Taking AIM Newsletter

This past Sunday, a pastor was attacked. Please pray for him, but also, don't lose courage. Please read. (Disclaimer: below is an image of an actor to convey persecution. We will not show real pastors in this e-mail thread)

Our Pastor in India was Attacked - The Story

There were men watching Pastor D, and they knew he converted people to follow Jesus. Sunday, December 4th, he rode his motorcycle back home from a prayer meeting. The men watching saw him riding and jumped on their motorcycles to pursue him. Devilal saw them get closer and closer. As they got an arm's reach away, they hit his cycle with theirs, and Pastor D fell off. After the fall, Pastor D received kicks and punches from the men. They mocked him for converting people to Jesus. The villagers from afar saw this happening and called an ambulance. Pastor D woke up in the hospital with multiple fractures in his legs. He had surgery and now has a rod going through his legs as a result. Pray for his recovery and the safety of all local missionaries in India. Pray for Pastor D and his safety. Another way to help is by investing in our National Leader Fund, so we can continue to support Pastor D and other pastors with medical expenses, care, legal expenses, and training.

National Leader Fund

Encouraging Word for You and for Our Leaders

Our president, Finny Mathews, has an update and an encouraging word for you. If God is for us, who can be against us?


Hidden Heroes Safe Group Sign-up

If you have not already, sign-up for Hidden Heroes Safe Group. It is your opportunity to hear and see stories of our local missionaries in persecuted regions while keeping their identities safe. We will drop a new episode soon!

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