support our larger goals. More info: Kristen at or call 802-863-2345 ext. 9.
  • 4-5pm Bill McKibben to Speak at St. Jacob's. "Climate Change and the Response of People of Faith" will be Bill McKibben's topic when he speaks at St. Jacob's Eastern Orthodox Church in Northfield Falls. Admission by donation. Limited parking, please carpool. Click here for more information and directions. 
Monday, January 25
  • 6-8pm Opening Reception & Artist Talk for Najawa, A Story of Palestine Art Installation. Najawa, by artist Michelle Sayles, is a 45' long "Street Comic" that tells the story of a Palestinian woman's life in decade snapshots. This comic was created to raise awareness about the history of the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, synthesizing oral history, documentary, and media accounts of life in occupied Palestine. Free Middle Eastern food. Installation viewable through March. Click here for more info or call 802-863-3403.
Tuesday, January 26
  • 6-8pm "This Changes Everything" Film Screening and Panel Discussion. Unitarian Church of Montpelier, Montpelier. "This Changes Everything" is a documentary inspired by Naomi Klein's book  by the same name. It presents the impacts of climate change on communities  around the world, and Klein's ideas about how we can use the climate crisis  to transform our economic system. More info here or call (802) 552-0125.
Wednesday, January 27
  • 7-8pm Drone Surveillance Presentation. Charlotte Public Library, Charlotte. This presentation offers a basic overview of the history of surveillance in the U.S.,  privacy laws, surveillance drone technology, and what to expect from the growing access to and use of this technology followed by a Q&A and discussion of local actions including next steps. This event is being presented by Charlotte Library as part of their community outreach program, the Will Miller Chapter of Green Mountain Veterans for Peace, and the Peace & Justice Center. Refreshments will be provided! FREE. Email Kyle or call 802-863-2345 x6 for more info.
Thursday, January 28
  • 6-8pm "This Changes Everything" Film Screening. Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington. "This Changes Everything" is a documentary inspired by Naomi Klein's book  by the same name. It presents the impacts of climate change on communities  around the world, and Klein's ideas about how we can use the climate crisis  to transform our economic system. More info here.
  • 7-8:30pm Screening of "Merchants of Doubt" documentary film. Ilsley Library, Middlebury. If you'd like to have a showing in your congregation or community, contact VTIPL: Watch the trailer and find out more at this website
  • Happy 37th Anniversary to the Peace & Justice Center!
Monday, February 1
  • 6:15pm-8pm Burlington-Bethlehem-Arad Sister City Committee meeting. Miller Center, 130 Gosse Court, Burlington. For more info call 802-865-7272.
Peace & Justice Store

Peace & Justice Center
(802) 863-2345 | |
60 Lake St Ste 1C
Burlington, VT 05401