Pastor Connection January 9, 2025

A Note From Pastor Randy

Over the recent holidays, the norovirus struck our household. According to the

Cleveland Clinic, norovirus is a group of viruses that cause severe vomiting and diarrhea. It’s a very common and contagious illness. You get the infection through close contact with someone who has the virus, touching contaminated surfaces, or it will typically spread when someone who has the virus touches food before serving it to someone else. You can take precautions by washing your hands often with soap and water, washing fruits and vegetables, cooking food thoroughly, and avoiding contact with people who are infected.

The outbreak of the norovirus reminded me of Peter Steinke’s book Healthy

Congregations: A Systems Approach. Steinke argues that the church is a living organic body that functions much like the human body. There are viruses, Steinke calls them “stressors” that can infect a congregation. Among the many examples he gives are a steady loss in membership, intense staff conflict, downturn in financial contributions, griping as a normative way of behavior, nothing really getting done, a sense of boredom or depression, and a feeling

of hopelessness.

As precautions against such viruses or stressors, or when they do come, Steinke suggests that healthy congregations exhibit seven health promoters.

1. Healthy congregations are purposeful congregations. They keep asking, What is God calling us to be?

2. Healthy congregations use their resources and strengths to manage conflict. They do not let conflict fester.

3. Healthy congregations are always working on clarity, whether clarity of beliefs, direction, or responsibility.

4. Healthy congregations have a mood and tone that is energized. Their interactions are charged with spontaneity, intensity, and whole-hearted involvement.

5. Healthy congregations are invested in the growth of people, growth in maturity and servanthood.

6. Healthy congregations renew and regenerate themselves. Their strengths and resources carry them through their woundedness.

7. Healthy congregations focus on the healing resources, not the disease process. Examples of resources include respectful relationships, good communication, and emphasis on stewardship.

As we look ahead to 2025, we do so as a healthy congregation. Which of the above health promoters can you be a part of in this new year?

2025 Per Capita

The 2025 per capita has been set by the Presbytery of North Central Iowa at $46 per member. Please designate “per capita” on your check and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office.

What is per capita? The official definition is: “Per capita is an opportunity for all communicant members of the Presbyterian church through the governing bodies [mid councils] to participate equally, responsibly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of coordination and evaluation of mission; and of performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions that identify a

Reformed Church, while at the same time strengthening the sense of community among all Presbyterians” (GA Minutes, Part I, 1995).

In essence: Per capita is a set amount of money (apportionment) per member that congregations pay to the larger Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Said another way, it is a Presbyterian Covenant Community Fund — part of the glue that holds Presbyterians together. Because every Presbyterian shares in the benefit of the PC(USA)’s system of government, the expenses associated with coordinating and performing the functions of that system should be shared by everyone as well.

Thank you for your support of per capita!

Christmas Joy Offering

Thank you all for your generous donations to the Christmas Joy Offering. First Church raised $513.

Each year during the Advent and Christmas season, we lift up past, present, and future leaders of the church. God has blessed the church with incredible leadership in every time and place, but those leaders often need to be supported by their communities as well. This Offering provides support for Presbyterian church workers and their families in their time of need and leadership development and education for communities of color at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color.

Winter Weather

As we come into the winter season, it is important to note our building closure policies. In the event of a Sunday service being canceled, Pastor Randy will consult with the Clerk of Session to make the call of closure. This will be communicated on KWWL as well as an email sent out.

The office will close when the Waterloo Schools are closed.

We wish everyone a safe winter!

Heifer International

Thank you to everyone who donated to Heifer International this season! $630 was raised to go towards eradicating poverty and empowering our neighbors! These funds will be matched 100%.

Heifer's Mission

We work to end hunger and poverty in partnership with the communities we serve. Our programs support entrepreneurs around the world, creating lasting change from the ground up. It begins with a seed investment of livestock or agriculture, followed by mentorship to help project participants build a business, and ultimately to gain access to supply chains and markets.

These families are able to earn a living income and continuously lift up their communities as they train the next generation of leaders.

By supporting and training the world's farmers, ranchers, and female business owners, we're investing in a new breed of success.


We are now live streaming our Worship Services every Sunday! The stream will start at 10:00 am on Sundays, and you can view it live on our YouTube channel wherever you have internet access!

If you are unable to watch the service live, the video will be recorded and you can watch at any time by clicking on the video on the YouTube page. The link is (Click Here) The video will also be posted on our Facebook page and the website on Monday mornings.

You can also find the link to the YouTube page on the church website.

Please click HERE for the Sunday bulletin.

We look forward to worshiping with you every week!

Church Calendar


Friday Jan. 10: Gift of Life Worship Practice Gym

Sunday Jan. 12: 10:00 am Worship Service Sanctuary

11:30 am Gift of Life Service Gym

5:00 pm Sunday Supper Fellowship Hall

Monday Jan. 13: 6:00 pm NECC Painting Class Fellowship Hall

Tuesday Jan. 14: 9:00 am Bible Study

10:00 am Staff Meeting Church Office

10:30 am Deacons

12:00 Noon Stewardship and Finance Church Office

Wednesday Jan. 15: 9:30 am PW Meeting

6:00 and 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsals Sanctuary

Friday Jan. 17: Gift of Life Worship Practice Gym

Sunday Jan. 19: 10:00 am Worship Service Sanctuary

11:30 am Gift of Life Service Gym

5:00 pm Sunday Supper Fellowship Hall

Pulpit Flower Volunteers Needed

We are accepting donations of flower arrangements for our Sunday Services. We currently have January 26th, and February 2nd, 9th,16th, and 23rd available. If you would like to donate, please contact Amber in the office to find a date that works for you. You can call the office or email Amber directly. 319-233-6145 or Alternatively, you can let Nancy Valentine know on Sundays after service and she will relay your information to Amber. Thank you!

Elder Standing Team Assignments 


Stewardship and Finance:  Nancy Newhoff 

Mission and Outreach: Sally Davis, Mallory Sage, Sue Albright 

Christian Nurture and Fellowship:  Terry Sage, Dan Davis 

Worship and Music:  Marsha Muir, Sally Davis 

Personnel: Dan Davis 

Building and Grounds: Craig Cose 

Church Prayer List

With Our Sympathies:

Karen Horsfall, Jan Bellinger's friend, has passed away after a hard fight with cancer. We offer prayers of peace to Jan and the family.

New to the Prayer List:

Karen Dew

Dragan Rudic

Ongoing/Continuing Prayers:

Dee May

Marge Polacek

Janice Bellinger

Evelyn Boice

Pat & Kari Narey

Jan Schwab

Steve Miller

Prayer for Member Households:

Andy Frerichs

Gloria Frerichs

Dave & Peg Frushour

Prayer in the Presbytery:

First Presbyterian Church, 221 Main St., Maxwell, IA 50161

CRE Adrian McMullen

Prayer for Local Church:

New Living Hope Apostolic Church, 223 E. 4th St., Waterloo, IA 50703

District Elder Roderick Jones

Click HERE for their website

 Add to the Prayer List

Click HERE to submit a prayer request online. Our pastors will be praying for you and sharing concerns with the congregation as requested.

Online Giving

Make a secure donation online using your phone's camera with this QR code. Tell us in the "notes" if you would like to designate your gift.

Thank you for your generosity.

Church Family Birthdays

We celebrate our members with birthdays in January. If you get a chance, please join us in wishing them a very happy birthday!


02 Brad DeSerano

04 Jackie Bass

05 Donna Beaver, Rick Mananga,

Dianna Powell

06 Breanna Nieland

07 Marie Fernau

11 Billie Hesse, Terry Sage

12 Mary Kabel

13 Tristan Euritt

14 Beth Klann

15 Tom Christensen

16 Zachary Pruis

18 Sue Bickley, Alex Matthias, Jennifer Smith

22 Steve Miller, Nancy Newhoff, Ethan Smith

26 Erich Jaeger

27 Jennifer Bass, Libby Whyte

31 Stacy Robinson, Mike Shea

First Presbyterian Church 505 Franklin St | Waterloo, IA | 319-233-6145 |

Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am to 4:00pm

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